How To Apply for a new passport In Albania

How To Apply for a new passport In Albania

  • In order to obtain the passport, every Albanian citizen must visit the post office in their area and pay 6000 (six mille) (six thousand) lek (50)
  • Then, visit an office in the registry of your municipality in which the person is photographed and the fingerprints are digitally recorded.
  • The data gathered are then transferred to the center of manufacturing in Tirana.
  • The concept and method of creating the new Albanian ePassport are made by one civil employee (personal identification, photocopying fingerprints, searching for fingerprints as well as a digital signature) is what makes this document among the most secure and sophisticated worldwide.

Documents that are required new passport

  • Expired Albanian passport, if you own one
  • Birth certificate
  • Albanian ID card
  • An original copy of the birth certificate as well as passport are required to verify that you have Albanian citizenship.

Office Locations and Contacts

For more information of registry office in a municipality visit

What Are All The Eligibility

  • The citizens of Albania are eligible to apply for an Albania passport.


  • Six thousand (six thousands) lek, or (50)


The passport needs to be replaced after 10 years.

Processing Time

  • The passports will be processed in 15 working days of the date that an application is submitted.

Related Videos

Videos that explain the process or to fill out the applications. Upload videos with tags like <&video type="website">width|heightand> from other websites. It is recommended to remove the "and" in the tags at the time of the implementation. Website includes allocine, blip dailymotion facebook, gametrailers, metacafe, googlevideo, html5 revver, myspace, sevenload, viddler Youku, YouTube width equals 560, height equals 340, ID of the video = It is available from the URL of the webpage on which the video is shown. e.g In the following url "" Video ID is "Y0US7oR_t3M".


  • Aged 16 or older are required to submit the biometric identification card they use when applying for a passport renewal
  • Coupons for payment for passports with biometrics are available at post office
  • Citizens who are 16 or older can apply for a biometric passport at when they apply for the biometric identity card.
  • Citizens younger than 16 who wish to apply to obtain a passport with biometrics need to be in the presence of a parent, legal guardian or legal.
  • applicants who are under 16 years must present an application coupon along with an authentic identity document with photos, for example a personal identity certificate

Requirements Information

  • Applicant names
  • Nationality,
  • Birth date
  • Birthplace,
  • Date of issue
  • Address

The Document is required new passport

Albanian passport Albanian passport acts as a document for identity and travel document issued to all citizens who are citizens of Albania and permits travelers to travel internationally. In May 2009 the Albanian government began issuing a biometric passports as well as biometric ID cards for its citizens.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

  • For identification proof
  • For travel to other countries.
  • To prove citizenship

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