How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Germany

How To Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Germany

  • You need to make a written request to change the name of the municipal office or the county office in the county where you reside.
  • Incorporate the reasons behind your application.
  • The authority in charge will complete the necessary investigation from the debtor’s directory that is maintained by the district court, and when necessary, through other websites.
  • Note: If there is a third person is involved, you will first have to make a decision about changing the names. These are indications that you must to be patient until the name change is not contested by legal channels.
  • After the name change is effective, you must modify the documents. The changes have to be applied.
  • After you’ve submitted your application, we listen to the debtor’s administration in the district court and at the Local Police Station to the project to (approximately 3-4 weeks). When all of us require the relevant evidence then we will decide.
  • If we are able to grant your request, we’ll ask you to inform us of the name change which occurred on a document that was issued prior to that document, which forms the basis for re-issuance of any autres official documentation (identity card passport, driving license, passport vehicle registration, tax card etc.). Additionally, you must notify all other authorities and private institutions with which you have regular contact about the change.
  • If we inform you during the process that we recognize that your request has a low chance of being successful, we suggest that you withdraw your request to save costs.
  • If we decide to deny your request, we’ll give you an appealable decision to be formally. The right to appeal against the decision is available without any further objection procedures of administrative courts before be brought to Bavarian Administrative Court in Munich to review the decision.

Documents that are required Change Your Name (Deed Poll)

  • A valid identity document (e.g. as a passport or an identity card)
  • Residence proof or regular address (e.g. identification card or registration card)
  • A certified copy of the birth certificate of the requesting person as well as any other person who will be extending the possibility of changing the surname
  • A certified copy of the marriage certificate at the time the applicant was married or
  • A certificate of good conduct for those who have at least 14 years old
  • The statement should state whether the person has ever filed an application for a change of name
  • If this is the situation then you should also state:
    • the authority administrative with whom the original application was filed and
    • the authority that made the decision. Authority

Office Locations and Contacts

Standesamt Charlottenburg von BerlinAlt- Lietzow 28
10587 Berlin

Standesamt Mnchen
Ruppertstrasse 11
80337 Mnchen
Phone: 89 233 00

North Germany
Hauptstandesamt Hamburg
Borgfelder Str. 64
20537 Hamburg
Phone: 40 428 54 0
Fax: 40 428 54 4937

Southwest Germany
Standesamt Baden-Baden
Augustaplatz 1
76530 Baden-Baden
Phone: 7221 93 2160
Fax: 7221 93 2168

Other Areas in Germany
Standesamt I Berlin
Rckerstrasse 9
10119 Berlin
Phone: 30 90 207 0
Fax: 30 90 207 245

City of Munich
Department II Population Administration marital status, naming rights, civil status supervision
Ruppertstrae 19
80337 Munich

Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection

Federal Ministry of the Interior

What Are All the Eligibility

  • Names or family names can be changed only if the “good justification” (Name Change Act) justifies the change. A key reason for this is when there is a legitimate reason for the person who is applying is so important that the needs of the public at large that demand the protection of the current name within the rules, should be resigned.
  • Names can be modified only when there is a valid reason to justify the changes.
  • Children’s names are not allowed to be changed if they have reached the age of one year old and less than sixteen years old must be changed only in grave reasons that are in the best interest for the child.


In the event that the requirement is met by:

  • upon the change of a surname on the change of a surname: 2,50- 1,022 per person
  • when changing the first Name: 2.50 EUR to 255 EUR

The amount charged will depend on the administrative burden as well as the importance of changing the name of the applicant or applicant.

  • In the event that an application has to be cancelled or rejected, one-tenth to five tenths of the cost

For applicants who are in need and in particular cases such as toll-free

Processing Time

Due to the involvement of different authorities involved in the process, it could be longer than 6 months, which is the typical processing time is based on the specific case we could also anticipate to see a much longer time for processing.


Requests to change your name (first and last name, as well as family names) You can contact us if you are within the town of Munich and German citizens (equivalent to, say residents of here who are asylum seekers and refugees from abroad).

The Information You Need

  • Your name is listed on your birth certificate, documents pertaining to citizenship or immigration.
  • The full name you’re trying to change (if you’re switching your names).
  • Place and date of birth
  • Marital status and information
  • The places of residence for the at least three months
  • Address for correspondence

Documentation is needed

  • Name change typically refers to the legal process by the person who is adopting the name of a different person to their birth name either through marriage or adoption. The procedure and the ease of changing names differ across the jurisdictions.
  • If you have or want to use an alternative name to the name you registered There are no laws that require to change your name officially. However, it is recommended to change your name in a formal manner to be able to identify yourself as well as to prove the name change.

Information that could be helpful

Family Name

In the real world these cases are common often (not complete):

  • Names that are collected are ones of the family beginning with a possibility for confusion (eg, Maier, Mller, Schmidt);
  • Family names that are off-putting or absurd, or give a frivolous or sloppy puns;
  • Problems with spelling and pronunciation can cause a level of difficulty that is over the normal levels of disabilities;
  • Issues caused by the different spelling of family names that contain “ss” as well as “” or family names that have special characters like “ae” as well as “oe” that can lead to serious impairments;

If you choose an alternative family name, you’re not totally free. So, the name you choose is not likely to cause new challenges, either due to the fact that it is an a common name or because it is similar to the previous name that is difficult to write or pronounce. If there are any issues with spelling and pronunciation, a alteration of spelling of names will typically suffice. There are special restrictions also for the granting of surnames and double names that are aristocratic names from earlier times.

Initial name

Name guide changes are the same as changes to the family name, but are only when there is a good reason. The child’s right to choose their first name, granted at the time of the time of the child’s birth expires with the registration of the legally valid name at the Registry Office.

Changes like these can be made if there’s a justification for them:

  • The replacement of a first name with a name that is different
  • Removal or the addition of a first name
  • Germanization of other forms of the name
  • Changes in spelling

The only change to the nature that the change in name Act is intended to alter this nickname. It doesn’t have legal meaning. In addition to the name that is associated with it the choice is left to the person who is the bearer to choose which one he uses as an informal nickname.

Artist name (pseudonym)

  • In the stage name and order names or pseudonyms, as well as other epithets which are undefined and are stored at any moment however, it’s not a true name as defined by law. However, artists’ names can be used in the sense of bourgeois names that are protected by objects named protection.
  • Legally binding and allows the signature to be signed using an anonymous name, provided that the exhibits that are scheduled to be held in person are confirmed without doubt. It is signed by the artist’s name, which in essence a legal document.
  • The introduction of the identity card (1.11.2010) was approved to be a result of the Law on Identity Cards and the electronic identification is an additional control to ensure that artist names may be recorded on the passport and identity card and passport. This regulation also applies to religious names.
  • The reasons to allow stage names through formal name changes will not be present at any time during a long-term administration of the pseudonym generally.

Other uses for the document/certificate

You might be able for a change in your personal name due to:

  • You’ve just been married
  • You’ve been divorced
  • If you just want to make a change
  • If adoption is the case,

External Links

Apply for change of name



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