How to Apply for Incorporation of a Company In Niue

Apply for Incorporation of a Company In Niue By Online

  1. Visit the Registrar’s office and request incorporation of a corporation.
  2. Send the required documents and information.
  3. The Registrar will write its name as well as the business in the Niue Register.
  4. Pay the amount.
  5. The Certificate of Incorporation is issued.

Required Documents For Apply for Incorporation of a Company

  • An official copy of the company’s rules and regulations of the business, in case there are any differences from rules of the model;

Office Locations and Contacts

Registration of CompaniesTreasury Department
Niue Public Services
PO Box 36
Contact Phones
Freephone in Niue

  • 010, 015 (ask for the Companies Office)

Freephone in New Zealand

  • 0508 722 434

No-cost phone service Outside Niue as well as New Zealand

  • +64 3 962 2723

The Information You Need

  • It is the name used by the business must be in compliance the section 10
  • If the company is a private business or a public corporation and
  • The rules of the business differ from the standard rules that are set out in Schedule 2 (in the case of a private business) as well as Schedule 4 (in the case of a public company); and
  • Name, residence address and postal address of each director of the company as well as
  • Names of each owner of shares in the corporation, as well as the amount of shares that will be distributed to each shareholder;
  • A registered office for the company to be formed The registered office of the proposed company; and
  • The address for postal delivery of the companycould include the office of registration, or any other address for postal purposes.
  • A request for incorporation must be followed by
    • A written consent from every director named to serve as director in the firm according to the form prescribed.

The name of the company

  • A company’s name must be elongated. business must begin with the word Limited.
  • The Registrar is not required to create a business with an address
    • It is similar or nearly exactly the same as the name of a different company It is also
    • The usage of which would violate any law in relation using names or
    • This is in violation of rules enacted pursuant to this Act with regard to the company’s name; or
    • The Registrar believes that it could be offensive.
  • If the application for incorporation of a firm has an unsuitable name, which is not in compliance with the conditions of this section the Registrar has to incorporate the company using an address that is in the form Company number x Limited, where x is an unique number that is assigned to the company by the Registrar to serve this reason.

The document is needed

Incorporation is the process of forming an entirely new company. The corporation could be a corporation or a non-profit organisation or sports club, as well as the government of a brand town or city that is being built.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

The certificate of incorporation for an entity is conclusive proof that

  • The requirements of this Act regarding incorporation have been met and
  • From on the date mentioned in the document, the firm is registered under this Act.
  • A company that is incorporated in accordance with this Act is an legal entity that is in its own right, separate from its shareholders and is in existence until the time its removal from Niue list.

External Links

Government of Niue



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