Compost Calculator, Formula, Calculation & Example

Compost Calculator

For a healthy lawn or garden, compost is an essential component. To calculate the amount of compost required for your project, no matter how big or small, use our compost calculator. To determine the amount of mulch required for your area, you might also be interested in our mulch calculator or our spacing calculator which will help you plan the dimensions and spacing of your garden.

What is compost?

Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed. It primarily includes plant products such as apple cores and leaves. When plant waste products are piled together, they naturally breakdown and create a rich source of nutrients that feeds the soil microorganisms. Compost is useful for large-scale agriculture and lawns. It improves the health and growth of plants. Our compost calculator will help you determine how much compost is needed for your yard.

Why compost?

Compost can improve the quality of your soil, and lead to healthy plants. Compost is rich in nutrients which are good for plants. It also boosts the food web within your soil, including earthworms, small battiers, and fungi. These organisms are essential to soil health. A well-balanced food Web will help your plants absorb nutrients more efficiently, and may even make them more resistant to disease. Compost can be used as a source of nutrients, which reduces the need to use chemical fertilizers. This will help protect local lakes, rivers, oceans, and other natural resources. Compost enriches soil and decreases compaction. This reduces irrigation, improves drainage, and reduces stormwater runoff.

How much compost should be added to the soil?

Mixing pure compost with your soil is the best way to go. You should choose a 25% soil mixture. Mix about 1-2 inches compost into the top 6-8 inch of soil if you’re working in a garden, raised beds, or new lawn. You should add 1/4 to 1/2 inch of compost to an existing lawn. For those who are only creating a mixture for application, you should add 25% compost to the soil.

How can I figure out how much compost I will need?

How much compost will I need? First, determine the area that you wish to cover. Simply enter the area’s length and width into the compost calculator. Next, determine the depth compost you need. This amount can be entered manually into our compost calculator if you are certain. If you’re unsure of the amount, you can select your situation (HT0_ garden or raised, new grass, established lawn), and we will fill it for you. You may need a medium or high amount of compost depending on the soil quality. Our program will calculate the amount of compost you need!

Use this calculator to calculate compost.

Imagine that you’re creating a garden measuring 10 feet by 5ft in size. You will need to add a lot of compost to your soil if the soil quality is poor.

Area = 10 ft x 5 ft = 50 sq. Area = 10 feet x 5 feet = 50 sq.

Two inches of compost is required for a new garden that has a high compost content.

Volume = 50 sq. Volume = 50 sq.

Calculate the amount of compost required for an existing lawn.

Let’s suppose your lawn needs some attention. You are aerating your lawn and want it to be reseeded. The lawn measures 110 feet by 80ft in size. This is a large lawn that you can mow!

Area = 110 * 80 = 8,880 sq feet

You will only be adding 1/2 inch to an existing lawn.

Volume = 8.800 sqft * 1/2 inch = 13.6 cu. yards or 367 cu. feet

How can I measure compost?

The usual measurement of compost is in cubic yards and cubic feet. It is common to buy compost in large quantities for large-scale production. If you’re buying small quantities of compost for your home garden, it will be available at a local hardware or garden store in 1-cubic-foot bags. The easiest way to determine how many bags to purchase is to use the compost calculator in cubic feet. You can also use the advanced mode to get an approximate weight. A 1-cubic-foot bag usually weighs around 40 pounds.

What is the cost of compost?

The compost calculator allows you to input the compost cost per cubic meter or 1-cubic feet bags. Prices for compost can vary depending on where you purchase it, the content and how many you buy. However, an average cost of a 1-cubic-foot bag is $5

Based on the examples, eight bags of 1-cubic-foot compost would cost $40 and $1,833, respectively, to cover the entire lawn. You will be able to negotiate a lower price if you buy compost in bulk.

What do you know? You can also make compost at home for free!

Home composting

Making your own compost is a great way to reduce food waste, lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduce your dependence on chemical fertilizers, create useful products for your garden , and increase your lawn’s value. Composting can also help you save money by reducing your trash and preventing you buying compost from the store.

Although it may seem daunting to start your own compost, there are many resources available online that will help you plan how you compost and what you shouldn’t. You can make a small or large compost depending on your circumstances.

What are you allowed to include in your compost?

  • You can add dry leaves, grass clippings and garden waste to your Christmas tree, provided you cut it into small pieces.
  • Food scraps: Vegetable and fruit scraps, eggshells, and coffee grounds. No meats or dairy products, and no other items containing oils or fats.
  • Even paper can be recycled in your compost bin. However, it is best to cut it into smaller pieces so it will decay more quickly.

You can compost for your garden, your pocketbook and the planet. So get out there today and make some compost! You can also check your eco-footprint with our bag footprint, plastic footprint and flight carbon footprint.


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