What makes a good electronics and communications engineer?

In the beginning, you must be aware of what it is Electronics. It might sound like a silly question. Try explaining this to someone who doesn’t have any knowledge of electronics without using terms such as “Diode”, “Transistor”, “Circuit”,”IC”, “Microprocessor”. etc.

In the second place, Electronics is a branch of Electrical. Make sure you are proficient on Electrical Fundamentals like Ohm’s Law (V=IR), Power Law (P=VI). Again, don’t be fooled by me when I talk to students from the ECE pupils for electronic Jobs over 90 percent of ECE students are able to apply Ohm’s law.

Simple Ohm’s law problem What is the voltage at point B.

Simple Power law question: What is the value of Current I.

Third, Understand the Basic Transistor Circuit. Find the value of Vo and change the value of Rc to 3K and find the value of Vo

Fourth, understand the Digital Circuit thoroughly from AND, OR,NOT gates to Microprocessors.

Fifth, learn the C language in depth. It is a straightforward rule set in the work of Dennis Richie. It is possible to master the C language in the short amount of time.

Sixth, Master C programming skill. This is the most important ability for ECE students of today. If you don’t have this ability, you’ll be unable to get into core companies in electronics.

Seventh, Purchase a microcontroller kit and then apply the C programming skills to create excellent electronic projects on your own without copying one word of code the internet, book or friends.

These steps will enable you eligible for an opportunity in the Electronics Industry.

Make sure you understand that Core Industries Basics is the most important thing. Learn the fundamentals.

Here’s the solution to the questions.

Ohm’s law problem 2V
Power law issue – 0.5A
Fundamental Transistor Circuit Issue 1.4V (2K) and 0.V (3K)

Best of luck.

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