How to Getting Married In Madagascar

Getting Married In Madagascar By Online

  • The very first and most important ceremony is known as the Vodiondry (literally which means lambs’ rump). If this tradition is not followed, the newlyweds could not be considered to be married, and if they did perform the ceremony in public, it could be a disgrace for their family, friends and their community.
  • Vodiondry is a symbol of respect and also a method for the groom to show his appreciation to the bride’s parents for having such a gorgeous and amazing daughter. In many cases the groom will present gifts to the bride’s brother, also known as the tampi-maso (meaning glasses). This is typically used to deceive the brother, so that he doesn’t feel the pain for losing his sister.
  • The wedding ceremony will take the form of kabary or verbal jousting between both sides. The family members will select the spokesperson or mpikabary that knows the kabary. The speaker begins the ceremony by profusely apologizing for their shortcomings (anytime you speak publicly, you need to be humble) Then, the spokesperson explains the family’s history and genealogy the family, and finally begins to thank the bride.
  • When the families have given wedding vows to both the couple, bride’s family members receive the ceremony of vodiondry. A lamb is killed for the occasion and several of live zebus is given as an present. In the highlands it is now the money that takes over the role of lamb and the zebu. The groom can also offer an offer to his wife. Typically, it’s an oma (a silk scarf) that is a symbol of their relationship. In the end, the longest-running and most revered family members offer the couple their blessings.
  • At a wedding banquet and celebration, newlyweds can enjoy eating together. In the past, the meal of newlyweds was served on a fandambanana or the clay plate. This holds special significance and represents a desire to be healthy and long-lived life. It also serves as a reminder about the fragile nature of relationships. Couples are required to consume food from one spoon made from horn of black to show that both are one. The color black is also a symbol of the desire for a long-lived life. The typical meal is comprised of a mix of rice, milk and honey.
  • Following the meal after the meal, guests present newlyweds with presents like a mattress as well as a wardrobe, bed and various other tools. When the wedding ceremony is complete the newlyweds go to their new home with their presents, and begin their new life together.

Required Documents For Getting Married

  • Birth certificates (registry office)
  • Reporting certificate (municipality)
  • The evidence to show that there aren’t any marriage barriers
  • The divorce document (court) if necessary

Office Locations and Contacts

Constance Tsarabanjina

B.P. 380, Helville 2007Nosy Be
Tel: (261) 032 02 152 29


Central Reservation Office
Poste de Flacq
Central Reservation Office
Mauritius – Indian Ocean
Tel: (230) 402 2774 / 402 2775
Fax: (230) 402 2616

Wedding Hotels in Antananarivo


The legal age to marry is 18 years for both genders.

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It isn’t difficult for non-residents of Madagascar to marry in Madagascar It is recommended that you get married with a blessing on the beautiful island, however the ceremony is not legally legal. It is possible to overcome this obstacle by making sure you have the legalities of your home country prior to you travel to Madagascar and then have an elaborate celebration on Madagascar, with possibly an animal or two as witnesses.

The Information You Need

  • Your name is
  • Sex
  • Birth date and location
  • Nationality
  • Personal identification document number
  • Marital status (never divorced, married, or widowed)
  • Your name and the initials of your fiance or fiancé

Documentation is needed

In Madagascar the marriage ceremony is not the source of an individual, new entity, but is used to sustain the existence of the larger family. It allows for an ongoing flow of life, which means that the legacy of the past is passed down through generations.

Traditional, civil and church-sanctioned marriages are accepted and regulated, with one or more types of marriages in any situation. No matter the style of marriage, the majority of unions today are based on mutual consent, with the practice of arranged marriages declining in frequency.

If a family chooses to arrange the marriage ceremony, it’s typically for the aim of safeguarding or enhancing social and familial relations. The patterns of marriage vary depending on social class and the political consequences in that they are meant to protect or boost the power, wealth and power. However, the majority marriages are considered to be traditional.

Information that could be helpful

All documents should translate into French in certified copies. If you aren’t proficient in your French language, you must have an interpreter attend the wedding.

The wedding ceremony is a significant move that can have a significant impact on various aspects of your life.

External Link


Vodiondry is a present given from the groomsmen to his bride’s family. It’s an expression of sympathy to parents who have lost their beloved daughter. Some might believe that the groom is purchasing his bride, it isn’t the case.



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