How to Apply for Dual citizenship In Uganda

Apply for Dual citizenship In Uganda By Online

  1. The citizen of Uganda who would like to gain the citizenship of a different country while maintaining his/her citizenship in Uganda is required to notify via a written notice to the National Citizenship and Immigration Board of the request for citizenship of another nation.
  2. The notice above must have to be provided in the predetermined format and must be with:
  • A statutory declaration that says that the person belongs to the country of Uganda only.
  • If the applicant is an resident of Uganda and a country other than Uganda it is necessary to sign a declaration of renunciation of citizenship of the third country proving that the person applying is at least 18 years old.
  • A duplicate of the application for citizenship in the different country.
  • The application and documents are required, as well as the fee

Non-citizens from Uganda

  1. Go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Directorate of Immigration office and apply for the for your petition along with the Oath to Allegiance for Uganda form for dual citizenship of Allegiance
  2. Complete the application for dual citizenship and have it commissioned , or Notarized by a High-Court Notary Public or Judge.
  3. Make sure you pay the required application fee and attach all necessary documents and submit them to the officer who will be attending.
  4. Who will be able to verify and process your documents, if all documents ‘ information is correct you will receive your dual citizenship documents to the authority that issued them.

Required Documents For Apply for Dual citizenship


  • Covering letter addressed to director of the National citizenship and Immigration Board Letter of good conduct from your nation of origin or Interpol.
  • Evidence that the applicant was granted citizenship through registration (only for foreigners with Ugandan Citizenship through Registration).
  • Documentation that shows that the country, other than Uganda permits the dual-nationality (e.g. letters from immigration authorities or High Commission or consulate of the other country, or a copy of laws that allow dual citizenship for that country).
  • Two (2) recent Passport size photographs of the applicant.
  • The applicant must prove that their parents or grandparents have been in Uganda for at least ten years.
  • Medical certificate of sanity for the applicant.
  • The proof of 18 years old e.g. birth certificate.
  • A proof that the applicant has a sufficient understanding of English, Swahili or
  • The evidence of the fact that applicant once an Ugandan (only for Ugandans living in the Diaspora)
  • Any of the vernacular languages.


  • A cover letter of the applicant addressed to Secretary, National Citizenship and Immigration Board;
  • A letter from the person who is the sponsor or recommender who must be an official of Uganda through birth. (A person who sponsors in this instance should be an administrative officer or advocate. Bank officer Chairperson of District, Township authority and of peace, Justice of Peace, Magistrate, Mayor, Member of Parliament, Member of Municipal Council, Minister of Religion Notary Public or Physician) or a letter of good behavior from the country of origin or Interpol-Uganda.
  • Documentation that proves that the applicant is granted Citizenship through Registration (only for foreigners granted Uganda Citizenship through Registration).
  • Evidence that another country, other than Uganda permits Dual Citizenship. (e.g. letters from (e.g., a letter from the Immigration Authority or High Commission or Consulate of that country, or a copy of the law that allows Dual Citizenship of that other country).
  • 3 recent passport photos of the person applying for them with white backgrounds;
  • Evidence that the applicant or his or her parents or grandparents have ever resided in Uganda for at least ten years(copies of work permits/certificate of residence/dependent’s pass);
  • A medical report on the sanity of the applicant by a licensed doctor;
  • Evidence of over 18 years old e.g. birth certificate of the applicant or current passport; evidence that the applicant hasn’t been declared bankrupt.
  • Personal URA Tax payments – PAYE.
  • Affirmation of allegiance Uganda. LC 1 recommendation letter

Office Locations and Contact

Ministry of Internal AffairsPlot 75 Jinja Road
P. O. Box 7165/7191
Kampala Uganda
Contact number: + 256 414 595 945
Fax: +256 414 348 707

The Chairperson
National Citizenship and Immigration Board,
Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Plot 75 Jinja Road,
P. O. Box 791 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-414-258355
Fax: +256-414-343088


  • Anyone who is a holder of Uganda citizenship who wants to become citizens of a country that permits dual citizenship and meets the requirements of dual nationality
  • Anyone who has nationality of a nation which allows dual nationality, and is also seeking Uganda citizenship and meets the conditions for granting dual citizenship.


