How To Apply for Sport Pilot License In China

How To Apply for Sport Pilot License In China

CCAR-61 Part 61.31 rating, license and licensing applications as well as approvals.

If you comply with the conditions of the applicant, you may specify the authority of the Regional Administration of Civil Aviation of China Civil Aviation Administration to request a license to make a written request for a grade or permit as per the regulations and pay the applicable costs.

  • when submitting your application should be able to submit the following documents:
  • identification;
  • evidence of qualification;
  • the exam’s theoretical certification;
  • medical clearance
  • The original licence (if needed);
  • Flight experience record book (if needed);
  • Practice exams for compliance certification (if needed);
  • to make a decision according to the section 61.91 of the Military Aviation Pilots are experience personnel must be provided Military Aviation Technical Archives has an experienced record of proof.

The acceptance of the application review, acceptance, and allows

  • must notify the applicant that the content that is to be added when the application materials are insufficient or do not comply with the format prescribed to be submitted by the Civil Aviation Authority region five working days following receipt of a one-time written application. The notice that is late will be considered to be as the date on which the application. All documents provided by applicants conformity with the correction notice Regional Administration of the Civil Aviation Authority will take into consideration the area of application. Regional Administration inadmissible application, it will notify that the person applying in writing.
  • The Regional Administration accepts the application when the Regional Administration approves the application, it will take twenty working days to complete its examination of the application documents. When the request of the Regional Administration of the application materials to confirm the content of the requirements of this rule , in conformity with the appropriate manner requirements, the applicant must promptly answer any questions asked to the Authority. The applicant’s answer is not forcibly disqualified because of the delay in the time required to answer questions. The time limit for answering the questions cannot be applied to the previous period of 20 days.
  • Regional Administration deems that the applicant is in compliance with the relevant requirements of this rule, and has issued an individual pilot license commercial pilot license or temporary airline flight instructor and transport pilot Temporary license or provisional ground instructor, CCAR 121 Class II or Class III Instrument Operations Department permit to run outside , or student pilot license after an the examination, if it is not in accordance with the requirements set forth in an application to be granted the rights to issue a permit to run the license, and also to refuse notice to the applicant. Regional Administration before making the decision above, it must notify the applicant of the right to file for reconsideration of administrative decision or apply for administrative litigation rights of applicants.

Documents that are required Sport Pilot License

  • Identification
  • The proof of qualifications
  • The theoretical exam certificate
  • Medical clearance
  • A copy of the original licence (if needed)
  • Record of flight experience book (if required)
  • Practice exams for compliance certification (if required)
  • To make a decision in conformity with the section 61.91 of the Military Aviation Pilots are skilled personnel. They should also be provided Military Aviation Technical Archives has an extensive record of record-keeping experience.

Office Locations and Contacts

CAAC Flight Standards Division General Flight Standards Office: Dong Si 155 West Main Street
Zip: 100710
Tel: 010-64091453

North Administration Flight Standards Service:
Beijing Capital International Airport
Postcode: 100621
Telephone: 010-64594950

East China Administration Flight Standards Service:
Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport
Postcode: 200335
Telephone: 021-51128313

South Africa Administration Flight Standards Service:
Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
Postcode: 510406
Telephone: 020-86130842

Southwest Administration Flight Standards Service:
Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport
Postcode: 610202
Telephone: 028-85702489

Northwest Administration Flight Standards Service:
Labor Xi’an Road No. 207
Zip: 710082
Tel: 029-88791283

Northeast Administration Flight Standards Service:
Dadong xiaoheyan Road,
Zip code: 110043
Tel: 024-88293739

Xinjiang Administration Flight Standards Service:
Urumqi Welcome Road 46
Zip: 830016
Tel: 0991-3801187

What Are All The Eligibility

To be eligible for the sport pilot certificate You must:

  • You must be at the age of 17 (or 16 in the case of applying to operate a balloon or glider).
  • You must be able to speak, read, and write.
  • Have at least three-class medical insurance, or possess an current and valid driver’s licence for activities in light-sport aircrafts apart from a glider, or a balloon.


The charges were based on documents, refer to the 16th of January 2004, NDRC Price [2004 No. 90 “the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance issued a civil aviation administration fees for the system” in which 100 yuan is the amount per person for exam; practice 500 yuan for every exam and apply for temporary licenses each five yuan per individual and for the permanent license at 10 yuan.

Documents to Utilize

Request in order to obtain a Civil Aircraft Pilot License and Rating


Legal Basis: Civil aviation pilot, ground instructor and flight instructor certification rules

The Information You Need

  • Name
  • Nationality
  • Date of Birth
  • Sex
  • The place of birth
  • Telephone
  • Zip Code
  • Mailing Address
  • Service Organization
  • Permanent Address
  • Photo
  • Documents for identification of a certain type
  • ID Document Number.
  • Education
  • Experience
  • Record of the Pilot’s Time

Documentation is needed

Sport Pilot License is used to fly aircrafts which are certified for light sport aircraft (LSA) or have been certified before LSA regulations, and that are within the capacity and weight limits for light-sport aircraft.

Information that could be helpful

  • If the Administrator approves The applicant can be granted the proper certificate or rating. Awarded aircraft category, level or typed endorsement from the Council on the license of the applicant.
  • Because of flight training or practice exams that are part of the characteristics of the aircraft the applicant is unable to complete the driver operator task and thus does not conform to the rules of flying proficiency requirements. however, if the rating or license is was used to satisfy all other requirements, the Administrator could issue the endorsement, corresponding license, or restricted rating.

There are specific restrictions for this (d) medical document that is held by the applicant. The certificate is subject to the appropriate restrictions in order to exercise the rights provided through the licence.

  • For the first meter run under a Class II issued license, only permit the decision to height (DH) at least 45m (150 feet) and a runway’s visible range (RVR) that is no less than 500 meters (1,600 feet) ? Class operation. The holder must prove that he/she that within the last six months, that they have completed three decision heights that is 45 meters (150 feet) of the Instrument Landing System? class in real or simulated conditions (ILS) method of landing. The only restriction to be lifted is.
  • The license that was not withheld will not apply to any license, rating or license that is suspended during the time stipulated in this rule.
  • License was suspended, the requirements of this Code is not valid for any license issued within the year, grade or date of revocation.

Other uses for the document/certificate

A Sport Pilot License allows a pilot to fly light-sport aircrafts without the requirement for a medical certificate. However, a pilot who is a sport must possess an active and valid driver’s license to enjoy this privilege.

External Links

Civil pilots of aircraft navigators, flight engineers, and flight messenger licenses issued

China Civil Aviation Authority

How To Apply for Sport Pilot License In China
How To Apply for Sport Pilot License In China

State Organs

Civil pilots of aircraft, flight instructors and ground instructor’s certification rules


Legal Basis: Civil plane pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructor’s certification rules



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