How to Apply for Ganja License in Jamaica

Apply for Ganja License in Jamaica By Yourself

  1. To apply for the permit to deal with Ganja (cannabis) If you want to apply for the license, you need to go to the Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) that is responsible for issuance of the license. You can access the CLA map of their location and contact information by clicking this click here

  1. Get the application form at the CLA Office or you can download the form electronically from CLA’s website: CLA site: (Application to Licence 1.A.)you can also download the application form directly from this hyperlink: Link
  2. In addition to the form from 1A, you must be able to obtain the below documents from the CLA office, or on the internet via on the CLA website: Link
    • Additional Details for Licence Application [FORM 1B[FORM 1B]
    • Applications of Occupational Licenses (Group) (FORM 2AForm 2A
    • Declaration of Ownership/Change of Directors [FORM 2BDeclaration of Ownership/Change in Directors [FORM 2B
    • Consent to Ownership [FORM 3](not necessary when the property is part of the property owned by applicant)
  3. Complete all forms accurately in accordance with the instructions given for filling out the forms.
  4. Take all necessary supporting documents , in addition to these forms (Above) according to the “Required documents” section below.
  5. Complete the application form along with the other supporting documents into a single sealed envelope, and then deliver them to CLA, Licensing and Application Division 4th floor Pan Jam Building, 60 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5.
  6. The authority will evaluate the application to ensure it is complete and will inform the applicant of additional details that could be needed.
  7. The CLA will notify you of the outcome of the review, and following a positive review, you must pay the processing fee for your application of $300 for individuals and $500 for a corporation or cooperative. You will also need to receive your CLA invoice for payment. Be aware that you shouldn’t pay the fee until you are instructed to do so by CLA to show proof of payment.
  8. After you have paid the processing fee After you have paid the processing fee, the CLA will perform an examination of your application and will consult with the partners involved to conduct a thorough investigation of the application
  9. When you have completed the due diligence, officials will prepare an account and give you with a conditional acceptance in accordance with their findings.
  10. Then, you will be required to make improvements to your website as directed by the authority to ensure that it meets the CLA standards.
  11. CLA CLA will conduct an inspection of your property or premises to determine whether you meet the standards or requirements and then submit the report to the appropriate authorities for their approval or denial.
  12. Now , the authority will look over the report they have submitted and send your decision.
  13. If your application is accepted then pay the fee for the license and secure bound, and get the receipt for payment.
  14. The license is then processed and will be issued to you.

Required for Documents  Ganja License in Jamaica

  • Complete the 1A application form
  • Additional Data for Licence Application [FORM 1BSupplemental Information for Licence Application [FORM 1B
  • Demand to apply for Occupational Licenses (Group) (FORM 2A[FORM 2A]
  • Change in Directors’ Ownership/Declaration of Ownership [FORM 2BDeclaration of Ownership/Change in Directors [FORM 2B
  • Consent to Ownership [Form 3Consent of Owner [FORM 3
  • Certificate of tax compliance
  • Land Title or other documents that grant permission to access or the use the property for the purpose of growing Ganja
  • Original Police Record for the Owner or Directors in general, as well for each employee.
  • Diagram of the property or premises that shows the distinct areas that have dimensions and partitions, including but not limited to entry/exits and loading or receival areas, and storage spaces. Be aware that the Diagram doesn’t have to be drawn at size and should be drawn in a single 8 1/2 11 (letter-sized) paper.
  • Original police record

For Companies, Businesses, or Cooperatives

  • Constituent Documents e.g. articles of incorporation, Partnership Agreement, etc.
  • Certificate of Registration
  • The evidence of application

To be used by cultivators

  • Letter of agreement from potential buyer for raw materials (if there is one)
  • Passport-sized photograph (certified by an official Justice of the Peace)
  • Two (2) government issued identification documents

Check with the CLA Checklist: Link
All copies of documents need to be authenticated by the justice of the peace.

Office Locations and Contacts

Cannabis Licensing Authority
4th Floor, Pan Jam Building 60 ,Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5 Jamaica W.I
Telephone: (876) 654-7582 or (876) 596-2996
Contact details and location map: Link
Website: link

What are all the Eligibility

  • Cooperatives, companies and individual residents who have been in Jamaica for three years or more
  • Check this link to determine whether you meet the requirements for applying: Link


  • Access fee information via the following link: Link

Documents to Utilize

  • Formulation to obtain Licence Application for Licence 1A: Link
  • Additional Information Required for Licence Application [FORM 1B] Link
  • Request to apply for Occupational Licenses (Group) (Form 2A): Link
  • Change in Directors’ Declaration of Ownership/Change of Director [FORM 2B] Link
  • Consent of Owner Form 3[FORM 3 Link

Processing Time

  • Within 6 months


  • You will need to submit a separate application for every new license that you would like to apply for, as there are many types of licenses, including License for Processors, Cultivator’s licence Retail license, Transportation license and the Research and Development license.

The Information You Need

  • Type of license
  • Applicant’s details
  • Addresses
  • Information about the company
  • General declaration
  • Statement of financial historical
  • Signatures and dates

The document is needed

  • This license confirms that you are legally authorized to manage Ganja in the specific category you’ve applied for in accordance with the law.

Information that can be useful

  • Pre-license inspection criteria:Link

External Links




Application In Person

  1. To get the Hawker’s or Peddler’s license you must submit applications to Tax Admiration Jamaica (TAJ) office located in your locality. Get TAJ’s contact information via the following link The contact information for TAJ .
  2. Get the application form at the TAJ office and fill out the application form in accordance with.
  3. Make sure you have all the necessary documents to submit your application. include them on the application form.
  4. Visit the TAJ’s office in your parish. Pay the application fee through the cashier’s counter and collect the receipt for payment.
  5. Completely submit the application complete application to your TAJ person at the TAJ service desk, along with the receipt for payment.
  6. The official will review the application and send it to the department responsible to be approved.
  7. The details of your application will be logged in TAJ’s database for online service and the license will then be processed and then issued to you.
  • You may apply for a class A licence or class license.

Documents Required

  • Identification documents.
  • Tax certificate.
  • Reception of payment.
  • Application to be filled in.

Office Locations and Contacts

Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ)
Address PCJ Bldg. 36 Trafalgar Road, Kingston 5
Phone: 922-5905
TAJ’s contact information
The entire list of TAJ Office contacts


  • The people who are involved in hawking or peddling can apply.


  • Hawkers and Peddlers License A $2.00.
  • Hawkers and Peddlers License B $10.0.


  • This license lasts for one (1) year and valid for renewal.


  • It is not advisable to engage in any form of hawking or peddling without having a valid license.
  • The license can only be recognized by the parish that issued it.

The Information You Need

  • Name.
  • Number of tax registration.
  • Address.
  • Contact details.
  • Parish.

The Document is required

  • The license confirms that you’re allowed to market in your respective parish.

Information that could be helpful

External Links



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