How to Obtain a License to Sell, Loan or Deal with Radioactive Material or Radiation Devices In Uganda

Obtain a License to Sell, Loan or Deal with Radioactive Material or Radiation Devices In Uganda By Yourself

  1. To get a license to sell, lend or trade in radioactive Materials or radiation devices The applicant must make contact with the Uganda Radiological Protection Authority.Visit their website at the following Link .
    • The Act obliges anyone who plans to engage in a business of dealing or selling Materials or sources of radiation to approach the Council to obtain authorization.
  2. The applicant must ensure that he is armed with all the necessary documents needed in order for this process in order to succeed.
  3. The payment of fees that are appropriate should be made. The details of the payment is available under on the “Fees” section on this page.
  4. After the completion of this procedure After this process is completed, after which the Authority in the first 30 days of receiving an application for authorisation, the Council must verify by writing that the application is completed and, if there is noted, it will ask the applicant to submit a new application.
  5. The Council is required by Regulation 15(4) to review every application within 90 days.

Required Documents For Obtain a License to Sell, Loan or Deal with Radioactive Material or Radiation Devices

  1. The legal status and the technical capability of the applicant must be met in order for the right to market radioactive materials .
  2. An explanation of the method to be followed by the applicant for marketing radioactive substances.
  3. The time frame for the beginning and end of the building of structures that deal with the business of selling Radioactive material.
  4. The name and the qualifications that of at least one individual designated as radiation safety officer for the purposes of the procedure.
  5. A review of the nature the magnitude, frequency and probability of exposures that are attributed to the practice and its source in the use of radioactive material.
  6. Studies and reports conducted, which include an environmental impact assessment as well as a safety analysis of the practice of selling radioactive materials.
  7. The determination of the physical characteristics and functions of any radioactive substance to be released into the environment, and an evaluation of the doses that resulted to the relevant critical groups.
  8. If the source is that is intended for medical exposure The radiation qualifications protection of medical professionals.
  9. Security and protection measures are required when selling radioactive materials.
  10. The impact that the new practice will have on the public and private concerns that authorize the commercial distribution of goods containing the source material to those who are not licensed.

Office Locations and Contacts

Atomic Energy Council:
The plot 40 Bukoto Street,
P.O. Post 7044 KampalaP.O. Box 7044, Kampala Uganda.
Phone: +256-414-696-333/5 (toll free)


  • Anyone who plans to market or trade in radioactive material devices.


  • The license fees to sell radioactive material are USh.1,148,151


  • The validity period needed for the sale of radioactive material is one calendar year.

Processing Time

  • The processing time for the maximum amount of time to sell radioactive material is 90 days.


  • Any applicant who intends to sell, lend or deal in radioactive Materials or radiation devices must sign up with the Atomic Energy Council , and be aware of the regulations concerning selling or dealing with radioactive material in Uganda.

Requirements Information

  1. Name of the owner
  2. Tel. No
  3. Address
  4. Name of Unit/Dept , and the address of the facility
  5. Contacts, Name and Contacts and License Contacts and Name. No one is accountable for radiation safety
  6. The type of facility
  7. Facility classification
  8. Installation type
  9. Attach a sketch of the building’s architectural design.
  10. A declaration from the owner

The Document is required

  • To offer, lend or handle radioactive material or any radiation device, the person applying for the sale needs to possess this document.

Information that can be useful

  • The Mining Act 2003 repeals and replaces the Mining Act Cap 148, with a new law on mining and mineral development that conforms and implements the applicable requirements in the Constitution.
  • It entrusts control of the ownership and management of all minerals found in Uganda to the Government and allows for mining rights acquisition, as well as other matters related to it.
  • It is vital to keep in mind that the Act confers control and ownership of the entire mineral resources in Uganda to the Ugandan Government. However, Section 4(1) states that, subject to the Act’s provisions, a person is entitled to mine, search for, and remove any mineral from Uganda through the acquisition of that right under and in compliance to the provisions of the Act.All rights acquired through a designated license.

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