How To Apply for Asylum In Cote Divoire

How To Apply for Asylum In Cote Divoire

  • 1.Upon arriving within the nation, you must visit at the Department of Aid and Assistance to Refugees and Stateless Persons (SAARA) or to any of the partner organisations to be registered. In this situation the asylum seeker must submit an the application along with all needed documents to one of the above offices.
  • 2.The document submitted is analyzed by officers from the Department of Aid and Assistance to Refugees and Stateless Persons (SAARA) or by the office of the partner organisations and they are evaluated by the National Eligibility Commission (NEC). After evaluating the documents, based in those of the International Refugee Laws, decision is taken and the application is either accepted or rejected.
  • 3.When the application has been accepted then the applicant receives an official status as a refugee. documents identifying refugee status are issued.

Documents that are required Apply for Asylum

1.Identification documents of an asylum seeking person

2.Proof of the nationality of the asylum applicant

3.Proof that you are over the age of (for asylum seeker as well as any other person on the application)

4.Marriage certificate (in the case of spouses)

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of Aid and Assistance to Refugees and Stateless Persons (SAARA)

Cocody-Angre 7e tranche Rue L127, Lot 3388, IIot 277

B.P 1225 Abidjan 27

Telephone No. : +225 22 52 29 26

Fax: +225 22 52 29 33



Other contact details of the Department of Aid and Assistance to Refugees and Stateless Persons (SAARA) can be viewed at

What Are All The Eligibility

A candidate must be away from any persecution due to religious, political or ethnic differences within the your country of origin.


Temporary Stay Document 2 000 CFA Francs, which is approximately $4


1.Temporary Stay Documents 6 (6) months

2.Refugee ID Card for five (5) years


1.Applicant must make sure that the reasons provided are valid and solid justifications;

2.Those who have fled their homes after committing a serious offense against humanity cannot given asylum.

3.Applicants should not be in any conflict with any other nation;

4.Before applying, you must be aware of the rules, laws and regulations of your country. You must be prepared to adhere to the rules if you are granted asylum;

5.If an asylum application is accepted, the applicants are advised not to be involved in activities that could be detrimental to the interests of the nation;

6.Approved asylum seekers can apply for naturalization within the country.

7.Identification document are provided to those who are 14 (14) years or more;

Requirements Information

1.Full Name of asylum applicant

2.Sex age, the status of the asylum seeker’s spouse

3.Nationality and the country of residence of the asylum applicant

4.Details of the reason for terror / persecussion

5.Details of dependents (if there are any) as well as spouse (if married) .

Need to have the Document

Asylum is the term used to describe protection provided by the foreign government to foreigners who have run away from their country of origin due to fears of or insecurity of being targeted by authorities. The asylum seekers are seeking asylum in a different country. The refugee issues who are refugees in Cte d’Ivoire are handled by the government via the National Eligibility Commission (NEC) and the Department of Aid and Assistance to Refugees and Stateless Persons (SAARA) in conjunction with partner with international organisations.

Information that could be helpful

  • 1.Applicants must be aware that applications are handled with the guidance by the legal international framework of asylum.
  • 2.Asylum is sought from countries of ECOWAS with passports can be admitted and remain in the court for no more than (3) three (3) months. Therefore, if they would like to stay for longer they can seek residence permits.

Other uses for the document/certificate

1.Issued ID document following approval serves as a residency permit

2.The identity document issued permits asylum seekers to freely move around the country

3.The approved applicant is able to be granted a permit to work

4.Successful applicants are provided with medical and education services for free They are also free to worship and can freely move throughout the country. .

External Links


How To Apply for Asylum In Cote Divoire
How To Apply for Asylum In Cote Divoire



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