How to Apply for Coffee Dealer License In Jamaica

Apply for Coffee Dealer License In Jamaica By Online

Application In Person

  1. To apply for an Coffee Dealer License, you must go to the Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) Please review the contact information for JACRA on here: Link
  2. Download an application in person at the department for legal of JACRA in the JACRA office, or download it directly from the following link: Link
  3. Complete and read the application form according to the instructions. Be aware that every section of the form must be filled in properly to avoid delays in processing your application.
  4. Collect all required documentation for the application as specified within the “Required Documents” section below. Attach the required documents to the application form.
  5. Visit the JACRA office to pay the fee for processing the license at the cashier. You will then receive the receipt for payment
  6. Completely submit the application, including the receipt for payment for an official at the service desk of JACRA representative at the customer service desk.
  7. The official will accept your application and send you an acknowledgement receipt, containing the specifics of your application
  8. The application will then be sent to the JACRA appropriate authority for review. You will receive a formal response to JACRA in the span of seven business days after receiving your application
  9. In the event that your submission is fully completed and conforms to the standards required You will be informed that the processing of your application will start. If otherwise then, you will be informed of the conditions to be met in order for the application to be considered.
  10. If the review of your documentation succeeds, JACRA is going to conduct an audit of your farm or the location where you operate to determine whether it is in compliance with the requirements for being granted a license. Then, they will issue an inspection report.
  11. If the farm is in compliance with the requirements for production If the farm meets the production requirement, an internal committee of the JACRA interned committee would examine the elements of the application and decide whether or deny it.
  12. When the request is accepted then it will be sent to an Board Licensing Committee. If, however, the application has been denied, you will be informed and reimbursed JMD2500
  13. The Board Licensing Committee will further consider the application, and then approve the licensing process.
  14. Coffee Board will notify you. Coffee Board will notify you and will provide you with copies of the Trademark User License for your review and the signature
  15. Sign the Trademark User Agreement and pay the fee of JMD45000 to obtain the license, and the Trademark License fee of USD1500
  16. After payment after which you will receive the Dealer’s License Trademark User Agreement License, Terms and Conditions, as well as the reporting obligations.

Register Online

  1. For an application to be granted an application for the Coffee Dealer License using the online application form, go to this page: Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority (JACRA) website: Link
  2. On the website Click on “RESOURCES” beneath the bar of information. This will click on the hyperlink, and then choose “FORMS” to navigate to the form page.
  3. Scroll down until you find “Dealer’s Licence (Coffee)” and click it to start the online application
  4. Review the information and make the necessary documents to upload
  5. Submit an online application and provide the necessary information. Make sure to choose “New” within”Type of Application” in the “Type of Application” section.
  6. After you’ve submitted the completed form, and uploaded all required documents, you can click “SUBMIT Form”
  7. After submitting your application after you have submitted your application, JACRA will notify you within 7 days of receiving the application to let you know that your application has been approved or if they need additional details from you to finish the application.
  8. In the event that your submission is fully completed and meets the requirements You will be informed that the processing of your application will start. If it is not you are notified of the requirements that must be met in order for the application to be considered.
  9. If the review of your documentation succeeds, JACRA is going to conduct an audit of your farm or your place of operation to determine if the farm has the necessary requirements to be granted a license. Then, they will issue an inspection report.
  10. If the farm is in compliance with the requirement for production If the farm meets the production requirement, it will be reviewed by the JACRA Internal committees will examine the elements of the application and decide whether or not.
  11. In the event that your application gets accepted then it will be sent to the Board Licensing Committee. If, however, the application is rejected, you will be informed and reimbursed JMD2500
  12. The Board Licensing Committee will further consider the application, and then approve the process of processing the license
  13. Coffee Board will notify you. Coffee Board will notify you and send you an official copy of the Trademark User License for your review and the signature
  14. Send the signed Trademark User Agreement and pay the JMD45000 fee for the license, as well as Trademark License fee of USD1500
  15. After payment upon payment, you will receive the Dealer’s License Trademark User Agreement License, Terms and Conditions, as well as the reporting obligations.


  • In the event that your request is not successful If your application is rejected, you will receive written reasons as to why the application was rejected together with a refund in the amount of JMD 2500. If this happens, you may appeal to the chairman of the Boa. Boa

Required Documents For Apply for Coffee Dealer License

  • The completed application form must be submitted.
  • Copies of the incorporation documents
  • Referrals from two business associates
  • A reference for a banker
  • A valid agricultural Produce Licence
  • 3-year Business Concept
  • Production capacity for the farm of at minimum 6,000 boxes of cherry coffee per growing season (evidenced by reports or records from the three years prior to the application)

Office Locations and Contacts

Jamaica Agricultural Commodities Regulatory Authority
Address Address: 1 Willie Henry Drive, P.O. PO Box 508 Kingston 13, Jamaica W.I.
Telephone: (876)-758-1259
Fax: (876)-758-3907
For inquiries regarding permits or licenses for permits and licenses, please email
Contact information and map of the location: Link


  • Individuals or businesses who wish to sell, import or export coffee from Jamaica. Be aware that you need to show an agricultural or production capacity of at minimum 6,000 boxes of cherries as documented by the records or reports from the past three (3) years prior to applying for a coffee dealer license.


  • Processing fee for the license JMD 5000
  • Processing charges for Trademarks UDS500
  • Trademark User Agreement cost JMD45000
  • Trademark License cost USD1500


  • It is valid for 2 years, and is subject to renewals

Documents to Utilize

  • Form for applying: Link

Processing Time

  • The JACRA gives an email to the applicant within seven days of receipt of the application , however the time to process is contingent on the quality of the application as well as other factors such as inspections


  • The application must be properly filled out to avoid delays. Also, incomplete applications won’t be considered by JACRA
  • If you do not submit your application by the deadline, to avoid late submission. Late applications will increase processing costs between JMD 5000 to JMD 10000.

Requirements Information

  • Type of application
  • Basic Information
  • Information about the company
  • Declaration

The Document is required

  • This license confirms that you are able to sell or export or import coffee from Jamaica this license is required for those who cultivate or process, grow or offer for sale green coffee beans as well as roast beans

External Links



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