How to Apply for Customs Agent License In Uganda

Apply for Customs Agent License In Uganda By Online

  1. An application for the Customs Agent’s License is submitted and then sent to the Licensing Officer.
  2. Every application is documented and assigned an identification number.
  3. The application is scrutinized to ensure that all required supporting documents have been provided.
  4. The applicants are invited to interviews through the Licensing Committee.
  5. Successful applicants who have been recommended for licensing are notified.
  6. Successful applicants are required to pay the License cost.
  7. It is accepted by the Commissioner.
  8. The Customs Agent’s License is issued.

Note: Unsuccessful applicants can appeal. Hearings are conducted following which the application is either approved or denied.


  1. The application for renewal of the license must be completed on the prescribed License renewal form, and then submitted to customs.
  2. The Licensing Officer will verify compliance with the requirements for renewal and verify that the company does not have outstanding transactions or questions.
  3. If the applicant is not facing any outstanding questions or unfinished transactions will be provided by the Commissioner’s office for renewal of license.
  4. License renewal has been granted.

Note. No License shall be renewed if a person has any outstanding queries and/or outstanding transaction.

Required Documents For Apply for Customs Agent License

  • Copy of registration certificate of the company
  • Copies of the memo of the company as well as the articles of association
  • Copies of passports, IDs, and IDs of directors
  • Recent passport photos of all directors verified by a notary or commissioner of oaths.
  • A certificate of membership in an acknowledged clearing and forwarding organization
  • Letter from bankers that confirms that they have accounts with them
  • Copies of PIN certificate for company , and each of the directors.
  • A copy of the VAT registration certificate for the business
  • Current tax compliance certificate/registration of returns
  • Certificates of Good Conduct for directors of the company
  • Title and lease deeds from the offices of the clearing agent
  • Application fee

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Revenue AuthorityPlot M193/M194, Nakawa Industrial Area
P.0. Box 7279 Kampala, GPO Kampala, Uganda
Nakawa-Jinja Road Nakawa – Jinja Rd, Kampala Uganda.
Tel: + (256) 41-7440000, 041-7442042, 041-74402149.
Toll Free 0800117000
Mail Address ,
Website:Uganda revenue authority

Operating hours: 8.00 am-1.00 pm / 2.00 pm until 5.00pm


  • The Commissioner will only be able to grant licenses to businesses or individuals that are registered, know about Customs clearance, and have offices equipped with technology such as computers.
  • Licenses are not issued or renewed if a applicant or licensee is convicted of a crime or is engaged in dishonest activity or is involved in any other illegal act.


Cost of Application: (ugshs.40,000)$10
License Fee:(Ugshs.1,500,000)$400


One Year

Processing Time

Maximum Processing Time: 1 months.


  • Established office, the physical address of which must be noted on the form for requesting a license for the purpose of customs verification.
  • Indicate the bankers listed on the application
  • Memorandum , articles of association and the constitution for the company
  • Certificate of registration for the company
  • Tax Identification Numbers of the business and Directors
  • Identity cards passports, identification cards, or other types of identification used by staff and directors suggested to handle directly or sign customs papers and
  • Recent passport-sized photographs of directors and staff signed by a Notary public or an Oath Commissioner.
  • Agency: Uganda Revenue Authority
  • Contact office: Licensing Office:

Requirements Information

  • Name of the applicant
  • Registered Address
  • Street/Road
  • Plot No
  • Telephone No.
  • The type of business you run (Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Company)
  • Names, occupations, Nationalities of Directors/Partners, proportion of shares held by Other businesses being operated by your company or partnership (State registered name and address)
  • New application or renewal
  • If renewing, indicate when you were the first time you were licensed as an Customs Agent
  • Prior License Number and when the license was issued
  • Prior experience in the clearing of products through Customs
  • Name(s) of prior persons/employee(s)
  • Names of Bankers
  • Autorized Capital of the Company
  • Paid up Capital
  • Names, ranks and titles of employees, as well as their citizenship.

The document is needed

  • Customs agents are people or businesses that have been authorised through Customs Commissioner of Customs to Act on behalf of exporters and importers. In certain Partner states, it’s mandatory to employ the services of a Customs agent to clear products through Customs.
  • Customs agents are required to be certified by the Commissioner prior to the time they are allowed to participate in the clearing of products through Customs.

Information that can be useful

Authority to pay

  • The successful applicants recommended for licensure are called and required to pay.
  • The Licensing Officer will call applicants to inform them they need to take their authorization letters.
  • The applicants must comply with the terms of the letter, and then present these in person to the Licensing Officer.


  • The Licensing Officer must verify compliance with all other conditions to renew the license and verify that the business does not have outstanding transactions or outstanding queries.
  • If the applicant does not have questions pending The Licensing Officer will submit a recommendation to the Commissioner’s office regarding renewed license.
  • If the applicant is awaiting resolution of a question, they are required to settle the dispute prior to the application being recommended for renewal.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

Scope: to act as agents in the transaction of business related to declarations of products

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