How To Apply or Register a Trademark In Czech Republic

How To Apply or Register a Trademark In Czech Republic

  • The application for Trademark must be filed with the Intellectual Property Office(IPO) in the Czech Republic. Prior to filing the application you should conduct a search on the database that is already in place to ensure that a similar trademark has not already been registered. Here are the methods by how a trademark application could be submitted.
  • Search database for existing Trademark : Trademark Database Search

Applying in-person By Yourself

To apply in person, contact the IPO office, who will help you get your Trademark registered. These links offer contact details as well as other information that could be utilized to fulfill this purpose.More information about the process and application form: Process information as well as application forms
IPO Contact Information : Contact information
Online Application
To register it online Please follow the link below that will help you : Register On-line

Office Locations and Contacts

This link will provide the contact information and office details in connection with Industrial Property Office : Contact Information


The following link gives fees-related details : Fees and Information

Documents to Utilize

Applications forms that could be used for: Forms for applications

How To Apply or Register a Trademark In Czech Republic
How To Apply or Register a Trademark In Czech Republic

Documentation is needed

This guideline provides details on how to apply for or registration of an Trademark in the Czech Republic.



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