How to Apply for License for Noise in Excess of Permissible Noise Levels In Uganda

Apply for License for Noise in Excess of Permissible Noise Levels In Uganda By Online

  • to maintain the integrity of a healthy ecosystem for the wildlife and humans throughout Uganda.
  • This helps to increase the tranquility and mental wellbeing of both wildlife and humans by regulating vibration and noise levels.
  1. A person or occupant of a premises where activities or work will likely to generate noise over the permitted noise levels must be eligible for a licence.
  2. To apply for a licence to emit Noise in Exceedance of Permissible Noise, applicants must apply for the executive director using the form specified by Part 1 of the Noise Standard Control Act. Complete and submit the required application form .ie Formula: NEMA/NC
  3. This form can be obtained by visiting the National Environment Management Authority.Website:National Environment Management Authority
  4. After filling in the application form all the necessary documents and application form must be sent at the NEMA office. You can also forward them to NEMA office:
    Executive Director
    National Environment Management Authority,
    P. O. Box 22255
    Kampala, Uganda.
  5. You will be required to provide the application forms along together with all required documents.These documents contain
    • Address and name of the applicant:
    • Physical address of the premises or facility in which noise is expected to be generated or produced:
    • The times during which work or activity is performed.
    • The volume of sound that can be produced over the permitted noise levels
    • The machinery or plant that is to be used
    • The steps suggested are to be followed to reduce noise generated by the work or actions
    • The work or activity and the way in how they are to be performed
  6. It is also necessary to pay the required application fees and then submit the receipt for payment along with the required documents. The application fee is charged for this process.
  7. A processing period of 7 days is needed for the process of obtaining the License to emit Noise in Exccess of Permissible Sound.
  8. After receiving the application the Executive Director can issue the owner or occupier of the premises the right to emit sound that is higher than the permissible levels as per the format stipulated by Section II of the Noise Standard Control Act with those terms and conditions that can be specified in the permit.
  9. The Executive Director could decide to contact the applicant via an email or phone call Email to request an updated license from NEMA office.
  10. You’ll need to have your ID documents at the time you collect you new driver’s license.

Required Documents For Apply for License for Noise in Excess of Permissible Noise Levels

  • Address and name of the applicant:
  • Physical address of the property or facility in which noise will be generated or created:
  • The time during which tasks or activities are performed.
  • The amount of noise that can be produced over the permitted noise levels.
  • The machinery or plant to be employed
  • The measures suggested are to be taken to limit noise generated by the work or actions.
  • The work or activity and the way in the method they will be performed

Office Locations and Contact

The Director Executive National Environment Management Authority
Head Office
Postal Address Postal Address. O. BOX 22255 Kampala, Uganda.
Tel: +256 414 251064, +256 414 251065, +256 414 251068
Physical Address: NEMA House, Plot 17/19/21 Jinja Road
City: National
Contact Email:
Site: National Environment Management Authority


  • Individual/Association/Company/Public Authority, corporate engaged in the business owner or occupier of premises whose works or activities are likely to emit noise in excess of the permissible noise levels.


Fee for licence: UGX 448,201


Relying on a particular action

Examples of Documents

contack link:contact link 1

Processing Time

Maximum processing time of 7 days.


NEMA should formalize its institution-wide coordination with other authorities with whom it has interfaces to improve efficiency for the licenses that it issues.

Requirements Information

  • Information about the neighborhood, with a an area of 2 km (Describe the type of neighborhood (industrial, residential commercial, or is close to a school or hospital or a residential zone)
  • Include the proposed mitigation measures to control the noise.
  • Duration of emission of noise is determined by: (indicate time of day and the number of hours/minutes)
  • Lot No. Village Sub-county, parish, district county

Information that can be useful

  • The issue of the License for Noise in Excess of Permissible Noise Levels was issued by the Director Executive, rather than to an Technical Committee as is the situation with the pollution license as well as the authority to operate or manage an environmental management facility or disposal site, puts the authority to license in the hands of a single individual which exposes the system to abuse and subjectivity.
  • Furthermore the sentiment of stakeholders was in the direction of NEMA licensing procedures are slowed in bureaucracy

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