How to Apply for Customs Clearance Certificate for Import of World Food Program (NGO Items) In Uganda

Apply for Customs Clearance Certificate for Import of World Food Program (NGO Items) In Uganda By Online

  1. The process begins when the trucks that are inbound following an orderly line, following clearance by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). Every truck is stopped on the Lower Inward Gate Uganda, the driver is required to present two copies of the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Bill of Entry C63, for recording the truck’s number, cargo description, and the allocation of the number of rotations in toward. (Duration will be determined by the location the truck is at in its queue however, in all, the timeframe is 1 hour.).
  2. The truck travels towards the yard, stopping at the gate’s entry point at which the driver is issued an invoice for parking. After entering the yard, every truck is subject to inspection by three regulators. (Duration of 30 minutes or less).
    • Then , visit Uganda Revenue Authority for verification and seal and affix. WFP food items aren’t subject to the full URA physical verification for customs but only’sighting’. Additionally, a customs seal can be placed on the fuel tank of each truck to deter motorists from dumping fuel onto an illegal market.
  3. Visit Uganda quarantine inspection services-Inspectors search for pests and plant-related infections, as well as grain breakage , or contamination of items entering the country, or being transported to third-country countries in accordance with international conventions.Upon inspecting each truck, the UQIS inspector lets it in or directs fumigation. He may also suggest destruction, based on the results. For food products that have been processed, following inspection, he sends them to UNBS for a quality inspection.
  4. Check out the Uganda National Bureau of standards,Inspectors verify that the products are in compliance with the standards for quality as well as the shelf-life, packing and contamination of food items and other relief items.Imports which meet the requirements are permitted in, however any product that is not up to the standards is confiscated, exported into the nation of its origin, or destroyed.
  5. Following the verification of the physical signature, a truck leaves for the parking yard.The driver hand over 2 Original C63 crossing copies as well as an original replica of the WFP Waybill to the WFP clearing office in Malaba.For non-governmental organizations, the same requirements applies, two original C63 and a copy the organization’s waybill to the designated agent.
  6. The drivers/transporters pay URA Road user charges per truck of UGX 82,000/= in Kampala or UGX 10,000/= to Tororo in addition to bank charges. A bank payment form is required and the payments are made via the bank. The returns are no less than 4 hours to process before URA issues receipts.
  7. In addition, the transporters are required to pay parking charges of UGX 10,000 every 24 hours for trucks within the yard that was previously used and 12,000 UGX for the yard that is being constructed. This receipt for Road Users Charge will be given to WFP personnel or an authorized clearing agent who will attach it to the entry. It will be prepared according to the following.
  8. The documentation for customs at the WFP/NGO Uganda starts at this stage. The Customs Bill of Entry (IM4) is created to be declared of every truck that is received via self-data capture that is done online using a system referred to by the name of Direct Trader Input (DTI) (also known as the Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA World) that is connected to the URA’s main URA server for quick data transfer from the remote DTI Centre.
  9. Print-outs of a hard copy of each entry invoice is included with two copies of the C63 crossing copy as well as an invoice from a non-commercial WFP/NGO. This collection is handed over to UQIS and UNBS to be certified by the UNBS. It is also required by the UNBS also requires an application form that is completed and indicating specific information needed for import inspection and clearance.
  10. After being approved by UQIS after approval by UQIS and UNBS After approval by UQIS and UNBS, entries are filed in the Customs Long-room receiving section.Here the reference numbers for entries (allocated during data capture) together with other information about cargo are entered manually in the register for receiving.
    • The Customs Long-room is an exclusive space for non-customs staff members. Staff from WFP and NGO are not unique in this instance. The consignees as well as their agents are not able to control the documents they lodge once they have been received at the lodging point. The lodged entries procedure is nevertheless followed with the window’s pin holes. At present, for WFP the maximum period of time for processing an entry lodged for home use is 48 hours.
  11. From the Receiving section the declaration is sent on to the Assessment desk to be vetted for any ambiguities regarding the declared value. The value of the cargo is checked for any inconsistencies or mistakes with the declaration or data capture are analyzed and rectified. The officer also calls ASYCUDA World ASYCUDA World system to determine the method of processing i.e. red, yellow, or green. In all instances, if the system allocates WFP entries for the channel green, the entries are redirected to the Releasing Officer , who will send the courier or consignee in the event of WFP to transport these entries to the Bonds section.
  12. In in the Bonds section, copies of the dispatch from the C63 that originate from Kenya are connected with the initial C63 Crossing copy, and reconciliation is done by registering the entries. The entries are returned to the desk of the Releasing Officer (In charge Customs Long Room)
  13. The Releasing Officer checks every entry to ensure all procedures have been followed then prints a release request then apologizes the entry as released , and forwards the entry to Separation desk.
  14. At the Separation desks, an entry is divided into Importer’s copies as well as Customs Station copies. When WFP/NGO copies are received The authorized agent/WFP will divide office copies from driver’s copies, and then hand copies to the representative of the transporter or the driver.
  15. The driver then receives his entry certificate and the customs clearance document to pass through the gate at the top. The drivers are assisted by their representatives from their respective transport companies to sign off the driver.

