How to Adopting a child In Ireland

Adopting a child In Ireland By Online

If you’re interested in finding out more regarding adoption in Ireland you can contact the Health Service Executive (HSE) Local Health Office.


In Ireland it is mandatory for a person to be adopted you must be 21 years old and a resident of the State. If the child is adopted by a couple who are married and one of the parents is the mother or father or parent of the child only one of them has to reach 21,.

The following people are able to adopt the following:

  • A couple who are married and living together
  • A couple living together. The consent of the other spouse to adopt has to be obtained regardless of whether the couple is separately and separated pursuant to an order of the court or deed of separation or the spouse who is not a part of the couple has retreated from the potential adoptive parent, or the conduct of one spouse is causing the potential adoptive parent for good reason and just cause, leaving the other spouse.
  • The father, mother, or any other relative to the child (relative which means a grandparent, brother or sister, uncle or an aunt or the spouse of such person, with the connection with the child disproving back to the father or mother);
  • Widow or widower
  • A single applicant who is not part of one of the categories mentioned above is only able to adopt when an Adoption Authority is satisfied that given the specific situation it is appropriate. It is not feasible for two people who are not married to adopt together.

There are no legally-enforceable upper age requirements for adopting parents. However, the majority of adoption agencies have their own standards.


  • If you are considering adopting children, be it in Ireland or in another country The next step would be to call the nearest HSE Adoption Service.
  • If you’re eligible and have completed an in-depth analysis of your ability to adopt, and you have successfully placed a child with you An request for an Adoption Order is submitted by the Adoption Authority of Ireland, an unofficial statutory body along with The Adoption Authority will process the adoption application and then issue an adoption decision in the proper time. If you’re adopting overseas, the procedure is longer. The law that governs adoption is known as the Adoption Act 2010.
  • Since adoption is a complicated legal process, it’s beneficial to know the fundamentals of law governing adoption.
    • The HSE is the authority in charge under the Adoption Act 2010, for the handling in domestic adoptions. Accredited bodies work in conjunction with the HSE in all aspects of adoption and will carry out the actions for which they are accredited.
    • The Adoption Order secures in law the legal position of the child within the family of adoptive parents. The child is considered by laws as being the children of adoptive parents, as if they was birthed by their parents. The legal adoption process is permanent.
    • Applications of Adoption Orders are made to the Adoption Authority.
    • The law permits adoption of children and orphans born outside of marriage (including under certain situations, children whose biological parents later marry). In rare cases it is possible for the High Court can authorise the adoption of children whose parents fallen short of their duty to duty of care to them (this could be children born in marriage).

Step-parent adoption

  • A step-parent adoption is when the kid is adopted by an couple who are married with one being the parent who is the natural father to the baby (usually mommy) and the other not. The natural parent as well as the step-parent need to adopt the child to ensure that the natural parent is not losing rights and obligations to the child. If the child was born in an earlier marriage, and the parent who was natural has been married since divorce or death of a spouse and the child is legally eligible to be adopted. More information about step-parent adoptions on the website of the Adoption Authority.


  • The parent/guardian’s consent of the child for an adoption is legally required. If the child was born without a marriage contract, and the father does not have powers of guardianship, only the mother’s consent is required. According to the legislation on adoption however birth fathers are being sought out (if feasible) concerning adopting their kids. If the parents aren’t legally married, and where the father doesn’t have legal guardianship rights, his permission is not required for adoption. However the father’s consent is required when he marries the mother following having given birth to the child, or the child is named guardian or has custody granted to the child through a the court.
  • The father, mother (where he is the guardian) or any other guardian of legal status must provide an initial consent or acceptance to the placement of an infant for adoption through an adoption agency that is approved. He/she then must give their acceptance to the creation and execution of the Adoption Order. The consent can be withdrawn at anytime prior to the making an Adoption Order.
  • If the mother is unable to permission or turns down consent that she has already given to the adopting parents, they can submit a petition in the High Court for an order. When the judge is convinced that the decision is best in interest for the child in question, they will issue an order granting parental custody to the parents who adopted them for a certain period of time and allowing an Adoption Authority to dispense with the mother’s approval to the adoption and execution of an Adoption Order.
  • If a mother alters her mind on adoption prior to the issue of an Adoption Order, but the adopting parents do not agree to let go of their child to her, the mother can pursue legal action to get custody of the baby transferred to her.
  • If you make an Adoption Order is issued the birth certificate is issued to the child. Although it’s not a real birth certificatebut it is given the legal status of one for legal reasons. It provides dates of birth, an Adoption Order, the date of Adoption Order and the names and addresses of the adoptive parents. It is identical in all respects to the birth certificate.
  • The process of the process of adopting a child is extensive and can take at least one year. If you’ve contacted the nearest HSE Adoption Service, you will be invited to an informational session, along with other couples who are interested, to understand the process during the process of adoption. If you’d like to proceed with the adoption process, you must request the appropriate forms to be sent.


  • Adoptees need to contact one of the recognized Adoption Societies (see the contact details below) or to their nearest HSE Adoption Service. Although there is a lawful right to be assessed for adoptions across borders however, there is no requirement to assess domestic adoption. Candidates who are being assessed by an adoption agency must undergo an extensive evaluation. The assessment is conducted during a certain duration ranging between 9 and 15 months, and sometimes even longer. The aim of this test is to determine the whether applicants are suitable as potential adoptive parents. The test is conducted through one social workers at the agency. It consists of home visits as well as interviews. When the application is related to couples who are married and the couple is married, there will be private and conjoint interviews. The social worker will talk about the past and/or current relationships, motivations for adoption, expectations of the child, as well as the capacity to assist a child improve their understanding and knowledge of their family background. Every applicant must take a medical exam.
  • If you’re planning to adopt an overseas child the evaluation will include considerations of the child’s background cultural and the possibility of special needs.


  • The social worker prepares an report that goes before the agency committee , or (HSE) Area committee and an agency committee or (HSE) Area committee and a decision is taken.
  • If you’re adopting in Ireland but not in Ireland, you won’t be able to access the report.
  • If you’re adopting in another country the social worker you are adopting with will discuss the contents of the report with you, and you’re allowed to bring up any concerns you’d like. Should the Social Worker is in agreement to the report, it will be altered. Should the social worker doesn’t accept the mediation decision you are able to include a written response to the issue that is disputed, and will be presented before the panel. You have the right to appeal any recommendation/decision made.

Adopting in Ireland

    • When your petition is accepted then you’ll most likely be waiting for a long period before you can have a baby. If a baby is offered an application for adoption must be submitted in writing to the Adoption Authority, along with your medical records, personal information along with three referees. This Adoption Authority has statutory responsibility for approving placements as well as regulating agencies. Social workers from the Adoption Authority will visit you twice. Authority visits you two times prior to when the Adoption Order is made. It usually takes six to twelve months take a domestic adoption application to the point where it is at a point where the Adoption Authority has the confidence enough to create the Adoption Order.

If you receive the Adoption Order is finally made the applicant will appear to an Adoption Authority and give sworn documents proving your authenticity and your eligibility. Additionally, you will be provided with details on how you can get the birth certificate of the child. The birth certificate is expected to be made available to you at the Registrar General’s Office within four weeks.

Required Document For Adopting a child

  • Adoption is the procedure by which an infant becomes part of a family. It establishes a long-lasting legal and legal connection that is legal between adoptive parents as well as the child.
  • In recent times, adoptions in Ireland are becoming more rare and many potential parents seek adoption abroad in order to adopt children. This is known as inter-country adoption.



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