How to Apply for Renew your adult passport in New Zealand

Apply for Renew your adult passport in New Zealand

The form should be completed by yourself, if competent to complete it.

  • When you apply for the New Zealand passport, Certificate of Identity Travel Document or Refugee Travel Document, complete the application form by yourself with your own handwriting.
  • To apply for a passport for a child parents or legal guardian must fill out the application on their child’s behalf. The parent must sign the consent form to issue a child passport.

If you are unable to fill out the form by yourself, don’t worry.

  • If you are unable to fill out this form by yourself due to the fact that you suffer from a disability or a difficulties with speaking or a language barrier, someone else could complete the form on your behalf. The person who fills in the form should complete an official declaration in the Section Statutory. You then have to fill out your own declaration in the section entitled Your Applicant Declaration in the event that you’re able to sign it.

The completed applications should be sent to the address below.

NEW ZEALAND Send a message to

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 1568
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Courier to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
109 Featherston Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Australia Post to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
GPO Box 365
Sydney NSW 2001

Courier to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
Level 10, 55, Hunter Street
Sydney NSW 2000

UNITED KINGDOM Post or courier to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
New Zealand House
80 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4TQ
United Kingdom

Application Forms New Adult Passport Application Form$file/adult-renewal-form.pdf

Required Documents For Renew your adult passport

  • Valid ID document
  • Documentation of residency
  • Two (2) identical color images of the child

Office Locations and Contacts

New Zealand: Freephone 0800 22 50 50 Phone +64 4 463 9360 Fax +64 4 382 3410

Australia: Freephone 1300 559 535. Phone: +61 2 9225 2300 Fax +61 2 922 0223

United Kingdom: Phone +44 20 7968 2730 Fax +44 20 7968 2739 Website:

NEW ZEALAND The post is to

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 1568
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Courier to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
109 Featherston Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Australia Post to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
GPO Box 365
Sydney NSW 2001

Courier to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
Level 10, 55, Hunter Street
Sydney NSW 2000

UNITED KINGDOM Post or courier to:

New Zealand Passport Office
Department of Internal Affairs
New Zealand House
80 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4TQ
United Kingdom

What are all the Eligibility

You can apply for a renewal of your adult passports to New Zealand if you have an active passport.


The fee for your application must pay in the national currency to which you’re making your request to process.

Service standard (up up to 10 days working)

  • New Zealand: NZ$153.30
  • Australia: AU$162.00
  • United Kingdom: GB76.00

Emergency service (up up to three working days)

  • New Zealand: NZ$306.60
  • Australia: AU$324.00
  • United Kingdom: GB152.00

After-hours (by appointment)

  • New Zealand: NZ$664.30
  • Australia: AU$622.00
  • United Kingdom: GB291.00

If you follow the link, for different fees according to the location you submit your application.—adult-passports?open

Payment Methods

  • Cash payments or EFTPOS must be made in person at an Passport office.
  • Money orders and cheques
    • Input all of the information on the money order or cheque.
    • Make it payable to Department of Internal Affairs..
  • Credit cards
    • Complete all the information required in the payment section on the form application.
    • VISA, MasterCard, Visa debit cards, and American Express are accepted.
    • Payments made with credit cards are not accepted through Embassies, High Commissions or Consulate offices.
  • Do not send cash WITH the mail.


It is believed that the New Zealand Passport is valid for a maximum duration of five years. The validity period begins from when the passport was issued and continues through the date of expiration.

Processing Time

Is your travel urgent?

  • A typical application for a passport can take approximately 10-days to take. If you require travel urgently , or due to an emergency, for an additional cost, they will typically complete your passport application in three working days once the fee has been paid.
  • If you are forced to travel due to an illness that is serious or the death of a loved one you might not need to pay the additional cost or be reimbursed after your passport is issued.
  • Standard service Up 10-working days
  • Urgent service Up at 3 days working time

Callout service: There’s an additional charge for callout services. The service is available via appointment during non-business hours, all seven days of the week, in emergency situations.


  • There is no requirement to submit the New Zealand passport. Once your application is received , your old New Zealand passport will be deleted and is no longer valid for travel.
  • When filling out the application form, make sure you fill in all the required information.
    • Two (2) identical, recent color images of yourself
    • A person to serve as an identity reference is older than 16 years of age and who has an authentic New Zealand Passport
    • The proper application fee

Instructions on how to fill out the forms

  • Make use of an BLACK pen or BLUE ballpoint pen.
  • In CAPITAL letters, write in each box.
  • Draw a line across errors. Don’t employ correction fluids or paper.

Who is your identity reference?

  • The identity referencee of yours must:
    • Have the valid New Zealand Passport
    • are friends for one year or more.
    • have reached the age of 16 or older.
    • Not necessarily be related to, or be part of your extended family group.
    • Not be your spouse or partner.
    • Do not share the same address as.
  • You will need to supply the identity of your passport holder as well as your name and contact telephone numbers.

Requirements Information

  • Your Name at Birth
  • Eye colour and height
  • Passport Number
  • Emergency Travel Document
  • Your address for home
  • Your contact details
  • Your delivery address
  • Your emergency contact

The Document is required

New Zealand passport is valued and admired all over the world due to its reliability. They might ask for a variety of details so that they can safeguard its integrity by confirming your identity as well as eligibility to get an New Zealand Passport.

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

It is common to use the passport to prove your identification, proof of age and so on.

External Links Apply for child passport—form



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