How To Convert or Transfer your Foreign Driving License In Austria

How To Convert or Transfer your Foreign Driving License In Austria

  1. Go to the appropriate authority to convert your license from another country. To find out where you are able to go, look up ‘Office Locations and Contacts’ on this section.
  2. The applicant need to be residing at an address that is their “main home” (Hauptwohnsitz) located in Austria. Be aware that Austrian Police registration forms (Meldezettel) specify whether or not an applicants current residence is the “main place of residence” (Hauptwohnsitz in the form of Nein or Ja boxes that must be filled in at the time you register). If you indicated Nein on your previous Meldezettel the authorities might have you re-registered at the local police. This requires the filling out of a new Meldezettel, marking the correct box (Ja) which indicates you currently reside in Austria, and marking the box (Ja) that indicates Austrian location is actually your primary residence, and then submitting the new Meldezettel to the correct Meldeamt.
  3. If the applicant holds a driver’s licence that has obtained by the state which the applicant isn’t residents, the driver is required to prove that they had an address of residence in the state that issued the license or that they resided there for at minimum six months.
  4. Candidates must submit the following documents:
    1. A completed application (Fhrerscheinantrag)
    2. A physical exam conducted by a licensed doctor (Sachverstndiger). Lists of these physicians are available at the Verkehrsamt, Austrian automobile clubs (AMTC or ARB) or police precinct offices (Bezirkspolizeikomissariat). The physical must be completed in the last 12 months. Vision tests are an element of your physical. So, if the applicant wears contacts or lenses that are corrective The doctors will ask for documentation from their opticians or ophthalmologists concerning the corrective lens they wear. (For those who wear corrective lenses, is known as the Brillenpass. If you don’t have this information in your possession local opticians are able to measure and note the features of corrective lenses , and issue an Brillenpass. Contact lenses wearers might require the assistance of an optometrist.)
    3. Translation of the driver’s license of the applicant.
    4. Passport (original) and two copies from the pages relevant to you i.e. the pages 2, 3, and the visa page or residency permit. Be aware that U.S. citizens are required to apply for residency permits within 90 days. If you don’t have an authorization to reside in the United States and you are not able to legally declaring Austria to be your “main home”.
    5. Meldezettel (original) as well as 1 copy.
    6. License for drivers (original) and two photocopies (front as well as back side, if pertinent information is present on each side).
    7. Two passport-sized photos that are identical (standard European dimensions available from automated photo machines or in photography studios).

Documents that are required Convert or Transfer your Foreign Driving License

The majority of driving licence authorities require the original document along with copies.

EU as well as EEA driving license

In the event of a conversion to the EU or EEA driving license on a voluntary basis:

  • Passport [Reisepass] and personal identification card
  • Foreign driving licence
  • A clearly identifiable photograph (35 millimeters by 45 millimeters) of the person who owns it (if it is possible to do so, in accordance with the specific passport photo requirements in German text)
  • Perhaps an extract from the driving license file of the country that issued it and, possibly, the translation (simplifies the procedure at the authority responsible)
  • Perhaps residence registration form [Besttigung der Meldung] (simplifies the procedure at the authority responsible)

Non-EEA or non-EU driving licences

In the event of a conversion of a driving licence that is not EU (or non EEA driving license:

  • Passport [Reisepass]
  • Foreign driving licence
  • Perhaps it is a translator of the driving license
  • A clearly identifiable photograph (35 mm x 45mm) of the person who owns it (if feasible, based on particular passport photo guidelines in Germany)
  • Medical report
  • Possible the Residence Registration Form (Besttigung der Meldung] (simplifies the procedure at the authority responsible)

The authority that issues driving licences may require additional documents in certain situations.

Office Locations and Contacts

Responsible Authority

Every authority that issues driving licences in Austria

  • In cities with Federal Police Headquarters: the Federal Police Headquarters [Landespolizeidirektion]
    • In Vienna The Motor Vehicle Department [Verkehrsamt]
    • In Bregenz: the district administrative authority Bregenz [Bezirkshauptmannschaft Bregenz]
  • In cities without Federal Police Headquarters or in Municipalities: the district administrative authority [Bezirkshauptmannschaft]
    • In the cities that are statutory, Krems and Waidhofen/Ybbs: Municipal Authority [Magistrat]
    • For the statutory city of Rust: the Federal Police Headquarters Burgenland [Landespolizeidirektion Burgenland]

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How To Convert or Transfer your Foreign Driving License In Austria
How To Convert or Transfer your Foreign Driving License In Austria

Licenses and Authorities Austria Authorities that issue driver’s licences classified by states and districts, listed alphabetically.

State Police Directorates

What Are All The Eligibility

The person who owns the foreign license should be at least 18 years old.

EEA as well as European Union driving licenses are accepted in Austria and can convert at any point on a whim basis.

Driving licenses from states that are not part of the European Union are valid for only 6 months after the your first residence in Austria. If they’re not German the licenses must be replaced with an international driving license or translation. Within six months, they must be changed.


  • Conversion 60,50 Euro
  • Express production: additional 16 Euro

Note: Fees for examination or medical records are not included in the costs listed above.


The validity period of foreign driving Licenses in Austria

  • Aside from an EU or EEA state For an unrestricted period
  • From a non EU or non-EEA state:
    • If you are setting up an residence in Austria 6 months beginning with the beginning the process of establishing the residence (Wohnsitz) when the owner is over an age limit of
    • Absent from Austria Up to 12 months from the date of registration in the county in the event that the owner has reached an age threshold of

Documents to Utilize

Application for License

Examples of Documents

Passport photo criteria (German text)

Processing Time

According to Austrian authorities, processing of an application can take approximately 4-6 weeks. Candidates are notified via email when the licenses have been issued and are required to collect them in person.


  • If you have a driver’s licence of the EU/EEA, you are able to take it to the Austrian driving authority to swap it in exchange for one of the Austrian license. It is not a requirement.
  • Licenses from countries outside the EU must be changed within 6 months after arriving in Austria.
  • Anyone who has a license from one of the following countries do not have to pass any test: Andorra, Japan, Croatia, Monaco, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, Canada, South Africa, Korea (if issued on or after the 01/01/1997 date) as well as USA.
  • If you don’t fall within one of these categories, you’ll need take the entire test (theory as well as practice) in order to obtain a driving license, unless you are of Austrian nationality.
  • To change your license, visit any office handling driver’s licenses (Fhrerscheinbehrde) regardless of where you have residence.
  • The authorities can inspect and review the Central Register instead of your needing to submit a residence registration form if you want to do to do.
  • You need to submit a form for the exchange of your the driving licence of a foreign driver. The form can be obtained from the driving license authority or download it.

Requirements Information

  • Surname/Last Name
  • Name of the family from which it was taken
  • Initial name (s)
  • Gender
  • Birth date and location of birth
  • Citizenship
  • The primary residence (zip code, city/ street / alley / space number of the house, stairs, door)
  • Serial number/license number
  • The authority issuing the certificate
  • Date of publication
  • Records (r) Numeric Code (s)

The Document is required Convert or Transfer your Foreign Driving License

When you drive in Austria you have to present your vehicle registration certificate as well as your driving license every time you drive.

EEA (or European Union driving licences are accepted in Austria and are able to convert at any point on a whim basis.

Other uses for the document/certificate

After six months and only an Austrian driver’s licence is a valid reason to drive a motor vehicle within Austria. There are no exceptions for non-EU nationals who are able to show (with the letter of their employer/contract or other documentation.) that they are in Austria for educational or work reasons not longer than one calendar year. They can drive all the time in Austria beginning from the day of admission into Austria.

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