How to Attest the Conformity Document Copies In Morocco

Attest the Conformity Document Copies In Morocco By Online

  1. Visit the office of the The President of the City Council.
  2. Bring all documents required.
  3. Then, present the documents.
  4. You can apply for the attestation of conformity copy of the document.

Required Documents For Attest the Conformity Document Copies

  • The presentation of the copy or copy of document objects the conformity with the original

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of the Interior

Avenue Mohammed V,Quartier Administratif
T 537-761-861
F 537-762-056


Anyone interested or his representative.


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Processing Time

The certificate may be issued the same day.


This certificate can be presented to the office of the President of the City Council or his representative or at the District Council President or his representative. District Council or his representative.

The document is needed

Here are the steps on how to authenticate the conformity document the copies of conformity documents in Morocco.

This certification proves proof that all copies documents, the originals, and the documents conform to the requirements of the law. These copies are typically demanded in documents instead of original documents.

External Links

Attesting that copies of documents with the original documents:



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