How to Apply For Getting Married in Denmark

Apply For Getting Married in Denmark

How do you get married at City Hall
  • A civil wedding can be conducted by the mayor, or any other person as long as the mayor has approved the marriage. You may choose which municipality you that you want to get married in.
  • The ceremony typically takes place in City Hall, but the mayor can decide where the wedding to take place, for instance in a park or forest. The venue must fall within the boundaries of the municipality.
  • Following your wedding ceremony will be the wedding certificate immediately following the ceremony.
  • The marriage ceremony must be witnessed by at minimum two witnesses.

How to be married in the church:

  • If you wish to be married in an existing church, you should make contact with an pastor from the congregation in which you’ll be getting married. He will carry and sign a the municipal marriage certificate.
  • You can be married in a specific church in which:
    • One of you is an active person who is a member of your church and the church is a part of the parish. to the parish of the member.
    • One of you is an active church member either of you is a member, or both have a connection to the church and so you would like to be married in the church.
  • There is no right for you to marry in any other churches other than those listed above two. You can contact the specific parish and request permission to get married in a third church.
  • There should be at minimum two witnesses to the wedding ceremony. After the ceremony , the priest issues the marriage license.
  • A priest is able to decide to not wed you if either of you are divorced. If a priest with other religious reasons doesn’t plan to hold an event the bishop will decide if the priest is exempt from performing the wedding ceremony.

National Church blessing of civil marriages or registered partnerships:

  • You are able to receive a religious blessing from a priest in the church, provided you’re married legally or are an registered partnership. The priest has the power to decline to bless you. If you are seeking a blessing from the church then you should contact the pastor. He will grant the blessing. Keep in mind that you will keep the date of your wedding regardless of whether the wedding will be blessed at the church.

How do you marry in a recognized (or recognized) religion

  • If you are getting married in a different church You should inform the local community. Weddings can be held within the accepted religions only one of you is a member to the community and it has priests with the right to get married. He must carry and present the confirmation certificate the municipality issued.

How do you be married in another country

  • Danish authorities usually can only marry within Denmark. The captains on Danish ships are not able to perform marriages.
  • Only in rare cases can you be married in an Embassy or on another Danish mission in another country:
    • This option only applies for those who, due to work or other absences from Denmark cannot legally get married in Denmark.
    • It’s only possible in countries where it’s not permitted to be legally married through the locale authority for weddings for example, a the church or public wedding office
  • You require a marriage certificate when you’re an Danish citizen planning to marry abroad. Marriage certificates can be issued in multiple languages, and shows that you meet Danish law to be eligible to marry. The certificate lasts for four months from the date it was issued.
  • It is your responsibility to report the marriage and provide the required documentation to the municipality in which you reside or where you have last resided in Denmark.
  • There is a wealth of information on wedding ceremonies in Danish churches overseas on the Danish Seamen’s Church Abroad. The wedding rules vary significantly from country to country. The MFA website you can find out what the laws are different in each country.

Required Documents For Getting Married

  • Valid passports
  • Residence permits are required if you reside in another country
  • Schengen visa , if needed and proof of entry, the time of arrival in Denmark and the Schengen region
  • Certificate of your marital status From the country where you were born and from your current place of your residence (if it is different)
  • Divorce decrees are valid if you’ve divorced
  • Death certificate for those who are widowed or widowed

Office Locations and Contacts

CopenhagenCitizen Service Center
Phone: +45 33 66 33 66
Hours of operation:
Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00

Staterne 2
5970 Rskbing
TEL: +45 63 52 50 00

Danish Kommunes

How to Apply For Getting Married in Denmark
How to Apply For Getting Married in Denmark

What are all the Eligibility

Anyone under the age of 18 are not permitted to marry without the permission of the Marriage Office.

People who apply for asylum are not able to marry in Denmark.

There is a charge for marriage when both parties have a permanent address in a different country than Denmark. Contact the relevant offices directly to inquire about the current cost.


Note that if neither of you are residents of Denmark the other party will be assessed a cost in the amount of DKK 500.

Documents to Utilize

Notification of Marriage The application forms can be downloaded in English

Document Samples

Danish Marriage Act


If you’re planning to be married and you want to get married, you need to apply to marry. You can do this by filling in an announcement of marriage from the city where you reside in, either one or both of the areas you reside.

The municipality will examine whether you are in compliance with the requirements for marriage to one another, and prepare the certification of your marriage.

The municipalities determine where you can get married. Contact the marriage office of the city you’d like to marry.

If you have to be married outside of the municipal boundaries or in a church, or in a religious congregation, you will be presented with a marriage certificate and must present it to the authority for marriage. Be aware that the verification certificate might be too old. It has to be issued at least four months prior to the wedding.

Requirements Information

  • Name
  • Birth date
  • The place of birth
  • Current address
  • Citizenship
  • Marital status

The Document is required

The process of getting married in Denmark is a significant amount of paperwork. Be sure to give yourself ample time to complete all requirements for marriage prior to the date of your wedding.

If you want to marry in Denmark you must appear at the municipal offices or the Citizen Service Center (Borgerservice). There you must complete a marriage application and then present it with the necessary documents.

Information that could be helpful

Divorce decrees and death certificates issued in countries other than those of the European Union (with exception of the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, a.o.) must be presented in the original with a Legalization/Apostille. The entire Legalization must be translated before being handed in.

Other uses for the document/certificate

After the wedding, are the wedding certificate immediately following the ceremony.

External Links


  • The certificate that proves your marital status (no more than 4 months old) must be from the place you were born and the current location of residency (if you have a different residence).
  • Certain register offices and churches might require additional documentation or require you to reside in their city (kommune) in a specified period of time prior to the date when the wedding could be held.
  • Contact either the office of your parish or registry office in the town or city in which you would like to get married to verify their requirements.

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