How to Apply for a Duplicate Vehicle Carrier Registration Certificate In Ivory Coast

Apply for a Duplicate Vehicle Carrier Registration Certificate In Ivory Coast By Yourself

  • Inform the police
      • Report the theft or loss of your certificate of registration for your carrier at the nearest police station located in the region where you lost your carrier registration certificate. If you don’t know the exact location, go to the nearest police station. You will receive an official report of loss or a certificate.
  • Schedule an appointment
    • (i) In the current corona virus outbreak the Centre of Gestion Integree service(CGI) recommends to all applicants to make an appointment first, through the their website at


  • (ii) Click on the right-hand side of the screen, select Make an appointment. (iii) After that, you’ll be directed to the next page. complete all mandatory fields {accurately with exact ocation, then under formality choose “carte of transportation” , CGI agency that you want to fill out your application for. (i.e. date the time email address, full name, number or identification number of the document) number)(iv) Accept the terms and conditions and click on “To forward” tab. (v) The applicant will be notified confirmation of your appointment which will indicate that the appointment was taken into consideration in the CGI. (vi) If don’t receive any response, make sure you contact CGI and receive confirmation of the appointment through the CGI toll-free numbers 1320, or (+225) 221006929.
  • Make sure you file your application(i) Inspect the local integrated Service Management Center (CGI) office, where you have booked an appointment for the time and date you want. (ii) Go to at the Department of transportation service desk and indicate your interest. complete the application form in detail. (iii) Choose one of the numbers for your ticket control, and wait for the number of your ticket to call. (iv) Complete the form with all necessary evidence (listed in the following) to the official who is in attendance to verify and process. (v) The application fee through the bank that is in-house and you will receive an invoice. (vi) When the visiting official is satisfied that all requirements to fill out the application are met , are issued the certification of registration as a driver within one day.

Required Documents For Apply for a Duplicate Vehicle Carrier Registration Certificate

  • Certificate of loss or police report
  • Valid identification document
  • Copy of the registration document or Damage certification (if available)

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of TransportAbidjan Plateau POSTEL 2001 Building 21st floor and 15th floor, PO
Box 01 BP 739 Abj 01
Phone: (+225) 20344880 / 20344871/20344875 / 20344858
Fax: (+225) 20 34 48 54
Website: Website

Location: Abidjan Cocody Riviera golf 4, Rue E131
Phone: (+225) 22479560
Email address:

Integrated Management Center (Centre de GestionIntegree de service (CGI)
Department of Transportation located in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Address: Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Phone: (+225) 21230740

Integrated Management Center Yopougon (Centre de Gestion Integree de service (CGI)
Motor vehicle department within Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Address: S 608, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Phone: +225 21 23 07 46


  • A person whose registration certificate for a carrier has been damaged, lost, or stolen is able to apply.


The application fee FCFA 15,000

Processing Time

Within 1 day after submitting your application within one day of lodging your

Requirements Information

  • Name of the person who is applying
  • Name of the company
  • Contact details
  • Residential detail
  • Nationality
  • Identification document details
  • A declaration from the applicant
  • Information on the registration of the carrier certificate
  • Date and time of appointment preferred.

The Document is required

      • Administrative document that gives its owner the title of transporter for passengers and goods in the public or private sector.

Duplicate registration certificates for carriers are issued to a person who lost or was an innocent victim to theft or loss of their certificate or has been damaged.

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