How to Apply for a permit for Filming and photographing a National Park and National Reserve In Uganda

Apply for a permit for Filming and photographing a National Park and National Reserve In Uganda By Online

filming within National Parks and National Reserves is governed through the Film and Stage Plays Act (Chapter 222).) Apply In-Person.

  1. Anyone who wants to film or photography on National parks and National reserves must obtain a permit for filming through Uganda Wildlife Authority. Uganda Wildlife Authority in person or through an approved agent. This is the initial step in the process of applying. Go to Uganda Wildlife Authority for Pre-application guidance on how to get an authorization for filming and photographs.
  2. The next step for applicants that are considering filming and taking photographs of the National reserve or park of Uganda is to begin discussions with the photographers or filmmakers to determine the best activities. making a formal application, and following these discussions, the application form must be submitted on UWA’s official application form. UWA Official application form.
  3. The applicant needs to be able to apply for a permit the application letter to the following address:
    • Uganda Wildlife Authority.
    • Communications Manager at UWA Headquarters.
    • Plot 7, Kira Road, Kamwokya.
    • P.O. 3530, Box 3530 Kampala, Uganda.
  4. Uganda Wildlife Authority will acknowledge the receipt of requests within 24hrs and no longer than 48 hours. All film requests should be submitted at minimum 3 weeks before the commencement date of photography or filming.
  5. All film requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the various sensitivities and other commitments of the protected areas but with a flexible approach aimed at helping filmmakers/photographers meet their objectives.
  6. On the basis of the production of a filming/photography permit issued by Uganda Wildlife Authority Uganda wildlife Authority, and following payment of the required filming fees, UWA issues an authorization to film in National Parks and National Reserves under its authority. However, if the number of filming crews is substantial (more than 10 people) and the activities are likely to cause detrimental effects upon the ecosystem, UWA can subject the issue of the authority for filming to conditions it deems appropriate.
  7. Filming or photography applications should be supported by an overview. When a title or subtitle or description, text or synopsis of the film is written in another language than English the licensing officer could demand a translation of the content into English and then attested to his satisfaction, or may request the it for review and report of the people he has the authority to choose to conduct the examination.
  8. Be aware that filming costs do not include camping fees, park entry fees, nor any other service offered by the management of the park.
  9. All filming costs must be paid out in advance following approval.
  10. After approval, the director will subject the film maker to all conditions required for better control of film.
  11. Film producers must submit to the appropriate park warden prior to filming. and must respect the park’s rules and regulations.
  12. The licensing officer is able to at his discretion issue or deny an authorization for filming or photography, in the event that an application has been submitted by him in accordance with this Act or may issue it with the requirement that a police officer with a rank or higher than that as Inspector or another person designated for this purpose from the officer who is licensing must be present during the time of filming and subject to any other conditions as the licensing officer may consider.
  13. Prior to granting a photography or filming license the licensing officer could ask the applicant to sign an agreement to sign a contract, either with or without the use of sureties, in the amount (not more than the amount that can be prescribed)as the officer in charge of licensing will require, to guarantee it is guaranteed that the movie, in so in the manner it is produced according to the guidelines to
    • the terms (if there are any) that are in the license the license’s conditions (if any)
    • the description, the text, and any other details provided in the form of text, description and other information to the officer responsible for licensing including any modifications or modifications for which permission was granted pursuant to section 7 of this Act.
  14. The licensing officer regarding the application is acknowledged on the filming licence If permission is granted, it will be endorsed any condition that are included in the permission

Required Documents For Apply for a permit for Filming and photographing a National Park and National Reserve

  1. A valid passport.
  2. Filming license.
  3. Rifle details.
  4. Passport for filming.
  5. Filming equipment Details.
  6. A formal letter of request.
  7. Completed application form to be included.
  8. List of crew members who are from outside the country including names and nationalities, passport numbers and expiration dates of passports.
  9. Synopsis, script or storyboard
  10. A list of the equipment that will be brought in for shooting purposes The value of each piece of equipment etc.

