How To Apply Residence Permit(Foreigners already in ) In China

How To Apply Residence Permit(Foreigners already in ) In China

Documents Required Residence Permit

The applicant must complete an application formcalled “permanent resident of foreigners China Application Form ” and provide these materials:(1) an original foreign passport or replacement for the passport;
(2) (2) the Chinese government-issued quarantine, issued by the department or the Chinese consulate or embassy that is recognized health care organizations from abroad in order to provide a medical certification ;
(3) (3). By (3) through the Chinese consulate or embassy in China and certified evidence of not having a criminal record;
(4) four and two inches of color photos that are recent and bareheaded ;
(5) from the Rules of related materials.

What Are All The Eligibility

When applying for permanent residence when applying for permanent residency, foreigners living in China must abide by Chinese laws , be in good health and no criminal history, and also meet the following requirements:

Set eligibility criteria for going through this process.

  1. direct investment direct investment China direct investment in China. Invest into China in China for 3 consecutive years, investing in good condition and with stable tax records;
  2. In China as vice president and deputy director , and other positions as associate professor or above, senior vice researcher or above, get the same status and treatment repeatedly for more than four years , and at minimum, three of the four years of residency in China with clean tax reports;
  3. is a significant and outstanding contribution has made significant contributions to China and is what is needed by the Chinese nationally need;
  4. from the (1. ), (2. ), (3.) subparagraph for spouses and children who are not married but under 18 years old
  5. A spouse who is Chinese citizens or foreigners with permanent residence status in China the marriage relationship has been in place over five years and has been living in China over five years and has continuous residence of at least nine months per one year China and has a stable sources of subsistence and residency ;
  6. parents who have unmarried children younger than 18 years old age;
  7. No direct relatives overseas who seek protection within their immediate families at least 60 years old is living in China since 2005, with an ongoing residence and a stay at least nine months within China as well as a steady source of food and lodging

The period of this section is referred to the period immediately preceding the date of application

Beyond (1). Foreigners who are referred to the investment in China who have paid the registered capital must meet the following requirements:
(1) In the United States, the government of California, the state passed the “Foreign Investment Industry Guidance Catalogue ” that encouraged investment in the industry totalling US$500,000 or more
(2) in the western regions of China and in crucial counties in the national effort to alleviate poverty and development investments in excess of US$500,000 total ;
(3) In central China has invested more than US$1 million in all-in ;
(4) four Chinese investments of US$2,000,000 or more.

Beyond (2) foreigners that are referred to office units of the company must comply with the following conditions:
(1) (1) State Council departments or provincial public institutions owned by the government of the people ;
(2) The Ecole is a high-level schools of education ;
(3) the execution of national key projects , or important research projects of companies as well as institutions ;
(4) high-tech companies that encourage foreign investment foreign-invested advanced technology companies or foreign-invested export-oriented enterprises.


