How does electricity work? Why does it produce heat?

Simple version:

All wires contain movable electricity. All metals have movable electricity. A block of copper acts as a “water tank”, where electrons can flow.

A Coulomb of electric power is similar to a gallon water. It can move from one place to the next. We don’t “generate” or destroy water as we use it. The same goes for electricity. We only move it about, but we don’t create or consume electricity. Both electricity and water can flow in complete circular motions. The water will flow in a closed loop if it is stirred in a large bucket. Use magnets to stir up the copper. It flows in a circular pattern! It flows in a circle!

When we melt the ends of a piece of metal together to make a circle out of it, we can create an electric “drive belt”. Although the wire isn’t able to move, the wire’s long loop of electricity can flow. The wire’s electricity can only flow when it moves in a closed circle like a spinning flywheel or rubber belt or stirred water bucket.

We could turn the entire ring of electricity through the wire loop if we had an electricity-pump. The entire circle would move if the pump was present. Although the wire is still in place, its internal electricity moves like an invisible belt. This would work even if the metal band was 1000 miles long.

This is why it’s so confusing to see electric circuits. There are no tiny bubbles or dirt in the electricity inside wires, unlike water pipes. You can see the water moving through a plastic pipe. However, we cannot see electricity moving.

No, electricity is not an energy source.

Instead, electricity moves in complete circles and there is no gain or loss. Electricity can’t be destroyed or created. It is as simple as stirring a bucket to “create an electrical current”. We just turned the water around to create current, but it was already there. Circuitry allowed the electricity to be created inside the copper loop. Instead of creating electricity, we “created current” when the wires’ electricity starts moving.

There are two main types of electricity pumps. These are known as generators and batteries. A battery can be placed in a closed loop of metal and will produce a rapid flow of electricity. It’s called a short circuit. The wire heats up!

Okay, now you need an electricity pump known as a generator. The generator pumps the electricity from the wires by waving a magnet close to the wire. The generator can be connected to an existing wire loop. The generator’s shaft can be spun using a steam engine. Next, insert a thin wire into the metal loop. The wire becomes hot. The steam engine owners will then send you a bill detailing the “electricity pumping services” they provided.


The electricity in the thinner wire will travel faster if we take our metal rings and thin it down. The thin wire that is heating up more than the rest of a loop of electricity will cause it to move. This acts bit like “electricity-friction,” and it’s a friction which makes the entire loop of electricity slow down as one. Now you understand how light bulbs and electric heaters work.


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