How to Obtain Import Dairy License In Uruguay

Obtain Import Dairy License In Uruguay By Online

  1. Visit an office for the Directorate General of Livestock Services (DGSG).
  2. Fill out a form at the front desk.
  3. Make the payment.

Required Documents For Obtain Import Dairy License

  • Completed form (import milk license)

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Livestock Directorate General for Agriculture and Fisheries of Livestock Services
Telephone: 59 2410 4155 internal 416


Import Dairy License Fee: $94


An Import Dairy License is good for 60 days.

Processing Time

The process for obtaining an import dairy license could take up to 5 days.

The Document is required

The following are the steps to follow for obtaining an import dairy licence in Uruguay. The license permits dairy imports into Uruguay.

External Links

Import of Dairy:



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