How to Change of Owner Name, Address of a Ship (Vessel) In Bahamas

Change of Owner Name, Address of a Ship (Vessel) In Bahamas By Online

Apply In-Person:

  1. Owners, agents or managers seeking change of ownership along with the change of ship name, should initially make contact with the Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) by email to or by phoning any BMA office. Link to Contacts
  2. Requirements Checklist provides the list of documents required for the change of ownership along with the change of ship address.
  3. Form R102 Application to Register a Ship or Change the name of a Bahamian Ship provides the BMA with the basic information needed to reserve the proposed name on the Register and commence registration. There is no obligation or firm commitment to register when submitting this form.
  4. Form R102, together with the relevant documents listed in the “Required Documents” section, shall be sent directly to the BMA by email to or to any BMA office.
  5. When first registered, a yacht will be assigned the status of provisional registration and will be issued with a Provisional Certificate of Registry. This certificate is valid for 6 months giving the owner/manager time to comply with all conditions for full registration.
  6. A yacht can operate as soon as it is provisionally registered.
  7. A yacht will be provided with a Certificate of Registry with unlimited validity, once accepted into permanent registry.
  8. Details of the fees may be obtained from the Registrar or by reference to BMA Information Bulletin No. 81 Link
  9. The required annual fees shall be paid to the Registrar upon registration of the yacht, and thereafter on 01 January of each subsequent year. As per the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, the port of registry of all Bahamian yachts is “NASSAU”.
  10. Full registration and receipt of the permanent Certificate of Registry from the BMA will be issued upon completion of all registration requirements during provisional registry and the payment of any relevant fees.

Required Documents For Change of Owner Name, Address of a Ship (Vessel)

Please refer to the check list provided in the Bahamas Maritime website: Link

Office Locations & Contacts

The Bahamas Maritime Authority
Nassau Office
Shirlaw House
226 Shirley Street
PO Box N-4679
Nassau, Bahamas
Tel. +1 242 356 5772
Website: Link
Contact: Link


Bahamian‐owned vessels of any size, operational status, or operating area if owned by:

  • Bahamian citizens
  • Bahamian companies
  • Permanent residents of the Bahamas


  • Details of the fees may be obtained from the Registrar or by reference to BMA Information Bulletin No. 81 Link
  • Click on this link to calculate the fees using the Fee Calculator on the BMA website: Link


The certificate of registry is valid for one year, renewable annually at the end of each calendar year.

Documents to Use

  • YR102 – Application to Register a Yacht – Link
  • R103 – Authorised Officer Declaration – Link
  • R105 – Declaration of Ownership – Link
  • Check list Link

Processing Time

Processing can take up to one month.


All application forms are required in original, unless indicated otherwise.

Required Information

  • Applicant Type
  • Application Type
  • Names(s), Address(es) of Owner(s)
  • Owner’s Nationality
  • Email Address
  • Phone
  • Applicant’s Date of Birth
  • Owner’s Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
  • Applicant’s Valid Identification
  • Signature of Owner or Agent

Need for the Document

Every new owner must first register their newly purchased ship (Vessel) in their name and also update the address of the ship before they could sail and enjoy the vessel. The registration allows the new owners to travel to various countries.

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