How to Obtain a Certificate of Conformity and Habitability In Benin

 Obtain a Certificate of Conformity and Habitability In Benin By Online

  1. Once the construction works of a warehouse is completed, the owner of the warehouse/architecture has to head to the town hall office, general secretariat office within twenty (20) working days of the completion of the construction work and makes a request for conformity and habitability.
  2. Gather all the necessary forms for application and fill them in accurately. include the required documents and then submit them for verification by the agent responsible . receive the request for a certification of conformity discharge.
  3. The file of application will be sent to the department of town hall responsiblefor the application, who will create a study committee which will arrange an appointment to the warehouse with the applicant in three to five days.
  4. At the scheduled date for inspection an expert committee go to the site to check the warehouse to determine if it is in compliance with the blueprints that were drawn up for the building of the warehouse. They will then write an assessment report.
  5. The application dossier and the findings of the inspection report are then sent to the general secretary’s office for further analysis and taking a decision.
  6. If the general secretariat/authorized officer is certified that all the conditions as set for the application are met, the certificate will be drawn up by the department responsible for issue to the applicant within 10-20 days.
  7. The proprietor of the architectural warehouse visits the town hall office One-Stop Shop for building permits unit. The unit is able to collect certification of conformity as well as habitability to be compared against the request for a certificate of conformity discharge as well as the an identity card issued by the national government.

Required Documents For Obtain a Certificate of Conformity and Habitability 

  • Request a certification for conformity, habitability and habitability.
  • Building permit
  • National identity card

Office Locations and Contacts

Address: Cotonou Benin 03
BP 1777 Cotonou
Telephone: +229 21 32 13 59


  • The person who owns the warehouse or certified architect.


  • There is no charge associated with the services.

Examples of Documents

  • Link“Certificate of Conformity and Habitability”
  • How to Obtain a Certificate of Conformity and Habitability In Benin
    How to Obtain a Certificate of Conformity and Habitability In Benin

Processing Time

  • The estimated processing time between {different steps various steps (cumulatively) is between 14 and 26 days.


  • The application process to obtain the certificate has to be completed by the deadline of 20 (20) calendar days after the completion of construction work.

The Information You Need

  • The full name of the owner of the warehouse
  • Information about the architecture
  • The address of the warehouse
  • Contact information of the architect/owner
  • Building permit details
  • National Identity Card Number

The Document is required

  • Conformity certificate and Habitability demonstrates the post-facto compliance with the town development, sanitation, construction, and safety guidelines in line of the construction permit.


External Links

  • Benin business portal Link

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