How to Marriage Certificate In Norway

Marriage Certificate In Norway By Online

  1. To purchase your certificate, you must sign into Altinn Link. Click.
  2. When you make your purchase, you are able to specify if you require the certificate to be issued in English or in a multilingual format or if the certificate is able to be issued in other languages.
  3. Processing of your request should typically take 3 days. Note: Not including postal service.
  4. The certificate will be delivered via mail to the address for postal delivery recorded in the National Registry.

Office Locations and Contacts

Tax Offices

Telephone: 800 80 000 If you are calling from outside the country contact the number +4722 0770 00.For English menu, press 9.

Note: Calls up to 80080000 from an landline in Norway are completely free. If you are calling from a mobile, and for internationally-bound calls, rate of subscription applies.


The register printout can be purchased by the individual who is named on the certificate.

You can only request an original at the National Registry if it was they who issued the certificate, and if you meet the requirements for marriage. If you were married prior to 1 October 2004 then the National Registry will not be capable of processing your request. Instead, you have to contact the wedding administrator to request the marriage certificate. Furthermore, The National Registry can only issue a marriage certificate for marriages conducted according to Norwegian law.

The newlyweds don’t need to make an order for the certificate. It will be delivered to you instantly once you have registered your marriage with National Registry have registered your wedding. However, if you’re in need of a duplicate copy, you may still ask for one.

Processing Time

The processing of your request is expected to take up to three days, but it could take longer when you add the postal service.


You can request an official copy of your certificate on the internet.

Important: If you require confirmation of the marital status of you (single or separated, married or divorced, widowed or divorced) You will require an registration printing instead.


The marriage certificate can be described as a legal document which reveals the name of the spouses, the date and the location of the wedding, and the person who performed the wedding ceremony.

A copy of your marriage certificate is typically required when applying for a passport , or to change your surname in your identity documents. Certificates can be obtained online, but if require evidence for your marriage status (single or separated, married divorced, widowed or divorced) Then you’ll require an official registry printout instead.

This guideline will give you details about how to get an original copy of your marriage certificate.

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