NOTE:In some cases the IM4 entries are filed in Malaba to import the goods based on the organization’s plans and needs. This helps save money and time because the same eight stages of the customs procedure will be repeated to clear inland items at the ICD at Kampala. Note: WFP provides an exemption from duty on all imports of food items, but in the case of exports from Non Food Items,a specific tax exemption form can be obtained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs per consignment , and then attached to the Bill of Entry. Non-profit organizations are required to obtain the tax exemption, without which they have to pay the full tax.

Required Documents For Apply for Customs Clearance Certificate for Import of World Food Program

  • Certificate of Movement Eur.1 (For Exports into the European Union)
  • Commercial Invoice.
  • Bill of Lading (for Imports by Sea)
  • Airway Bill (for imports made via air)
  • Note of consignment for railways (for rail-based imports)
  • Freight Consignment Invoices/Road Consignment Notice
  • Certificate of insurance (if products were insured)
  • Commercial Invoice
  • List of packing materials
  • Airway Bill/Bill of Lading/Consignment for Railway Notes
  • Sales Agreement
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Fumigation Certificate
  • Physical Certificate of Phytosanitary
  • Import Permits to import restricted items such as drugs, arms and ammunition, fertilizers and animals, live plants soil, etc.

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Revenue Authority Headquarters:
Plot M193/M194, Nakawa Industrial Area,
P.O. Box 7279 Kampala, Uganda.
Phone:+256 414744000,0800117000 (toll free)
Website: Uganda Revenue Authority

Additional offices: Kampala South located in the Old Kampala Mosque,
Kampala North is located within Bwaise (Mulago Kalerwe Round about).

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)
Crested Towers (Tall Tower)
Tel: 041-7443000, 041-7443134

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)
Nakawa (HQRS)
Tel: 041-7440000, 041-7442042


  • All WFP/NGO Truks and other things being moved into Uganda are qualified for the Custom Clearance Certificate.


  • Transporters are required to pay parking charges of UGX 10,000
  • Road user fees per truck of UGX82,200=


  • Valid for one calendar year. expires at the end of every year.

Processing Time

  • Processing time for processing is usually between 2 and 3 days.


  • WFP offers an exemption from duty on imports of food items. However, for imports of Non Food Items an exemption form can be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Uganda Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have control mechanisms in place to supervise the import of goods according to exemption certificates that have been approved.
  • An exemption has to be applied prior to that the goods arrive in the country. merchandise into the country.
  • The time needed for the issuance of a tax and duty exemption certificates is at least three working days, however it is contingent on the work load of the officer who approves.
  • For food products, WFP has blanket coverage and needs to submit an application in writing to Uganda Revenue Authority (Customs) along with the relevant import documents.

Requirements Information

  • Proforma Invoice
  • Packing Lists
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Inspection Certificate
  • Permits (if required)
  • Road Transit Customs Document (Commonly also referred to as C63)
  • Prepared at ports of entry and seaports in Uganda.
  • Consignor (Exporter)
  • Consignee
  • Clearing Agent
  • Country of Origin
  • Export value
  • Currency Code
  • Commodity Code (HSC) description of products
  • Quantity
  • Customs Procedure Code
  • Pay Account (ASYCUDA world)

Information that could be helpful

  • The customs clearance process is for loading cargo transported via roads via Malaba as well as Busia Uganda customs border Stations in relation with WFP humanitarian food assistance commodities as well as relief items that are imported. However, the process (A) can also be applied to other humanitarian organizations and is a reference to transit entry clearance, where Malaba customs clearances goods to the internal container depots in Kampala/Jinja. For onward inland clearance.
  • Outward clearance of Kenya (Export) can be relatively easy. The majority of documentation is performed at the point that the loader is positioned (Mombasa or Nairobi). At Malaba it is a simple reconciliation to verify exit and make sure that the transit cargo isn’t stored in Kenya.
  • Import clearance in Uganda could involve a variety of government agencies that have different public service functions and standards. In the case of health, it could be the surveillance of standards for protection against diseases that affect humans as well as animals and plants. Thus, other organizations like Uganda National Bureau of Standards, Uganda Drugs Authority and Ministry of Agriculture plant Protection officers ( Uganda Quarantine Inspection Services) could be involved in the physical verification that the product is safe.

Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

  • Tax exemption and duty for NGO’s depends on the type of item that are imported as well as the purpose for the merchandise. In the case of humanitarian imports, the government will require:
  • The evidence comes that proves the origin country is then presented to the ministry concerned.
  • The NGO that is the consignee must be registered and possess an address physically located in Uganda. The registration documents must be provided.
  • Each time an import or consignment is made, the packing list and commercial invoice, as well as the air waybill, or bill delivery is delivered to the office of the Prime Minister (OPM).The Prime Minister’s Office will communicate with Treasury to approve the request to tax exempt.
  • Letter to the Office of the Prime Minister outlining the type of work that is being done and evidence that the project will help members of the local community (ties) in Uganda within the region of operation.
  • Certificate of registration for a charitable organization (NGO/INGO) registration certificate for the nation (Uganda).
  • Copies of the commercial invoices/Parking lists for the items that are to be exempt from tax.
  • The Airway Bill as well as Bill of Lading for the things.
  • If the request is accepted from the office of the Premier Minister an announcement is sent directly to Ministry of Finance/Treasury to clear taxes in the name of INGOs/NGO.
  • The Treasury issues an Tax exemption letter that must be handed over to URA to allow the release of the consignment along with a commitment from the treasury for payment on behalf of URA (NGO)

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