How to Apply for Bulk Storage Petroleum License In Uganda

Apply for Bulk Storage Petroleum License In Uganda By Yourself

  1. Applications for storage in bulk of petroleum Licenses are issued for to store petroleum spirit large quantities in accordance with terms that are stipulated in the license.Visit their website at the following Link
    • The Petroleum spirit in bulk should not be stored unless an authorization to store bulk quantities of petroleum spirit issued for the storage in bulk of petroleum spirit. force in accordance with the rules of the Rules that permit the storage in the storage of bulk petroleum spirits in effect.
  2. You will be provided with an application form to apply for a bulk petroleum licenses that are issued to store petroleum. Fill it out and submit.
  3. Complete the necessary information correctly and attach the necessary documentation to your application prior to.
  4. Complete the application form, and pay the application fee of Ugsh. 1,157,495 and present the receipt as evidence of payment.
  5. Then, the verification of the bulk petroleum storage tank by the Licensing Officer from the licensing Authority.
  6. The recommendations based on the findings that are derived from this investigation can be presented in the direction of the Ministry of energy and mineral development to be approved by the Ministry of energy and mineral development.
  7. At this moment, the applicant will be notified if they have been approved by the licensing authority or if rectifications must be made to allow bulk storage of petroleum to become licensed.
  8. If the application is approved The applicant will be informed and is obliged to submit the cost in full to the licensing Authority and provide the receipt as evidence of payment.
  9. Once the licensing procedure is completed, and a licensed authority finds from the descriptions, plans and other data provided pursuant to Regulations that the procedure for the storage of bulk petroleum that is used to store the oil spirit suggested by the person applying to be licensed is secure and acceptable, it can grant the applicant an authorization of the type requested.

Required Documents For Apply for Bulk Storage Petroleum License

  • An application form that is completed and signed is required for processing the License.
  • A storage license licensed for petroleum must be in place to allow bulk storage permits to be granted.
  • The location where the bulk petroleum storage is located must be noted when filling out the request form.
  • The proof of the payment of bulk petroleum storage fees must be included on the form.
  • Any other conditions that may be set by the licensing authority from time to time.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Phone: +256 414 320714
Physical address: Plot 21-29 Johnston Road
Address for Postal Delivery: P.O. Box 9, Entebbe, Uganda
Email Address:,
Website: Link
Operating hours: Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (excluding holidays and weekends)


  • Anyone who applies for any license for the operating of underground tanks permits above must be a body corporate.
  • A company has been legally registered by Uganda.


  • The fee for a license to obtain a bulk storage petroleum permit is USh. 1,157,495


  • The License is valid for one year prior to renewal can be made

Processing Time

  • The maximum processing time is typically 2 days.


  • Anyone who wants to store or store bulk petroleum spirit should register with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development and be familiar with the regulations governing the storage or preservation of spirit of petroleum in Uganda.

Requirements Information

  • Name, address, and nationality of applicant. (If corporation, include the corporate name, the registered office address and date where it was formed).
  • Tax Identification Number/VAT Registration Certificate.
  • The status of ownership for a corporation (sole proprietorship partnership, unincorporated business an incorporated private or public company associative or co-operative)
  • When the corporate body is registered outside of Uganda the proof of establishment of its business in Uganda and registration as a foreign corporation in accordance with.
  • The proposed location for the project (District County, Sub parish, county and village)
  • Dimensions of Plot (in Hectares) on the property where the facility is planned to be built.
  • The date for when construction is expected to begin construction.
  • Estimated date of completion for the project.
  • Name,address and qualifications of the potential principle contractors and supervisors to be employed for the project or company to undertake the construction/modification.
  • A proof of or commitment to insurance to protect against third party liability and other construction liability.
  • The description of the plan as well as the amount of capital invested, supported by the Bank Reference Letter.
  • Description of safety programs including equipment, plans and procedures to protect of occupational health and safety in the workplace, as well as the environmental in the course of regular construction work and contingency plans for accidents natural disasters, or emergencies.
  • Other information that is pertinent to the application.

The Document is required

  • This document permits someone to store large quantities of petroleum spirit as per the conditions set out in the permit.
  • A person should not keep large quantities of petroleum spirit, unless they have permission from the commissioner of petroleum

Information that could be helpful

  • The authority that licenses and authorizes give licenses in accordance with the rules of the Rules will be:
  • in the event of licensed premises within a municipality or municipal council
  • when it comes to license-issued premises within a town and the town council and
  • In any other situation or other way, the administration of the district.
  • Under the Rules Every license will take effect at the date of the issue or renewal mentioned in the Rules and will expire in the event that it is not earlier cancelled under these Rules at the end of December the following day following the date that is specified.
  • Each license shall be in the form specified on the Third Schedule to the Rules and when it comes to bulk storage licenses comply with the terms that are contained in the annexe to these Rules.
  • The Rules stipulate that with regard to every renewal or grant of a license pursuant to these Rules there is a fee to pay to the license authority line to the amount specified within the sixth Schedule in the Rules.

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