How To Apply for Dual Citizenship In Cote Divoire

How To Apply for Dual Citizenship In Cote Divoire

  • Dual Citizenship in Cote D’Ivoire can be gained through two methods i.e.
  • i.Foreigner can obtain Cote DIvoire citizenship, while still retaining the citizenship of his or the country of origin; andii.A person who holds citizenship in Cote DIvoire could acquire citizenship in another country but still be able to retain the citizenship of Cote dIvoire.

Below is a description of how dual citizenship is acquired:

  • 1.Dual citizenship is possible to acquire through birth. In this scenario the kids who were born to Cote d’Ivoire to parents who are foreign can be eligible to apply for Cote d’Ivoire citizenship at birth, along with the citizenship of his or parents.
  • 2.Also a child born broad with minimum one the parents are citizens of Cote d’Ivoire, can acquire the citizenship of Cote d’Ivoire by descent alongside the citizenship of a different country in which the child was born.
  • 3.Dual citizenship can be obtained in the event of adoption. This happens when the child of a foreign country adoptive parent is adoptive by a national from Cote dIvoire, he / could be granted an adoptive parents without having to give up his or her initial nationality.
  • 4.Also foreign women who gets married to a man of Ivory Coast acquires citizenship of the husband during the process of the wedding ceremony and, in this instance, there is no requirement to renounce her citizenship, and she is a dual citizen within the country. In this scenario, the woman who has married must submit an her citizenship application along with the marriage certificates to the Ministry of Justice. This will let the minister to record the marriage ceremony and record it as a of the new citizen.
  • 5.Further citizenship is possible through naturalization. In this instance, the applicant must be able to meet the requirements of naturalization, make an application for citizenship before the justice minister who conducts an investigation to determine eligibility.
  • 6.A citizens of the country of Cote D’Ivoire could become a citizen of a different country by marrying an international citizen. In this scenario, there is no requirement to give up Cote dIvoire citizenship in the event that the country of the husband accepts dual citizenship.

Documents Required Dual Citizenship

  • Documents to identify the applicant
  • Birth Certificate
  • Identification of the nationality that parents have (Birth certificates, passports, or national identity cards)
  • Marriage Certificate (Citizenship through marriage)
  • Police clearance certificate
  • Health certificate
  • Documentation for investment (Applicants of naturalization)
  • Documentation of the residence condition (Applicants of naturalization) such as proof of the utility bill

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Justice

Bloc Ministriel Boulevard Angoulvant, Abidjan Plateau

Telephone: 20 32 07 58

Fax: 20 32 81 01



What Are All The Eligibility

Candidates must be 18 (18) years old, living on the border at the moment of application and satisfy any other criteria.


Valid for a long period of time

Processing Time

Processing takes between 6 months between 6 and 12 months.


  • A candidate must be with a sound mind.
  • A candidate should be of good moral character.
  • You must be in good health.
  • Foreigners must make sure that their countries of origin accept dual citizenship.
  • The applicants must be aware of the fact that being born on the borders of Cote d’Ivoire does not mean that the person automatically obtains citizenship.
  • The only children of an an unidentified parentage within Cote d’Ivoire can automatically acquire citizenship.
  • Candidates must meet the minimum requirement;
  • Candidates who are not yet 18 years old need to obtain permission from parents or guardians
  • The application for citizenship must be made in person
  • When submitting an application, the person applying must reside in the nation at the time of submission;
  • Citizenship by naturalization applicants must have been within the nation for at most 5 (5) five (5) years.
  • Candidates for naturalization to become citizens must also demonstrate you have done substantial investment in the country, or provided a particular service to the nation;

The Information You Need

  • Address and full name of applicant
  • Sex, age and Marital Status
  • Original Nationality
  • The type of citizenship that the applicant would like to obtain

The document is needed

  • Dual citizenship is the possession of two nationalities from two different nations. For Cte d’Ivoire, dual citizenship means having Cte d’Ivoire citizenship along with citizenship in another country.
  • The Cte d’Ivoire law gives the possibility for foreign citizens to gain Cte Ivoire citizenship without having to give up their citizenship of origin. It also allows citizens of Cte Ivoire to obtain the citizenship of a foreign country alongside their own (Cte dIvoire) citizenship; so dual citizenship is possible in Cte d’Ivoire.

Information that could be helpful

It is important to note that an individual may choose to give up Cote D’Ivoire citizenship if wants to. On the other hand, citizenship could be suspended involuntarily when the there is a need.

External Links

How To Apply for Dual Citizenship In Cote Divoire
How To Apply for Dual Citizenship In Cote Divoire


  • 1.It permits an individual to enjoy rights in specified countries;
  • 2.If the country is able to recognize dual citizenship it attracts investors and will bring prosperity to the nation;
  • 3.Cote citizens of the dIvoires who become citizens of a country that they have not voluntarily joined can keep their citizenship



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