How much math is involved in electrical engineering?

It is built on a mathematical framework, just like other things in STEM fields.

It will depend on which job you are working on whether you will be explicitly doing math.

However, engineering is a complex field that requires mathematics to understand. Even though I could use simulation software 100% of my time, I still would need to be familiar with the mathematics behind it to be able understand the relationships between variables and physical phenomena.

An EE degree requires you to take many math classes, including linear algebra, differential equations and advanced calculus. These courses do not stop at math. These concepts will be applicable to engineering courses. Engineering courses may require you to learn new math. Signal analysis, for example, teaches us Fourier and Laplace transforms.

Nearly every problem that you will encounter in an EE program requires math to solve. Even in purely programming courses you may need to use Boolean algebra, trigonometry, algebra, etc.

Electrical Engineering requires a lot math. Most EE students have taken the highest level of math courses in high school, and if not they took it later. This shouldn’t be a concern. It’s possible for anyone who is willing and able to work hard. It is not a skill that only the most gifted can master.


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