How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Georgia

How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Georgia

If you are looking to change your surname or name, it could use this hall. Public Service Hall.

In order for the agency to take into consideration the case you have submitted, you will need to provide the these documents:

  • An application for a change in the surname or name of the applicant;
  • Identity document;
  • Birth certificate (a copy);
  • If married – marriage certificate (a copy);
  • If you’re minors birth certificate (a duplicate);
  • When an application is initiated by a minor who is between the age of 16-18 – the concept of parents or any other person, who performs parent’s obligations,
  • If the applicant wishes to be able to use the name of the current custodian or any relative of the ascending line directly or a direct ascending line, documents that confirm the actual.

Documents Required Change Your Name (Deed Poll) 

  • An application for a change in the surname and/or name
  • Identity document
  • Birth certificate (a copy)
  • If married – marriage certificate (a copy)
  • If you are minors, birth certificates (a duplicate)
  • If an application is made by a minor who is between the ages of 16 and 18 – the concept of parents or any other person who performs the parental responsibilities
  • If the applicant wishes to take the name of the original custodian, or a descendant of the ascending line directly, documents that confirm the actual

Office Locations and Contacts

Public Service Hall

Tel: 2 405 405


the Public Service Hall Branch Offices

What Are All The Eligibility

It is possible to change your name. For the surname, you might want to

  • Join your spouse’s surname with your name
  • to take on the name of a real custodian
  • to take back your premarital surname
  • to find the surname of your relative that is the direct ascending lineage in the lineage of family names (including father, mother or grandfather, grandmother to get the surname of your relative in the direct ascending branch of the family name (. );
  • to get the name of your adoptive parents;
  • to take on your parents’ joint surname.


On 45th day

  • 50 GEL

On the 30th day (accelerated service)

  • 50 GEL – service duty
  • 100 GEL – the duty of the state for acceleration

On the 15th day (accelerated service)

  • 50 GEL – service duty
  • 170 GEL The state duty for acceleration

Service speedy in just 10 days

  • 50 GEL -service duty

300 GEL The state duty for acceleratio


If you’re a suspect of committing a crime or are wanted by police You may be denied the possibility of changing your name or surname.

You might want to change your name due to one of many reasons . You might have been divorced or married or divorced, for instance or, you might disliking the name you were born with.

The Information You Need

  • Your name is listed on your birth certificate, documents pertaining to citizenship or immigration.
  • The full name you’re trying to change (if you’re switching your names).
  • Birth date and location
  • Marital status and information
  • The places of residence for the at least three months
  • Address for correspondence

Need to have the Document

  • If you have or are planning to use an alternative name to the name you registered There are no laws that require to change your name in a formal manner. It is recommended to change your name legally in order to prove your identity and to prove the name change.
  • Name change typically refers to the legal process by the person who is adopting the name of a different person from the name they had at birth or marriage. The process and procedure for the name change differs in different areas.

Information that could be helpful

  • IPDs and refugees, after the submission of a certificate confirming their status are exempt from state obligation.
  • In the event of a name or surname changes, you are required to change identity documents.
  • Additional requirements:
  • If you’re a minor who is less than 16 years old of age the name and surname you use may be changed at the wishes of your parents (parents) or the custodian. If you’ve already reached the age of 10 along with the permission of your custodian or parent the written consent of your parent or custodian is required.
  • If you’re an under-16-year-old of age the option to change your name or the surname is made through a consensus between both parents, in event of disagreement, the court will make a decision considering your most beneficial interests.
  • If you’re an adult between the ages of 16-18 years old to change your name or surname, you require an understanding that is signed by your parents, or the legally authorized custodian.

Other uses of the document/certificate

You may wish for a change in your personal name due to:

  • You’ve just been married
  • You’ve been divorced
  • If you just want to make a change
  • If adoption is the case,

External Links

Public Service Hall

Ministry of Justice

Registration of Name/Surname Change

Government of Georgia

Helpful Links

Supreme court of Georgia

How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Georgia
How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Georgia


Public Service Hall is the place where the majority of public services are provided. Its mission is to issue papers and to provide services that are the exclusive rights to which are owned by the State. It is difficult to obtain essential documents such like birth certificates, identity card passport, marriage certificate, or passport from any other source that is not the State. The State therefore has the responsibility of simplifying the interaction of citizens with the public sector with quick and effective measures.



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