How to Getting Married In Bolivia

 Getting Married In Bolivia By Onliine

The majority of Bolivians stay in a relationship for at least three years before they get married and they could already have children.

The two most commonly observed ceremonies for weddings in Bolivian wedding ceremony are the church ceremony and the state ceremony in which the legal documents are completed. It is the only valid legal marriage that must be done in order for the marriage to be valid.

The ceremony of marriage follows by a three-day celebration that is full of entertainment along with Latin dancing. Bolivians are not disposed to their food well when people decline any food or drink provided during the reception.

Bolivians consume lots of chicken, beef and pork, as well as fresh vegetables and canned cane, bottled, and traditional alcohol is available on all menus.

The most common gifts include typically an Awayo key ring that is an Bolivian handwoven fabric that is filled with bright shades. A small amount of coffee grown locally is also offered.

Required Documents For Getting Married

  • Birth certificates of both suitors, to establish their age
  • Run or ID Card (original and photocopies).
  • Act of manifestation of the intention to be married
  • If either or both of the suitors were married by another they are required to file the cancellation of the prior Item Matrimonial. If one spouse is widowed, the other (er) must submit their death certificates of the person who was your previous spouse.
  • If one of the potential suitors is a foreign national you need to present your Consular Certificate issued by the Consular Representative of your nation attesting your freedom status.
  • A witness for every partner (present the respective copies of their CI).
  • Certificate of marriage sponsored by civil law along with the photocopies of their wedding cards.

Office Locations and Contacts

Departmental Directorate for Civil Registration and Civil Registry SERECI Offices


SERECI Cochabamba


SERECI Chuquisaca


SERECI Santa Cruz





  • Age The minimum age to marry is men and 14 for females The judge can allow a dispensation in the case of grave and justifiable reasons. All children younger than 18 years old require consent from their parents.
  • Affirmatively not suffering from mental illness: Both partners must be in full mental health. They are not able to marry if they were declared ineligible to apply for Judicial Judgment.
  • The Freedom Status is to be married, the person who is not tied to another person by marriage, and must be divorced, unmarried, or widowed.


In accordance with the Tariff, the Officer is was charged with:

  • Bs. 196 in the event that you held the event in the official office.
  • Bs. 346 in the event that the ceremony was conducted in another location.

These expenses include an official marriage certificate the family book and the deed.


If you want to marry to marry in Bolivia it is necessary to be able to enter the country using the “uso determinedo” visa (pre-determined use visa). You cannot legally married in Bolivia even if you’re on a tourist’s visa.

Foreigners need to apply for official approval by the Bolivian government to get married by an official of Bolivia.

The Information You Need

  • Date of wedding
  • The place of marriage
  • Name of the groom, age, and civil status
  • The names of the parents of the groom’s bride’s father.
  • Name, age, and civil status
  • The names of the parents of bride’s bride’s bride.
  • Witnesses’ names
  • Name and the age of the child prior marriage

The Document is required

The marriage ceremony, which is a ceremony of passage, and a indicator of the status of an adult typically is tied to the creation of new families and is generally expected from all Bolivians.

You must prove before Bolivian officials that you’re no longer married any other person or you’ve never been married , or the divorce process is finalized that your identity has been established and that you have not committed any crime in Bolivia. This can be done by submitting different documents, including an Affidavit of Single-Status in the hands of the Bolivian government in Bolivia or through the Bolivian Embassy.

Information that can be useful

There are two main ceremonies to the Bolivian wedding ceremony: the wedding ceremony in the church, which binds two people before the eyes of God as well as the state ceremony, in which all legal documents are executed (this ceremony is only wedding ceremony legal and must be performed to make the wedding authentic).

Only marriages that are civil in nature are legally recognized in Bolivia. Marriages that are civil can be performed by an official of the civil registry, prior to or following the ceremony of a religious nature. The age of majority for marriage in Bolivia is 21 for men, they are allowed to marry at 16, and women can marry at 14 with the permission of the guardians or parents. There are exceptions for minors who are pregnant and who refuse permission from their parents as well as for orphans (orphans require permission to marry through an official of the Tribunal Tutelar del Menor and from the Juez de Familia).

Other uses for the Document/Certificate

Marriage strengthens the bonds and networks of kin , and creates obligations and reciprocity between the kin groups, including godparents, and other fictional family members of the spouses. The legality of divorce is uncommon in rural areas. Remarried widows and widowers is commonplace and is expected.

External Links

How to Getting Married In Bolivia
How to Getting Married In Bolivia


The marriage is not allowed between close blood relatives and bigamy is against law. The law prohibits marriage to a variety of other people, including those who are mentally disabled. Widows or divorcees, as well as women who have had their marriages annulled can’t remarry before 300 days after the demise of their husband, or when the anniversary of divorce decree’s final ruling or the date of the annulment notice.

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