Office Locations and Contact

Uganda Wildlife Authority(UWA)
Plot 7, Kiira Rd, Kamwokya
P.O. 3530 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 414 355 000
Fax: +256 414 346 291
Website:Uganda Wildlife Authority


  • All foreigners and residents of Uganda who have a filming license or permit are eligible.
  • Foreign tourists must possess the tourist visa


Filming charges

  • In less than 30 minutes, More than 30,000 UGSHS
  • 30-60 minutes , 40,000 UGSHS
  • 60-90 minutes for 50,000 UGSHS
  • Over 90 minutes, 70,000 UGSHS
  • Mountain Gorilla Permit filming fee $4000 for the filming Bwindi inaccessible forest.
  • Chimpanzee Permit Filming Fees: $1050 within Kimbale Forest.
  • The cost for each crew member’s permit is $700
  • Each crew member on the free team must pay 40 percent on their Gorilla Permit each day.
  • Gorilla trekking permit $280
  • Uganda Wildlife Authority charges Ugsh.15000 per day for Liaison Officers ‘ services offered by a Liaison Officer of the Government who is associated with the team
  • The filming fee does not include park entrance fees , nor any other services provided by the management of the park.
  • The filming fee must be paid out in advance following approval.


Valid for 3 to 6 months

Documents to Utilize

Application Form

Processing Time

Processing time for processing is between 2 and 3 months.


  • For any Arial shooting, permission must be obtained from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF).
  • An accreditation from the Media Centre is required prior to any filming done.
  • All footage or photographs that is intended for news or current events must be cleared by the Public Relations Manager at UWA.
  • The crew who film the program is required to send UWA with UWA at minimum two copies on DVD of the Program in broadcast form, to be delivered following the initial broadcast. UWA is permitted to utilize these DVDs solely to make educational and non-profit for non-profit purposes only.”

Requirements Information

  1. Nom of applicant (individual or Organization)
  2. Address (Postal)
  3. Telephone
  4. Physical physical
  5. Date of incorporation
  6. Name of the company
  7. Principal office location
  8. Production / project title
  9. The type Production type (e.g. Documentary, film, advertisement, feature film etc)
  10. Date of display approximate
  11. Media channel
  12. Name of the publication/TV channel/cinema
  13. The purpose of the film
  14. Names and the role of each members of the crew (attach documents from the passport)
  15. Ugandan production company, or any other business or person in Uganda who will help you in your production.
  16. The type of equipment that will be employed.
  17. Estimated time to deliver 2 copies of your final product.
  18. The filming license
  19. The equipment for filming
  20. Information on safari vehicles that are specially designed for safari,
  21. The tents with the most luxurious features,
  22. Information about food and beverages during filming
  23. Transfers and transports during the filming period
  24. Information about reception services available at departure and arrival at the Airport as well as the complete list of taxes applicable to Government Explorers who are part of the filming group.
  25. Shipping and packing of trophy cases.

The document is needed

  • The applicant for the filming permits in Uganda must do so in Person.
  • The applicant needs to apply for a filming license in Uganda prior to participating in a National Park filming.
  • The applicant needs to obtain an entry pass for filming.
  • When a film in respect that a filming permit has been granted is made in violation of the provisions under paragraph (1) under this article, it is the filmmaker is the owner as well as the promoter and photographer of the film, as well as every other person who is involved in the production films, in addition in the event that the person who holds the filming license is not among the above mentioned persons and the holder is not one of them will be in violation of the law.

Information that could be helpful

  • For specialized tasks like mountain gorilla and chimpanzee films permits for chimpanzee and gorilla must be reserved in advance to allow filming to be secured. From this, the actual costs and dates are calculated.
  • All National Parks in Uganda are managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority which is a semi-autonomous entity that is responsible for providing services to the wildlife of Uganda to ensure the future generations.
  • In order to film at each of the 10 National Parks, you must conclude the agreement of UWA in which a filming agreement is drawn up for the time period of filming.
  • Fixers for Film Crews Uganda aids production companies with finishing filming contracts, which typically take between 2-4 days to finish.

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