  • Dual citizenship foreigners US $500
  • Dual Citizenship Ugandan and Ugandan Diaspora US $400

Documents to Utilize

Application for dual Citizenship
Oath of Allegance


The requirements for an applicant

  • The applicant must show that all documents submitted are authentic and not intend to engage in any form of fraud or deceit, or to bribe anyone;
  • Has never been a member of military or security forces of a country that is hostile to or in war with Uganda;
  • He or she isn’t involved in any kind of spying activity against Uganda;
  • He or she must prove that he or she is above the age of eighteen (18) years of age at the time of application age;
  • The person has only one citizenship;
  • the laws of the country of birth allows them to be able to enjoy dual citizenship.
  • He/she is not subject to deportation orders from Uganda territory or from any other country;
  • The person is not in prison or sentenced to death over 9 (9) months, as imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction;
  • He or she has resided in Uganda for at least 10 (10) the years.
  • He or she is proficient in understanding of the language spoken in Uganda (English) and any other prescribed vernacular in Uganda;
  • The person is not a diplomat or refugee from Uganda;
  • the person has rare abilities and capabilities in technology that he/she would like for to bring to Uganda;
  • should be prepared to swear allegiance, and
  • You must have a good mental health.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the applicant
  • Age, Sex and marital status
  • Nationality

The Document is required

The dual citizenship of Uganda is having two citizenships. One is Uganda.

  • The Ugandan law allows to the former Ugandan citizens who naturalized in a different country, to obtain Ugandan citizenship, if it can be proven that the circumstances that led to the denial of their Ugandan citizenship have no detrimental impact on the security or public order for the security of Uganda.
  • Also, it gives foreign nationals who want to maintain their citizenship in another county, the possibility to obtain Ugandan citizenship.
  • Dual Citizenship is granted from the Department of Immigration in Ugandan

Information that can be useful

Dual Citizenship is attainable by virtue of:

  • Foreigners or investment: when the person is a holder of an investment license of B-E category, or can prove that they’ve been a resident of Uganda for at least 10 years. Alongside other conditions.
  • Wedding: when you are married to an Ugandan citizens for no less than three years.
  • Ugandans in the Diaspora for example, if they are in exile.

Dual citizenship could be terminated if a person is caught providing false information or if an individual obtains a third citizenship.

  • In this situation, one is considered an official citizen or national of the countryin which he was a citizen or a national prior to turning into an Ugandan citizen.
  • If one loses the citizenship of Uganda then he is no longer able to enjoy the rights as a Ugandan citizen, in addition to rights to property, if they were acquired legally while he/she was still in the country as a citizen.
  • The person also is released of any obligation or duty that they lost their Uganda citizenship.
  • Citizens born in Uganda may apply to regain their previous Ugandan citizenship. If granted, a person will be bound to an oath.

Other uses of the document/certificate

  • Dual citizenship draws investors, which can they can bring growth to the nation;
  • The system also allows citizens from outside of the country to be a part of the economic and social development to the greatest extent;
  • Ugandans who live outside of the country can connect and maintain connections to their ancestral roots without obstacles to their legal rights

External Links

Directorate of Citizenship
Ministry of internal affairs
Ugandan Embasy


  • The third citizenship does not permit one to hold or having dual citizenship in Uganda so one must give up the citizenship of the third country in order to obtain the dual citizenship of Uganda.
  • Citizens of dual citizenship is issued an Ugandan travel document and are therefore able to stay in Uganda indefinitely when they travel with Ugandan travel document and then leave the country using the same document.
  • It is an offense if two citizens to use the Ugandan passport in conjunction with a passport from another country in order to deceive an immigration officer.
  • Citizens with dual citizenship is subject by the law of Uganda even while living in Uganda.
  • It is vital to know that a person who has dual citizenship cannot serve in the following posts in Uganda the following positions: President Vice President, President Minister Cabinet Minister or Other Ministers. Inspector General or the Technical Head of the Armed Forces Technical heads of branches of the Armed Forces, Commanding Officers of armed force units that have at least a battalion size officers responsible for directing departments responsible for record keeping as well as logistics, personnel and personnel within every branch of the armed forces. the Inspector General of Police and the Deputy Inspector General for Police the Heads and Deputy Chiefs of National Security and
  • Intelligence Organizations, (ESO, ISO & CMI) and Members of the National Citizenship and Immigration Board.
  • Dual citizenship applications could be rejected or cancelled when a person provides false details.



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