How to Apply for Import License for Phonograms or Video grams Devices In Ivory Coast

Apply for Import License for Phonograms or Video grams Devices In Ivory Coast By Online

  • The Prior Import Authorization (API) Permit is an authorization document that grants importers the authority to import any product into Ivory Coast legally.
  • API Permit API Permit was issued by the appropriate ministry in charge, Importers are required to join the GUCE first, and then fill in an Import Declaration Form (FDI) that is required in the event that the worth of the merchandise is more than five hundreds of thousands (500,000) FCFA and for getting approval for the API permit.

Register using the GUCE

  • Log in on this GUCE CI website Link If you already have an account. If you don’t , you’ll be required to sign-up using the registration form for exporters and importers through the GUCE website. Click this link to download the the link (import/export registration form to create a GUCE account)
  • Complete the form and then have it be signed by the representative legal of the firm.
  • Scan and submit this request form along with the supporting documents below, electronically to or physically deposit it with Webb Fontaine CI Customer Service.
    • A replica of the legal representative’s identification document.
    • A duplicate of the identity document of the person who is requesting an account with GUCE.
    • A duplicate of the Import Export Code Sheet.
  • For deposits made with physical currency who submits the request must present his/her identification document.
  • When you make your request, GUCE will review your request and email you an email with the Username along with the Password for the email address that you signed up with. access your account and gain access to the website.

Create the Prior Import Authorization (API) permits for video or phonograms Devices

  • Once you have logged in to the GUCE site, fill out the Import declaration the form (FDI) and send it in.
  • The system will create an order to obtain Prior Import Authorization, (API) that will be forwarded directly to the Ministry of Trade to be checked and processed.
  • The importer must then go to then the Ivorian Copyright Office (BURIDA), Directorate of Mechanical Reproduction & Stickers (DRM and Stickers) office to express your desire to purchase the copyright.
  • You can purchase the form for importation at the fee of 10,000 FCFA for 1,000 copies, regardless of the number of CDs or DVD copies printed.
  • Go through the application thoroughly and then submit the form with the accompanying documents to the officer who is attending.
        • Document proving identity that proves the identity of the candidate.
        • Invoices for purchase.
        • All documents that pertain with the dissemination of media (Producer contract and Distribution license. ).
        • Demand for Prior Import Authorization (API) Original document
        • A Receipt for the payment of the right to reproduce mechanically (paid in foreign currency).
  • Your application will be reviewed and approved through the director general of (BURIDA) If he/she believes that documents are correct, the form for requesting your immigration intent is completed by the director.
  • A representative from the department of combating piratey will accompany the importer to the point of entry to check (distribution license, conformity with the declaration the declaration, etc. ).
  • When the inspector is pleased with the inspection report , he/she will apply BURIDA’s visa. BURIDA for the purpose to Import.
  • The Importer must then go to the customs office to submit the custom declaration. If evidence of the payment made overseas for the mechanical reproduction rights is not able to be supplied the importer has to be able to pay for these rights to BURIDA. The cost for mechanical reproduction rights is then equal to:
  • For the following media types:
  • 160 FCFA per unit when the price of the product lower than three Thousand (3,000) FCFA.
  • 250 FCFA per unit if the cost of selling the support is more than three Thousand (3,000) FCFA.
  • Supports for videograms The support is 8% of the price at which you sell the support.
  • The importer must then visit at the Ministry of Ministry of Trade office and hand over the required file documents and other information to the desk of licensing
        • Copy of the FDI number/copies of the import declaration form (FDI)
        • A copy from the invoice proforma
  • Pay the necessary fees at cash registers. Upon which you will receive a receipt.
  • If the official authorized to approve is satisfied that the conditions to file the application have been met and you are informed of the decision via email, phone, SMS or in person. You will then be you will be issued an Import Authorization (API) Authorization to import Video or Phonogram Devices

Required Documents For Apply for Import License for Phonograms or Video grams Devices

Register using the GUCE

  • A replica of the legal representative’s identification document.
  • A photocopy of the identity card of the person who has requested an account with GUCE.
  • An image of the Import Code Sheet.

