How To Apply for a Working Holiday Visa In Australia

How To Apply for a Working Holiday Visa In Australia

  1. The applicant must first choose the type of holiday visa that he or she wants to submit an application for. It could be Working Holiday visa (Subclass 417) or the Work as well as Holiday visa (Subclass 462)
  2. Once determining the type of work holiday visa the applicant needs to determine the possibility of being eligible for the visa. This can be done at the departments website
  3. Prepare and gather any documents that is required by the authority assessing;
  4. You should take medical tests as well as police clearance, and complete an English competency test, if you are mandatory;
  5. Make sure to pay the application fee
  6. Download an application form from in any local Australian consulate, embassy or high commission, or download the suitable application forms from
    1., or
    2. Follow the directions on the form attentively and fill in the form correctly and make sure your application is signed by the applicant and include the date.

Documents Required Working Holiday Visa

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Photos of passports
  3. Valid passport
  4. Documents translated
  5. Medical or health certificate
  6. Health Insurance Certificate
  7. Police clearance certificate
  8. Identification forms / biometrics

Office Locations and Contacts

Australia High commissions, Embassies or consulates across a variety of countries.

Government of Australia, Department of Border Protection and Immigration6 Chan Street
Belconnen ACT 2617
PO Box 25 Belconnen ACT 2616
Telephone: 02 6264 1111
Fax: 02 6225 6970

What Are All The Eligibility

To be considered eligible, a candidate must be at least 18 (18) or older, and must not be thirty-one (31) years old.


$130 $130


The validity of a work holiday visa is different. It can range between to three (3) up to 12 (12) months

Document Samples

The sample application can be viewed at and

Processing Time

Processing times differ in Australia 2 to 5 days.


  1. A candidate must possess a valid passport issued by an eligible country
  2. Make sure you are in compliance with the requirements for age;
  3. Should be of good character (this can be proved by providing a police certificate for every place you’ve resided after you reached the age of 16 (16) year old);
  4. An applicant should not have outstanding debts.
  5. The applicants are not permitted to be accompanied by a dependent;
  6. First (1st) work holiday have to be from outside Australia at the time of application and also when they receive their visa
  7. A work holiday visa may be obtained in Australia or elsewhere;
  8. The second (2nd) visa is issued, the applicant must be at the same location the place he/she had applied for the visa
  9. Candidates should make sure they have all the necessary documents.
  10. A candidate must prove that they have has a solid understanding of English in order to be able to work.
  11. A candidate must have had an education post-high primary school (post-secondary education) as well as
  12. Should also be of good moral character.
  13. All documents that are required must have their translations done into English;

Requirements Information

  1. Name and address of the applicant
  2. Sex and Age
  3. Nationality
  4. Stay duration
  5. Intentional activities

The Document is required Working Holiday Visa

A Australia Work holiday Visa is an approval document that is issued for a person to take a to work and holiday in Australia for up to a full year. To obtain this Australian visa, the applicant must satisfy the standards set for them by The Australian government. This is because the Department of Immigration and Border Protection is the government-approved agency that issues Australian visas. The department issue two types of Working Holiday visas and these are Working Holiday visa also known as Subclass 417, and the Work and Holiday visa (Subclass 462).

This Working Holiday visa is issued to those who are from the countries listed below.

  • Belgium,
  • Canada,
  • Republic of Cyprus,
  • Denmark,
  • Estonia,
  • Finland,
  • France,
  • Germany,
  • Hong Kong,
  • Republic of Ireland,
  • Italy,
  • Japan,
  • Republic of Korea,
  • Malta,
  • Netherlands,
  • Norway,
  • Sweden,
  • Taiwan
  • United Kingdom.

The visa for work and holiday is however granted to those who apply who are

  • Bangladesh,
  • Chile,
  • Iran,
  • Indonesia,
  • Malaysia,
  • Thailand,
  • Turkey
  • in the USA.

Information that can be useful

  1. It is crucial to remember the requirement that all applicants are legitimate travelers and must have enough cash to cover their requirements during their time in Australia and should also purchase a return flight.
  2. Before submitting, check your passport to see to see if it has the minimum amount of blank visa pages. Typically, they are at least two (2) two (2) pages. Australian authorities do not issue visas for extra passport pages Therefore, if an applicant does not have blank pages in his passport, he/ must create a new one prior to sending it in for visa stamping.
  3. It is crucial to remember that anyone who has an exclusive Australian visa cannot apply for a different visa.
  4. Candidates who have passports registered from countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand and in the Republic of Ireland do not require to take an English exam to test their proficiency.
  5. It is possible to take the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test can be administered in your country of origin. or you can go to IELTS’s website at IELTS web site (See the resources) to locate a test location close to you.
  6. Visa applicants must pay all the fees related to health or medical requirements
  7. The holders of this visa can be granted the right to work for longer than 6 (6) months for certain specific areas and, if granted, it must be for shorter than one month.

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • The issuance of a working holiday visa can encourage more cultural exchange and strengthening connections between Australia and the eligible countries.
  • It permits the person to remain temporarily in the countryfor a short period of time;
  • The holder may stay as long as six (6) months within the country
  • The person who holds the position may also continue to study for as long as the period of four (4) month.
  • This can be used to identify card;
  • Skills are imported to the country.
  • The visa holder is allowed to enter and leave the country at any time within the time the visa is in effect.

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