How to Apply for Asylum Visa In Uganda

Apply for Asylum Visa In Uganda By Online

There are two ways of seeking the right to apply for asylum in Uganda.

The ) In an asylum settlement

  1. The asylum process for asylum seekers who arrive directly in refugee settlements are as follows:
    • Directly directly to Settlement Commandant to register.
    • Interviews for determining refugee status to be conducted within the settlement by an Sub-Committee that is part of the Refugee Eligibility Committee (REC). the Settlement Director will soon inform the date and time of the interviews.
  2. When a refugee is granted classification, OPM will allocate a parcel of land to each family. The family will receive basic support which includes food, non-food items and ration cards that allow them to receive daily food allowances.
  3. In the event of protection-related concerns, you should report them to UNHCR personnel in the settlement.

B) In Kampala

  1. When you arrive, head to at the Crime Intelligence office at Old Kampala Police Station to complete your registration.You will receive an ID card as well as the date for registration.
  2. When the date is set on the scheduled date, go at on the scheduled date, report to Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) along with your family members. Bring all the documents you can use to allow you to make your identity more clear (passports and identity documents such as school certificates, letters of support and so on.). Each member of your household who is younger than 18 years old will be registered as part of you . All individuals over 18 will be registered as a separate individual.
  3. You will receive an attestation for a temporary asylum seeker which is renewable for three months after the issue date, and after that, every month. Once you have registered at OPM and submitting to the Crime Intelligence Offices at Old Kampala Police Station to undergo an additional interview to determine asylum status determination.
  4. Your eligibility is determined through The Refugee Eligibility Committee (REC).The decision will be made public to you by OPM. Office of the Prime minister department of Refugees (OPM).
  5. You’ll then be issued permanent identification cards valid for 3 months, while the REC [the Ugandan Government’s Refugee Eligibility Committee] reviewed their cases.If the REC granted refugees status, they were issued an official refugee identification card”


If you’re not satisfied about the outcome, then you may make an appeal in the first 30 days of the receipt of the notice of ruling of the REC.

Third-Country Resettlement:

As journalist, politician or activist who is exiled There are times when you could be in danger in the country you have chosen to seek refuge. This may mean that moving in a foreign country may be your sole method to be sure of your security.
Third-country resettlement isn’t an everyday process and generally only available those who are the least vulnerable refugees. It’s not a guarantee, and cannot be assured. Even if you receive the third-country resettlement option, it may take some time before the process is completed and you’re in the process of getting your visa.

Required Documents For Apply for Asylum Visa

  • Documents that prove your identity from your country of origin e.g. ID card, driver licence
  • Education certificate
  • Letter of support
  • Valid passport

Office Locations and Contacts

Refugee Law ProjectPO Box 33903
Phone: 256-41-343-556
Website: Refugee law project

The office of the Prime Minister Minister
Refugee Department
P.O. Box 341
Kampala, UGANDA

The UNHCR Rep in Uganda
Plot 18, Prince Charles Drive Kololo
P. O. Postal Box 3813Kampala, Uganda
Phone : +256 4231231 41
Website: UNHCR

Office of Immigration, Head Office
Plot 75 Jinja Road
P. O. Box 7165/7191 Kampala Uganda Uganda
Contact number: + 256 414 595 945
Fax: +256 414 348 707

All requests for resettlement in third countries are handled by UNHCR,
UNHCR Headquarters, Uganda
Plot 18, Prince Charles Drive, Kololo, Kampala, Uganda
+256 41 4231231


People fleeing from insecurity within their countries of origin due to:

  • Political activities
  • Personal opinion
  • Their characteristics
  • Social group.


  • The procedure is completely free of cost.


  • An Asylum Seeker Validity is for three months

Processing Time

  • It can take one week or more to complete the entire procedure.


The meeting was attended by the UNHCR
  • UNHCR schedules appointments for meeting refugees as well as asylum seekers from Kampala through the Offices of InterAid and the Branch Office Extension
  • Individual counselling appointments with UNHCR is made through InterAid (Uganda) which is main UNHCR implementing partner of the Urban Programme

The Information You Need

  • Full name;
  • Birth date;
  • Nationality;
  • No. of dependents;
  • Specifics of the type of insecurity in the applicant’s initial country

The document is needed

  • Asylum visas are granted to those who have endured or have reason to believe they are at risk of persecution in their country because of their political beliefs or activities or other characteristics or is associated with a group of people.
  • Emigrants or asylum seekers who have escaped conflict or repression, and have illegally entered another state. If they are accepted as “legitimate” asylees in the state they are aiming for, they be granted status and then receive an Asylum Visa.
  • But, there could be several asylum options in the destination state that have no intention of applying or are refused asylum status, and are therefore classified in the category of “illegal migrants” and could be in danger of deportation or punishment.

Information that could be helpful

  • Asylum seekers need to show that they are able to justify their fear of being targeted for future persecution, for example, that based on nationality, race, religion or belonging to a certain social group, or political opinions. ;
  • The persecution should be conducted by the government or by a organization that the government is not able to be able to control.
  • Anyone who is granted asylum for political reasons can stay in Uganda for a period of time and seek permanent residence after one year.
  • Dependents who are over eighteen (18) years of age are eligible for independent treatment;
  • Be in compliance with all regulations and laws of the country.
  • Respect all measures adopted to ensure the public order.
  • Do not engage in any actions that could jeopardize the security of the state, damage the public interest or undermine public order.
  • If you are tempted to engage in any form of political activity;
  • Do not engage in any activity that are aimed at another country.
  • If one is employed for gain the employee is required to pay the appropriate taxes.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

  • It provides security since every refugee is registered;
  • The government sends health workers, civil servants and teachers to refugee camps and provides a comfortable setting for refugees.
  • It expands the market for jobs in the country , as refugees need services.

External Links

Ministry of foreign affairs
United Nations development programme



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