For the permanent residence permit fee: 1 Processing cost: RMB1500; 2, “Ali


  • The applicant must complete an application formcalled “permanent residency of non-Chinese residents living in China application form ” and provide the following documentation:
  • A valid passport from another country or replacement for the passport ;
  • the Chinese government-issued quarantine, which is released by the department, or the Chinese consulate or embassy that is authorized foreign health care institutions in order to provide a medical certification ;
  • through the Chinese consulate or embassy in China and certified evidence of not having a criminal record;
  • four and two inches latest photographs of color that are not bareheaded ;
  • of the Regulations of and other related of the Regulations for other related.
  • Over (Eligibility 1.). Direct investment direct investment China Foreign investor applicant is required to submit a an approval certificate of foreign investment enterprise as well as registration certificate, evidence of joint inspection , verification report, as well as the individual tax clearance document .
    Foreign investment companies that are encouraged to invest in the country should also be submitted to the state. This promotes the development of project confirmation letters for foreign investors .
  • Over (Eligibility 2)). The application must include the following documents :
    (1) operating units are issued the proof of their rank or title;
    (2) “Foreign Expert Certificate ” or ” Alien Employment Permit ” ;
    (3) Working units’ annual inspection certificate, the proof of registration, personal tax clearance certificate ; if your office is foreign invested company Foreign-invested companies need to present the certificate of approval as well as a joint annual inspection certificates ;
    (4) during the execution of major national projects or major research projects for enterprises and institutions, the executing staff is required to submit the provincial government and ministerial department responsible for the project’s documents by high-tech firms high-tech firms must submit certificates encouraging foreign investment and foreign-invested advanced technology companies or foreign-invested export businesses, the personnel are required to submit a government encourages foreign investment during the course of development in the confirmation letter , foreign-invested advanced technology enterprise confirmation letter or export businesses with confirmation letters from foreign investment companies. letter from foreign investment company.
  • above (Eligibility 3.). An applicant who is mentioned as a candidate in Item Chinese government requirements to present the recommendation letter from the authorities in charge along with the necessary evidence.
  • Above (Eligibility 4.). The applicant, as the spouse, needs to provide proof of marriage. being children born unmarried and less than 18 years old are required to provide an official birth certificate or proof of parentage. If is an adoption relationship you must provide evidence of adoption. If the documents were from foreign establishments, additional documentation is required from China’s Chinese Embassy within the nation, as well as consular certificates.
  • Over (Eligibility above (Eligibility). the applicant has to provided with proof of nationality or permanent residence of the Chinese spouse or “Alien Permanent Residence Permit” of the spouse from abroad or wedding certificate and notarized proof of living and proof of ownership or rent . If the documents were obtained from foreign organizations, additional documents are needed from China’s Chinese Embassy of the foreign country as well as consular certificate.
  • Above (Eligibility 6.). The applicant must be provided with proof of nationality or the permanent residency of parents of Chinese and “Alien Permanent Residence Permit” for foreign parents. the applicant’s birth certificate , or proof of parentage; or an adoption relationship, must be submitted evidence of adoption . If the documents were from foreign establishments, additional documents are demanded by Chinese Embassy within the country as well as consular certificates.
  • Over (Eligibility above (Eligibility). The applicant who is submitting an application for surrender must provide Chinese citizens who are surrendered with documents of residence or foreigners with an “Alien Permanent Residence Permit” Notarized evidence of kinship and without direct relatives abroad and notarized documents proving financial resources, or those seeking refuge by affidavit of financial refuge, notarized individual or patron of ownership or rental certificates . If the documents were from foreign establishments, additional evidence is demanded to be provided by authorities at the Chinese Embassy within the nation as well as consular certificates.
  • Foreigners who seek permanent residency in China on their own or with unmarried children younger than 18 years of age , or parents to be the main permanent or major investment to municipal municipalities or districts or the public security agency of the public security branch or county office for application. The trustee in the name of the application , it is necessary to present their power of attorney signed to the person applying. In the event of a power of attorney being issued in a foreign nation requires additional proof to be provided by Chinese Embassy in the country. Chinese Embassy of the foreign country, as well as consular certificates.

The Document is required Residence Permit

  • for the regulation of approval for permanent residence for foreigners working to regulate the approval of permanent residence for foreigners China management jobs, according the “The People’s Republic of China Entry and Exit Administration Law” and the details of its implementation of the pertinent regulations enacted by this method.
  • Permanent residence of foreigners living in China refers to the period of their residence in China is not limited.
  • “Alien Permanent Residence Permit” is used to gain permanent residence status for China legal foreigners who reside on the area of China identity documents. The permit is valid on its own .
  • obtain permanent residency status get permanent residence status China Foreigners who have a valid passports as well as “Alien Permanent Residence Permit ” can enter and leave China .
  • Accepting applications to become permanent residents for foreigners living in China is the responsibility of municipal districts, the public security agency, the public security sub-municipalities and counties ; auditing application for permanent residence for foreigners within China ‘s authorities within the autonomous regions of the provinces or municipalities under direct supervision of the Public Security Bureau, Bureau and Approving requests for the permanent residency for foreigners is the China’s Ministry of Public Security organization.



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