How to Obtain a Local Recruitment Permit In Uganda

Obtain a Local Recruitment Permit In Uganda By Online

  1. A person , a partnership or company that plans to operate or conduct operations as local recruiting agency in Uganda must submit a written application in writing to the commissioner for Labour within the Ministry of gender and Labour and social Development to obtain an operational licence.
  2. The labour commissioner must issue an application form that outlines the requirements necessary.
  3. Please fill in the form with your Tax Identification Number, TIN Include the following details.
    • the address and name of the partnership or company.
    • the suggested Local Recruitment Agency;
    • the shareholders and directors in the case of a company;
    • the members, if it’s the partnership
    • the nationality and job of directors the nationality and occupation of the directors, shareholders or partners
    • the proposed location for the offices of the agency for recruitment;
    • A duplicate of the trust deed, or the memorandum and articles association that are registered with the uganda registration services bureau;
    • documents to demonstrate the minimum capital authorized of 10 million shillings.
  4. Fill in the form correctly before sending.
  5. Attach all necessary documents and visit the counter of the bank to pay an amount that is five hundred million Uganda shillings. Then, upon the submission of a bank warrant as well as the necessary fees.
  6. After that, you can submit the application.
  7. The commissioner for labour will when evaluating the application for a license have to be satisfied about:
    • the financial situation and background of the applicant’s financial situation and history;
    • the integrity and competence of the management that is proposed
    • the correctness of the capital structure of the applicant;
    • whether directors or shareholders are convicted of a crime;
  8. The Commissioner for Labour must, within thirty working days from the date of receipt of an application, or if there is no additional information is required or clarification is needed review the documents relevant to the application as well as the office space of the applicant, and write an exhaustive report to support the application.
  9. If the authorities find that the person applying has complied with the conditions of the Regulations the Local Recruitment Permit will be issued an applicant.

NOTE:The bank guarantee required by the Authority is required to cover any legal and valid claims arising out of infractions to the conditions of the grant and usage of the license, and also to make sure that the license is in compliance with the provisions of these Regulations and any other terms that the Administration could deem necessary to require.

Required Document For Obtain a Local Recruitment Permit

  1. the address and name of.
    • the recruitment agency that is proposed;
    • the directors and shareholders in the case of a company;
    • the members, if it’s the partners, if it is a partnership
  2. the nationality and job of directors the nationality and occupation of the directors, shareholders or partners
  3. the location where the offices of the agency for recruitment;
  4. A duplicate of the deed to partnership, or the memorandum or articles of association, which are registered with Uganda Registration Services Bureau;
  5. Documentary evidence to prove that the company has an authorized capital of 10 million Uganda shillings.
  6. for the case of a partnership, certified income tax returns for the last one year, and a bank account with a balance of at least ten thousand Uganda shillings;
  7. when it comes to the case of a newly formed business, that the firm has an account with that it has a balance in the bank of at least 10 million Uganda shillings.
  8. for companies that are already established with a verified financial statement, tax returns for income for the previous two years and an account that shows the balance is not less than 10 million Uganda shillings.
  9. Certification from the Per-Employment Services provided by the Administration on the existence of markets that are not yet established.
    • Master or standard employment contracts;
    • A special power of attorney/service agreements;
    • Manpower demand from indicating qualifications, wages and amount of workers required;
    • Other documents that the Administration may deem important.
    • The contract of employment (EC).

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development
Head Office
Plot 2, Simbamanyo House, George St
P.O.Box 7136, Kampala, Uganda. Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 256414347854
Mail Address
Web site: link


  • Ugandan citizens and partnerships, or companies that have been authorized to vote capital stock comprising 51% are owned and managed by Ugandan citizens.
  • Minimum capitalization is Uganda Shillings 10 million (USh10 100,000/=) for the formation of a partnership, and a minimum capitalization paid-up of Uganda. Shillings 10 million (USh10,000,000=) for an entity as well as
  • Anyone who is not disqualified under laws or regulations of the government to take part in the hiring and placement for Ugandan employees locally.


Application Fees:

  • The agency for internal recruitment – 100,000
  • Internal Recruitment Agency: (Category A – Agency seeking skilled workers 1,000,000 Ugx,
  • Category B-Agency that recruits unskilled/manual employees up to 200,000 Ugx)
  • Filling Fees of 100,000 Ugshs.


1 year Internal Recruitment Agency.

Processing Time

Maximum Processing Time: 1 Month


  1. One cannot conduct business as a recruiting agent on the territory of Uganda with no valid License.
  2. A person cannot be granted a licence to be an employment agency in Uganda in the absence of an entity registered by the Partnership Act of Uganda or an entity which is incorporated under Companies Act of Uganda.
  3. A company is prohibited from engaging in any other activity outside of the one stipulated within its permit.
  4. The license will be valid for one year after the date of issue unless it is earlier cancelled or suspended.
  5. A person is not allowed to give the licence to another business, partnership, or individual.
  6. Anyone who is dissatisfied with a decision made by the Administration under the regulations may within 30 days of receiving notification of the determination, submit a request to the Minister to request a review or a review.

Requirements Information

  • Name of the agency that employs you.
  • The physical address for the property
  • Contact information for the agency.
  • Contact numbers and names of directors.
  • The Head Office and the branches
  • The nature of the job e.g skilled or untrained
  • Employment services of various types e.g Permanent or temporary work.
  • Business sector , in which the agency will operate.
  • Bank account details
  • The Payroll System to be employed
  • The number of people who are employed.

Information that could be helpful

The agencies that recruit in this category do not need legally registered.

  • to a partnership, company or partnership to a partnership or company that has been blacklisted an organization or partnership that was blacklisted by Internal Security Organization or the Administration as having a negative record;
  • to a company to a partnership whose employees or partners are suspect of or were indicted for unlawful recruitment
  • to an organization to a company whose directors, shareholders and employees have been accused or accused of illegal recruitmentpractices;
  • to a recruitment company that has had its licence previously suspended by the Administration in violation or the Regulations of Recruitment.
  • The permit to recruit is subject to such 210 requirements as the Commissioner may impose and is revoked at any time with good reason.

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