How to Apply for Release of Motor vehicles for Consumption (Aging System) In Morocco

Apply for Release of Motor vehicles for Consumption (Aging System) In Morocco By Online

  1. Visit go to the Office of Administration of Customs and Indirect Taxes.
  2. Bring the documents you need.
  3. Show the documents.
  4. Pay the amount.

Required Documents For Apply for Release of Motor vehicles for Consumption

  • The application must be made using standard form that is available on the site
  • Identity certificate is issued in two copies at the center for registration
  • Change of residence certificate issued by authorities in the country of the place of departure for the applicant.
  • Payslips that cover the minimum of 2 years to employees, or evidence of tax statements for the two years preceding for traders and other individuals
  • Original sale invoice for vehicles three months or less
  • The national identity card copy

Office Locations and Contacts

of Customs and Indirect Taxes Administration of Customs & Indirect TaxesPhone Number: 0537-57-90-01/02/03.
Fax Number: 0537-557-90-13 contact numbers: link


Moroccan citizens living out of the country.


The fees may differ based on the model, make, capacity, and the date of the issue. The cumulative rate is 59 25 percent. The aging method consists in adding 3 years of age to the automobile in order to calculate the tax value.

Processing Time

It could take between 1 and 4 hours for maximum processing time.


The maximum clearance reduction of motor vehicles can be 25% of the tax value, the age-related benefit of the reduction can be used for:

  • Car considered as new benefits from a reduction of 3 years 25 percent;
  • A vehicle of one year of age is eligible for 2 years of reduction and 20% reduction;
  • Two-year-old vehicle age, which benefits from reduction in year of 10 percent;
  • A vehicle that is three years old or older doesn’t benefit from any reduction.

Documentation is needed

The application for the permission to use motor vehicle to be used is available for private motor vehicles of less than three years age. This is not a facility only available for private vehicles older than three years or commercial vehicles ( mini-vans, vans, as well as light truck) as well as motorcycles.

External Links

Motor vehicles are released for older systems of consumption:



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