How to Apply Benefits for Poor Adult under Path Programme In Jamaica

 Apply Benefits for Poor Adult under Path Programme In Jamaica By Online

Application In Person

  1. In order to apply for Benefits for low-income adults as part of the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH), you need to send your request to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS). Check out the MLSS contact information on this hyperlink: Link
  2. Contact the MLSS office in the Parish of residence to finish the application procedure.
  3. You are required to supply the Demographic as well as other socio-economic details for your relatives. this information will be recorded in BIS. Beneficiary Identification (BIS) system. (BIS)
  4. The information that is entered into BIS BIS can be utilized to determine the score of the family in BIS Proxy Means Test. BIS Proxy Means test.
  5. If your family receives an average score of or less than the cut-off level that is used to determine the benefits, you will be considered
  6. If you are selected and you have been selected, the MLSS will plan a home visit to confirm the information you gave during the interview process.
  7. At the time of the date set, MLSS will send the responsible officials to conduct due diligence on the data regarding your family members
  8. If your information is verified and you meet the requirements, you will be registered to start receiving the grant via the appropriate method, i.e. postal office, bank or electronically deposit

Required Documents For Apply Benefits for Poor Adult under Path Programme 

  • Valid ID for the Family Head.
  • The Family Head is a TRN
  • Birth Certificates for every child who reside within the household
  • Birth Certificates for adults 60 and older who reside in the household

Office Locations and Contacts

Address: 1F North Street, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies
Tel: (876) 922-9500-9
Fax: (876) 922-6902/ (876) 922-0996

Social Security Division
Address: 14 National Heroes Circle, Kingston 4, Jamaica, West Indies
Tel: (876) 922-8000-2
Fax: (876) 924-9639
MLSS contact details: Link


  • Head of a household consisting solely of individuals who are older than of 18 but less than 60 years old is eligible to apply.


  • The application is completely free.


  • The benefits are given to families for a period of four years. After that, you will be obliged to re-apply and evaluated for continued eligibility


  • The funds are distributed to applicants who are qualified and in compliance during six bi-monthly cycles throughout the year. The payments are made before or on the 15th day of February, April July, June October, December, and November

The Information You Need

  • Names
  • Family information
  • Contact details
  • Home address

The Document is required

  • The benefits help people who are in need.

External Links



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