How to Driver License (Car, Motor Bike, Scooter) In Madagascar

Driver License (Car, Motor Bike, Scooter) In Madagascar By Online

Be sure to have all the information and documents needed for this process to take place. The documents required are listed under the the Required Documents section on this page. Contact details below to connect with the appropriate offices that can assist you in completing this process. Rue Jules Ranaivo
Anosy Antananarivo
BP. 4139
Tl. 020 22 246 04
website :

Required Documents For Driver License

  • A completed Application Form.
  • Residence Certificate of Residence
  • Copies of birth certificates
  • Three passport photos
  • Legalized copy of ICN
  • CIM Law Review
  • Examination Fee FTT
  • Birth certificate copy provided by the Embassy to the foreign candidate
  • Copy of the legalized initial page on the passport containing residency visa to Madagascar for foreign candidates
  • A certificate of work or school for foreign applicants

Office Locations and Contacts

Rue Jules Ranaivo
Anosy Antananarivo
BP. 4139
Tl. 020 22 246 04
website :

Below are contact information that can be used : Contact Info

The Document is required

This process provides you with information on how you can obtain an driver’s permit in Madagascar.



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