Import intent request for Video or Phonograms Devices

  • Document proving identity that proves the identity of the candidate.
  • A bill for item.
  • All documents that pertain with the dissemination of media (Producer contract, Distribution license, etc. ).
  • Receipt of payment for the right to reproduce mechanically (paid in foreign currency).

import authorization (API) Authorization for Video or Phonograms Devices

  • A proforma bill.
  • Valid identification document
  • Valid Certificate of registration for the company.
  • Additional documents may be required from the minister of commerce.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Culture and Francophonie
Address: Abidjan – Plateau Cite Administrative, Tower E, 21 th Floor, Gate 25
BP V 39 Ivory Coast
Tel: (+225) 20 21 83 94
website: Link
Ivorian Copyright Office (BURIDA)
Address: Abidjan, Cocody, II Plateaux – Vallon
BURIDA building, rue Bernard Dadie (near rue des jardins, near the restaurant Nuit de Saigon)
BP V 258 Cote d’Ivoire
Tel: (+ 225) 22 41 22 11
Web site: Link
Ministry of Trade, Crafts and the Promotion of SMEs
Address: Abidjan – Plateau Cite Administrative Tower E 13th floor / Nour-al-hayat :building avenue chardy abidjan lagunescall
Telephone:( +225) 20 24 26 04
Fax (+225)20 24 26 03
Website Link
Office hours : Hours of operation: 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.


  • Legal or natural (individuals/companies/businesses) that wish to import phonograms or video grams devices


  • Import intention forms at an amount of 10,000 FCFA per 1,000 copies regardless of the number of DVD, CD or book titles that are printed.
  • For the following media types:
    • 160 FCFA per unit when the price of the product lower than three Thousand (3,000) FCFA.
    • 250 FCFA per unit if the price at which the support is sold support is more than three Thousand (3,000) FCFA.

Supports for videograms The support is 8% of the price at which you sell the support.

Documents to Utilize

Link (Import intention request form)
Link (import/export registration for GUCE account)

Examples of Documents

Link (Prior Import Authorization (API) request form)
Link (The Import Declaration Form (FDI)


For all sea-based imports The exporter, forwarder abroad , and the importer must all be registered with the BSC on the website that is operated by the Office Ivoirien des Chargeurs (OIC) .
The required document to register

  • The Final Invoice or the valuable Inventory of personal belongings.
  • It is also known as the Bill of Lading (Bill of Lading, also known as B / L).
  • The packing checklist.
  • It is the Customs Export Declaration of the country where the shipment is made of the merchandise.
  • The Local Insurance Certificate in Cote d’Ivoire.
  • This is known as the Import Declaration Form (FDI) or its number.

Additionally for imports coming from non-member countries of within the European Union, the following are necessary:

  • It’s the Freight Invoice.
  • It is the Certificate of Origin.

The Information You Need

Importer details

  • Name of the company that imports or imports
  • Contact details
  • Identification document details
  • Company registration certificate detail
  • Source of import
  • The value of the product
  • Transport mode
  • Name of the bank of the importer (in Cote d’Ivoire) (for the Bank Domiciliation and for getting an Exchange Authorization).
  • The HS codes of items to be imported
  • A declaration from the applicant

The Document is required

  • Any natural or legal (individuals/companies/businesses) with an Import Authorization (API) Permit and having obtained an Import Intent from the Ivorian Copyright Office (BURIDA) is authorized to import recorded media (phonograms and video grams) legally to Ivory Coast.

Information that could be helpful

Please Take Note

      • Before putting the product on sale to the general public the media must apply labels (sticker) to the medium of sound or image. The stickers can be purchased from the Ivorian Copyright Office (BURIDA) for a price of 41.3FCFA per sticker.
      • When the packages are delivered and the media is transferred to BURIDA to be affixed with stickers for authenticity (stickers).

If not, the audio or image media could be considered to be pirated and be confiscated as a result of the Order n deg 47 of 19 August 1999 .

External Links

Link (Ministry of Culture and Francophonie)
Link (Le Guichet Unique du Commerce Exterieur (GUCE)
Link (Ivorian Copyright Office (BURIDA)



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