Nerves use electrical impulses to transmit signals from the brain. Thermodynamics say that electrical impulses must produce heat. Experiments find that heat isn’t produced. Could it be that electricity is transmitted through a superconductive medium?

The action potentials of the brain are electric phenomena and they are not waves that cause mechanical vibrations. This is a fact that is affirmed in a wide and extensive literature. The assertions that contradict this are just plain absurd and reveal the complete inadequacy or even interest in the literature on neuroscience.

The production of heat by Axons is in line with the Hodgkin-Huxley universally accepted model of action-potential propagation.

This article provides a literature review and a refutation by experiment of these assertions:

Comment on’Penetration of Action Potentials during Collision in the Median and Lateral Giant Axons of Invertebrates”

E.T.: In response other questions, several studies attempted to quantify the amount of heat generated by an action potential over the 50s and 60s. Since the temperature fluctuations are extremely small, these tests were difficult and not conclusive. The most accepted model predicts a tiny net heat production from currents generated by resistances. Entropy changes within the membrane caused by depolarization/repolarization will cause transient absorption and release of heat.

The interest in the production of heat was largely gone following the time the protein HH channels were discovered and sequenced.


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