How to Apply for Marine Mammal Export License In Bahamas

Apply for Marine Mammal Export License In Bahamas By Online

  1. To apply for a Marine Mammal Export License in person, the applicant needs to go to the Department of Marine Resources in the home state.
  2. Contact information and address are listed in the “Office Location and Contacts” Section.
  3. Visit the office and obtain an application form to obtain a Marine Mammal Export License from the appropriate department.Or it can be downloaded here: Link
  4. How to  Apply for Marine Mammal Export License In Bahamas
    How to Apply for Marine Mammal Export License In Bahamas
  5. Fill out the application form by providing the correct information in the relevant sections. Sign it after you have completed it.
  6. When you have completed the application form, ensure that you’ve uploaded all the documents mentioned on the “Required documents” section on this page.
  7. Then, hand this in person in the appropriate office.
  8. Pay the fee required.
  9. Permits will then be given to the applicant within five days.

Required Documents Apply for Marine Mammal Export License

  • A completed application form.
  • The Veterinary Health Certification.
  • An import approval must be obtained from the country of the destination.
  • Export permits in accordance with the Animal Health Act.

Office Locations and Contacts

Department of Marine Resources
East Bay Street
P.O. Box N-3028
Nassau, New Providence
The Bahamas
Tel. (242) 393-1777
Fax. (242) 393-0238
Hours of operation: 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.
for Family Island Residents: Link


Criteria for eligibility to go through the procedure is to meet

  • Evidence that the marine mammal is able to be legally brought into the country of destination.
  • The evidence suggests that marine mammals are healthy.
  • The evidence that exports of marine mammals is approved by the Animal Health Act.


The fee applicable is BS$100.00

Documents to Utilize

Application Formula: Application Link

Processing Time

  • The license is available within five working days..

Requirements Information

  • Name of the Applicant
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Fax
  • Marine mammal type or marine product that is proposed to be imported or exported
  • Name and location of the facility in which the marine mammal product will be exported or imported
  • Import/export purpose of the marine mammal/marine mammal products
  • Method of transportation and the method by where the marine Mammal product will be imported or exported
  • Port of entry where the marine mammal or marine mammal product is going to be exported/imported
  • Signing of the Applicant
  • Date

The Document is required

  • The Marine Mammal Export Permit is required to permit to export any marine mammal out of The Bahamas.

External Links

  • Go here to find out more information.

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