How to Apply for an Air Service License In Niue

Apply for an Air Service License In Niue By Online

  1. Complete an application form to apply for an air service licence and submit it to the Cabinet.
  2. Submit documents.

Office Locations and Contact

Community AffairsDirector Mr. Faapoi AKSI
Librarian Ms Amanda Heka
Contact: PO Box 77, Alofi, NIUE
Telecommunications (683) 4019
Facsimile (683) 4391


A license for air service takes effect at the time stated in the license and is valid for 2 years after that, unless earlier revoked or declared to expire.


A request for an air service license must be made

  • Send it to the Cabinet as well as
  • Include such documents and supporting documents to the application, as Cabinet requires.
  • Cabinet might
    • Refuse an application for an air service licence; or
    • Grant it
    • either in whole or in parts or in whole; and
    • subject to any conditions Cabinet may deem essential to the public good.
  • A licence for air services has required to be in the form that has been approved by Cabinet.

Required Document For Apply for an Air Service License

The following are the steps to follow for applying for an air service licenses in Niue.

Information that could be helpful

Terms of the air service license could be modified during the course of currency

  • Cabinet could decide to make this decision if it considers it in the public’s interest to do such
    • Modify or remove an agreement or term of an air service license or
    • Include a new term or condition to the air service license.
  • Before exercising the power of the subsection (1) The Cabinet has to issue
    • The licensee is
    • Anyone else Cabinet believes could suffer, with at minimum 21 days’ notice of the intent to do so.

External Links

Government of Niue



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