How to Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Marshall Islands

Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Marshall Islands By Online

Guidelines of Procedure for Change of Name Proceedings

How to Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Marshall Islands
How to Change Your Name (Deed Poll) In Marshall Islands

Adults: A request for the change of the name of an adult must be filed either in the High Court or the District Court. The petition must have the signature of the individual whom the name is requested to be changed. The petition must contain the following information in addition to any other details to be brought to the notice by the Court.

If there is changing names for minors The Petition should be filed with the High Court or District Court and is then executed

  • The parents or
  • The parent who holds custodial rights over the minor and the notarized agreement of the non-custodial parent but with the caveat that the address of a non-consenting parent is unclear and is not able to be determined, then notice of the Petition should be served in the same way as for adoption cases in addition to the parent’s consent is obtained from a parent who has left the child for more than six (6) months or longer, or is deemed insane or incapable or whose rights with respect to the child have been terminated as a result of a an order of the court or decree or order, does not have to be sought for a change in the child’s name. However, the reasons for making such consent not necessary must be presented in the petition. A notification of petition should be provided to the parents who are not consenting in the same way as is required in adoption cases.
  • by the guardian minor’s parent;

Required Documents For Change Your Name

  • Certificate of criminal record
  • Demand addressed at the Ministry of Justice
  • Applications addressed to the Registrar
  • Identification Card (original and photocopy)

Office Locations and Contacts

Clerk for the CourtsMarshall Islands Judiciary
P.O. Box B
Majuro, Majuro, MH 996960
Republic of the Marshall Islands
Telephone: +692-625-3201/3297
Fax: +692-625-3323
Email address:


Adults: To change the spelling of the name of an adult petitioner the petitioner must have been residents of the Republic of the Marshall Islands for not less than 3 months prior to submission of their petition.

Minors: To be able to changing of the name of a minor the petitioner must be the minor’s custodial parent or guardian , and must reside in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Minors must also be citizens of or resident in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.


The filing cost of $5.00 is required with every petition that is submitted.

Documents to Utilize

Forms for changing names Formulas


The petitioner has to provide a valid and convincing reasons for the petition above and beyond an unintentional desire to take on a different name, but the reason should not be too big or complex to come up with.

The Court cannot grant the change of name if it would harm the legitimate rights of third parties or help or facilitate the payment of legal obligations and debts or in order to conceal or assist illegal activities or shield petitioner from law enforcement and his debtors, hinder a government function, or for any other legitimate reason.

The Information You Need

  • The full name of the Petitioner as well as date of birth, location of birth, and birth certificate number, as well as where it was recorded;
  • Another name under which the Petitioner is known;
  • The address at which Petitioner is currently located and the length of time Petitioner has resided at that address; and the citizenship of Petitioner;
  • The addresses and names of Petitioners ‘ father and mother, along with any addresses, should they be they are alive.
  • Petitioners marital status, as well as in the event of marriage the name of the spouse;
  • The new name petitioner would like to use and the reasons or reason for this change in name.
  • The verified creditor list for all Petitioners, and their addresses, if the total debt of the Petitioner is greater than $500;
  • A list of petitioners with verified criminal convictions, in the event of any. (The word Criminal Convictions does not include traffic violations that are misdemeanors , or violations);
  • Every court action pending either civil or criminal to which the Petitioner has been involved as well as
  • A draft proposed decree for changing the name of the Judge to approve, along with copies of the proposed decree that are sent to any creditors.

The petition to change the identity of an individual who is minor must include the following information in addition to any other information which should be made known to the attention by the Court:

  • In relation to minor concerns, the issues referred to in the subparagraphs are accompanied by the following:

The petitioner’s name, their relationship to the child address and duration of residence;

  • If the little one is adopted and if so , the specifics about the adoption and the case number as well as the name of the court;
  • If the minor is accompanied by a guardian , then the name and address of the guardian must be listed in place of the parents’ names, and the order of appointing the guardian should be attached the petition.
  • The other information is required in the attached

Documentation is needed

If you use or are planning to use another name than the name you registered There are no laws that require to change your name in a formal manner. It is advised to change your name in a formal manner to be able to identify yourself as well as to document the name change.

Name change is generally the legal action of an individual who adopts an identity that is different to their birth name or marriage. The process and procedure for changing names differ across the jurisdictions.

Information that can be useful

The Decree to change a name must be as per the form that is attached to these rules. The decree, once approved and signed by the Judge in charge and be filed with the Clerk of Courts. If the name change applies to an adult, the notice of the decree must be made public in a newspaper with a broad circulation within the Republic of the Marshall Islands and any other public place that the Court can direct in the or order. There is no need for publication for the changing of name for minors, unless the circumstances warrant it.

Other uses for the document/certificate

You may wish for a change in your personal name due to:

  • You’ve just been married
  • You’ve been divorced
  • If you just want to make a change
  • In the event of adoption

External Links

Republic of the Marshall Islands Judiciary

Bikini Atoll

of the Office of the President

Guidelines of Procedure for Change of Name Proceedings


Most important you can do in order to legally change you name legally is begin with a new name. Introduce yourself under the new identity, fill in applications and forms under the new address, and tell your family and friends to use your new name. Also, inform your employer and/or school of your new name.

  • Get all the necessary documents when the application to change your name.
  • Send in your application with any other information you require.
  • If the new name or surname has been accepted then you are able to proceed with the process of registering with the name you want to use.



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