How to Apply for Electricity Generation License In Uganda

Apply for Electricity Generation License In Uganda By Yourself

  1. If you want to obtain the Electricity generation License, you must submit your application with the Electrical Regulation Authority (ERA). The ERA contact details by clicking the following link: ERA contact Details.
  2. Request the form for application for electricity generation at the ERA office or download it on the ERA website at this URL: License application form.
  3. Fill out the application correctly and have it endorsed by a notary public or a commissioner of swearing. The application form must be filled out in three copies.
  4. Make all necessary documents to support your application with three copies of each and create an electronic copy of the entire application electronically i.e. the application is made with Microsoft Office software format contained on the CD-ROM.
  5. Then , visit the ERA office to pay the processing fee, which is non-refundable, to the ERA cashier. You will then receive the receipt for payment
  6. Send three copies of the entire application along with one copy in soft form of the entire application on CD-ROM to an ERA Official at the service desk , along with the receipt of payment.
  7. An ERA officer will review your application and provide you with an acknowledgement receipt with the information about your application, including the date of the receipt.
  8. The commission will then examine the application along with all documents submitted to determine if the application is in compliance with the standards established to be met by ERA. If, at this point, the application is not complete or not complete, the Authority will send you a letter asking you to submit the necessary documents or other information for the complete application.
  9. After review and if your application is completed as per the requirements within 30 days of acceptance of the application after review, the ERA will ask you to make an announcement in two newspapers i.e.,one which circulates within the proposed zone of operation as well as a national circulation newspaper in Uganda. Notices will be issued in accordance with the procedure set out by the ERA and should include the time period during the time frame within which any objection or suggestion related to the application is made in writing to the Authority.
  10. Submit a copy newspaper publication for the Authority.
  11. If there’s no objections to your application from the public If there is no objection from the public, the Authority will review the application before deciding to either grant the Electricity generation license or deny the the license based upon the quality of the request.
  12. If a decision is made The authority will notify you in writing no later than six months following the date they receive your application.
  13. If the authority plans to deny the grant of the license the authority will notify you of the reasons for making the decision and give you the option of making the appropriate arguments before the Authority within twenty-one days from receiving the notice of refusal received by the Authority.
  14. The Authority will examine the statement that you made. If your claim is not successful the Authority will inform you in writing that your request for license was denied.
  15. When the Authority has granted the license If the Authority has approved the grant of the license, the Authority will inform you by letter of the approval, as well as the conditions that must be met, including the amount that must be paid prior to approval of the license.
  16. Pay the licensing fee according to the amount of megawatts required to be generated and after the payment is made your license is issued and given to you.
  17. The applicant can pick up an Electricity Generation License from Electricity Regulatory Authority offices following a payment of the fees required.

Required Documents For Apply for Electricity Generation License

  • The completed Application Form must be enclosed to your application.
  • Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association, deed of Partnership, or Deed of Trust.
  • Registered Title Deed to Site or Sale Agreement and Deeds of Assignment/Gift or proof of the delivery to a Title Deed an appropriate Land Processing Agency (as appropriate).
  • Tax Clearance Certificates for the immediate three years preceding it.
  • A 10-year business plan for the implementation of the project is required to the application form.
  • Off-take Agreements or Arrangements.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Approval Certificate or proof of submission and approval for the processing of EIA Report on EIA to the Ministry of Environment, or Information on how effluents as well as discharges will be handled (if the proposed capacity is less than 10MW).
  • Supply Agreement for Fuel Supply Agreement, or a letter from a supplier of fuel and/or transporter informing them of an inclusion of requirements for fuel of the person applying to be included in supply lists of both the transporter and fuel supplier.
  • MOU or Letter of Intent with or Letter of Intent Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC) Contractor (if the case).
  • MOU or A Letter of Intent signed by the partner technical (if the latter is applicable).
  • Letters of Financing or Financing Agreements help fund your project through the financier institution(s).
  • Timings for commissioning of the power plant, as well as the day when different capabilities of the plant will go into operation.

Office Locations and Contacts

Electricity Regulatory Authority
A brand new ERA House, Plot 5C-1 Third Street, Lugogo Industrial Area
P.O.Box 1033, Kampala, Uganda
Telephone: +256 417 101800, +256 393-260166
Hotline for Complaints Call: +256 200 56000
Tel: 031-2185185 (MTN);
041-4185185 (UTL);
075-2185185 (ZAIN);
070 -185185(WARID);
0800185185(TOLL FREE);
0800185186(TOLL FREE)
Internet: Link
Plot No.10, Hannington Rd.
P.O.Box 7625
Tel: +256 -417- 802 000 | +256-414-233433/4
Website: Link


  • A brand new business that wants to develop an energy generation that is greater than one megawatt may apply


  • The cost of licensing varies between USD $ 2500 to $75,000 depending on the type of generator and the size of the generator.


  • The period of validity is usually 40 years.

Processing Time

  • The processing time for maximum processing is 180 days.


  • Licensee who, without legal excuse, does not comply with any condition of their license is guilty of an offense and is subject to a fine that is not to exceed 100 currency points, and to a fine of not more than ten currency points for each day or portion of a single day that the offense continues even after the conviction.
  • This License is not applicable to hydropower licenses production with a capacity not over 10 megawatts.
  • A licensee is entitled to in the three years preceding the expiration date submit a request to the authority to request the renewal of their license.
  • Anyone who wishes to challenge the granting of a license should file a written protest within 21 days of when the Public Notice issued in the local newspaper.
  • The objection should be filed in the shape of an application to the Commission in two copies on paper as well as an electronic version with Microsoft Office software format contained on CD-ROM.

Requirements Information

  • Applicant information
  • Name and contact information of Contact Person
  • Legal status for the applicant
  • List of Particulars and Shareholders
  • Director’s List and Particulars
  • Type of license
  • Financial status
  • Information about business
  • Project details
  • The impact of the project
  • Declaration

The Document is required

  • An electricity generation license permits you to produce electric power that can be directly linked to and discharged via the distribution system or independently licensed distribution licencee.

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