How to Convert or Exchange Foreign Driver License In Uganda

Convert or Exchange Foreign Driver License In Uganda By Online

  1. Take the application form (this form is not offered for sale] at any of these locations: TLB branches, Banks, Face Technologies Offices, you can download the form from URA Portal on this link Application
  2. Complete the application form fill it out, sign it and be sure you’re examined by a licensed physician for physical examination
  3. Go to the TLB office for the procedure of confirmation of your foreign permit
  4. Visit your bank (of your preference) and pay the appropriate URA fees to Permit Exchange, fee to URA account (the bank will give you an account number)
  5. Visit the Face Technologies Office with the bank’s receipt, along with your permit (the one you’d like to exchange)
  6. Face will record your Biometric features , and you will be able to pay the necessary cost (cash) in cash to Face Technologies for Permit production
  7. Face Technologies will issue the New Permit after payment of the required fee

Required Documents For Convert or Exchange Foreign Driver License

  • Valid driver’s licenses from the country you are from
  • Application fees i.e. bank slips and cash
  • Formulary for Application TR VII
  • Formula UCDPI (Medical form)

Office Locations and Contacts

Uganda Registration Services Bureau 5. George Street, Georgian House, Kampala
P.O.Box 84848 Kampala Uganda
URSB General Line: +256 414 233 21
Call Center Contact Number: +256 417338 100
URSB Fax +256 414250 712

Off Jinja Road/ Old Port Bell Rd,
P.O. Box 7174,
Kampala, Uganda
General Phone: +256 414-320135/0414-321364
Minister: 0414-235730
Minister of State (Works) 0414-349487
Minister of State (Transport) 0414-320026
Permanent Secretary Permanent Secretary
Fax: 0414236369
Email: mowt@works.go.u

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)
Plot M193/M194,
Nakawa Industrial Area,
P.O. Box 7279,
Phone: +256 414744000, 0800117000 (toll free)

Facial Technologies Offices
Kyambogo Industrial Area, Uganda, Kampala
Customer service (+256)777 064227
Website: Computerized driving permit]
Contact Numbers
CDP Offices
Kampala +256 39-3-518-615/ +256 39-3-518-586
Mbarara +256 39-3-260-067
Fort Portal +256 39-2-175-626
Jinja +256 39-2-001-082
Mbale +256 39-2-001-083
Gulu +256 39-2-175-596
Arua +256 39-3-260-038


web:Uganda embassy/consulate world wide


  • Foreigners who hold valid driver’s license from their country of origin


Exchange or convert foreign driver license fees (URA)

  • 1 year = 55,000 UGsh
  • 3years = 150,000 Ugsh

Transfer or convert driver’s licence charges (face technology)

  • 1 year = 60,000 1 year = 60,000
  • 3years = 3 years = 60,000 UGSh


  • The conversion or exchange of foreign drivers licence’s validity according to the time period you select i.e. between 1 and 3 years

Documents to Utilize

The following link contains an the application form that you can use : Application Form


  • Foreigners who want to operate a vehicle in Uganda are legally required to exchange or convert their valid driver’s licences in the event that they aren’t holding valid international driver’s licence (IDL)
  • Foreigners with an IDL that is valid are legally required to carry a valid driver’s license from their country of residence for driving in Uganda

The Information You Need

  • The full names of the applicants
  • Number of the driver’s licence
  • Date/place where you received your driver’s license for foreign countries
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Birth date, place of birth and age

The document is needed

  • Foreigners who want drive on the roads of Uganda are legally required to exchange or convert their driver’s licenses as well as an IDL that is expired even if they do not have valid international driver’s licences(IDL)

Other uses for the document/certificate

  • Driver’s licences are often used as evidence of identity.
  • Driver’s licenses can be used to settle an insurance settlement

External Links

Ministry of works and transport
Uganda Computerised Driving licence
Uganda revenue authority
Uganda registration services
Ministry of international affairs



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