How to Apply for Asylum Visa In Mozambique

Apply for Asylum Visa In Mozambique By Online

1.Upon your arrival at the border of the country, search for an immigration or migration authority. This could be any close to the Immigration Service (Servios de Migrao) in the region in which your are declared and you must declare your arrival;

2.After submission to the immigration authorities The authority issue recommendations documents allowing the traveler to Nampula in the area where Maratane camp, the sole authorized location that accepts and is registered for asylum seekers from Mozambique is located.

3.When you arrive at Maratane Camp, present the recommendations to the authorities who will take you to an interim reception center while you wait for your application to be processed;

4.During the application process the documents are inspected and interviews conducted;

5.If accepted by the government, the asylum-seeker is registered on the database for refugees managed by the government. They then assign them to a plot or shelter within the camp. 6.Upon registration, the refugee is issued an identification card by issued by the Government of Mozambique in addition to additionally, to that, the Instituto Nacional de Apoio aos Refugiados (INAR) on behalf of the Government also issues various forms to ease the movement and stay of asylum seekers and refugees throughout the country.

Required  Documents For Apply for Asylum Visa

1.Identification documents of the applicant and any other person who is included on application

2.Proof for nationality the applicant or any other person included on the application

3.Identification documents of anyone who are included in the request (family members)

4.Marriage certificate (in the event that a spouse is included in the form)

5.Proof of parental or guardianship if minors are listed on the application

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Interior

Av. Olof Palme 46/48. Maputo

C.P. 290, Maputo

Telephone: 258-21-303510, 320131/2

Fax: 258-21-420084


Anyone who seeks protection due to the concerns of being charged in home country , where prosecutions are determined by race, nationality or political opinions, or membership in one particular social group.


Valid for up to 4 years.

Processing Time

processing can take one year.


1.An applicant should be prepared to abide by the regulations and rules of the country.

2.Report to the authorities immediately after your arrival in the country

3.Applications can be submitted in person as well as in writing

4.After being registered as an asylum applicant who doesn’t require assistance or who is able to be able to easily leave the camp

5.An applicant should be aware of the restricted areas for refugees.

6.Do not provide false documents or provide false information.

7.Ensure that the cause of the fear is real;

8.Applicants should be aware of the fact that, even after approval, the refugee could be exiled for violating laws.

9.Applicants should be aware the application could be denied or accepted

Requirements Information

1.Name of asylum seeker

2.Sex, age and marital status of the asylum seeker

3.Nationality Asylum seeker

4.Country of origin/nationality of the asylum seeker

5.Details of those who have been included on the application (if there is any)

6.Reasons for escaping the country of your origin

Documentation is needed

Legally, asylum is the safeguard given to a the government of a foreign country who have an unfounded fear of being targeted by the government. The reason for prosecution is determined by race, nationality or political opinions, or membership in one particular social group. It is the Ministry of Interior is the authorized government department that deals with all matters pertaining to refugees and asylum seekers in Mozambique. The Ministry provides its functions via its Immigration Services (Servios de Migrao) and also in collaboration with international organisations. In contrast, Maratane camp in Nampula province is the sole location that accepts and accepts asylum seekers who are new to Mozambique;

Information that can be useful

It is vital asylum seekers to be aware that while the law in Mozambique allows asylum seekers and refugees the same rights as nationals There are certain rights that are restricted with the case of asylum applicants and refugees, for example their mobility and the right to decide where they want to live are restricted. Asylum applicants and refugee in Mozambique are prohibited from living in the capital city of the country (Maputo);

Other uses for the document/certificate

1.Asylum refugees and asylum seekers are entitled to protection.

2.Asylum applicants, whether accepted or not yet approved can avail social benefits within the country , such as food and shelter;

3.Asylum applicants are able to be provided with services such as medical and educational;

4.Identification documents issued following registration permit movement without restriction and residency in the country.

5.Issued emergency travel documents to refugees upon registration their application allow refugees to travel internationally;

6.Refugees as well as asylum-seekers from Mozambique can have the full benefit of the documents that show civil status such as birth certificates;

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