How to Applying for a Building Inspection and Occupancy Certificate In Bahamas

Applying for a Building Inspection and Occupancy Certificate In Bahamas By Online

Application In Person

  1. In order to obtain an Inspection and Occupancy Certificate, the applicant must fill out an Inspection form and submit it at The Buildings Control Office, Ministry of Works & Utilities.
  2. Follow the Contact Information Link
  3. The applicant can download the form by clicking the Formula Link.
  4. How to Applying for a Building Inspection and Occupancy Certificate  In Bahamas
    How to Applying for a Building Inspection and Occupancy Certificate In Bahamas
  5. Fill in the application form, including all information.
  6. Obtain the Final Inspection Application Form, Occupancy Process Card and Connection of New Premises forms from Buildings Control Division, Ministry of Works & Urban Development.
  7. Send an application for final inspection Form together with the necessary documents according to the “Required Documents” section to the Ministry of Works & Urban Development or your local administrator. Freeport applications are made by The Grand Bahama Port Authority Limited.
  8. When a request is made after which the Building Plumbing, Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectors conduct an extensive inspection of the building to verify that the building was constructed according to approved plans and in accordance in accordance with the Bahamas Building Code. In certain cases inspections performed by Fire Branch of the Royal Bahamas Police Force might be necessary.
  9. Fire Service Address Information Link.
  10. The applicant is required to complete and submit a an application form that is stamped for connection of the water supply to the Water and Sewerage Corporation and return an Occupancy Process card that is signed by an Department of Environmental Health Inspector and the appropriate areas from the Ministry of Works & Urban Development.
  11. Contact Information for Water and Sewerage Corporation Link.
  12. After the above process, the Occupancy Certificate is issued and then signed by the Buildings Control Officer.
  13. The applicant or his agent is then contacted by phone to obtain the Occupancy Certificate.
  14. The contracting party must provide the proof of identity by means or presenting a valid driver’s License or Passport for an Occupancy Certificate.

Required Documents For Applying for a Building Inspection and Occupancy Certificate 

  • Valid ID Card
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport

Office Locations and Contacts

The Buildings Control Division
Ground FloorJohn F Kennedy Drive
New Providence
Tel. (242) 302-9511
Fax. (242) 302-9765
Office hours: 9:30 am until 4:30 pm

Ministry of Works & Urban Development
Counter for Applications Planning Room, Filing Room
Ground Floor, East Wing
John F Kennedy Drive
P.O. Box N-8156
New Providence
Tel. (242) 302-9511 Ext4300
Fax. (242) 302-9765
Office Hours: 9:30 AM until 4:30 pm

Grand Bahama Port Authority
Pioneers Way & East Mail
PO Box F-42666
Grand Bahama
Tel. (242)350-9000
Contact Address Contact Information Link
Fire Service Address Information Link.
The Water and Sewerage Corporation’s address Link.


  • Installation of electrical and plumbing fixtures must be completed prior to applying for this certificate.
  • If you are applying to temporarily occupy an apartment, at least one bathroom must be installed and a functional kitchen sink is installed


See the link below to find out more details about fees. Link


There is no validity for this certificate.

Documents to Utilize

Application Form Link1, Form Link2

Processing Time

After all documentation has been received, an Occupancy Certificate is issued within a week.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the Applicant
  • Contact Details
  • Building Permit, No
  • Address of the Building Description of Portion or Portions in need of inspection
  • Name of the Contractor/Builder
  • Date of inspection is ready. Address and Telephone

Documentation is needed

It is mandatory for all new construction, extensions, alterations and sheds.

External Links

Website link

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