How to Obtain an Nationality In Iran

Obtain an Nationality In Iran By Online

  • Collect all documents that you’ll need for the purpose of obtaining Iranian Nationality.
  • Fill in your request form.
  • Fill out the form completely, together with the other documents.

Required Documents For Obtain an Nationality

  • Application form completed to apply for Iranian Nationality The application forms must be signed and signed by the person applying for it.
  • Original copy and photocopy of the applicants most recent academic diploma(s)/documents.
  • Original copy and two copies of Identification and citizenship papers as well as documents belonging to the applicant and his/her spouses.
  • Three (3) 6x4cm ID photographs from the person applying (along with the negatives) not more than six months old. (Full face with a front view white background, clear eyes, not wearing a cap, glasses or neck scarves, with the possible exception of hijab and headscarves women). The applicant should remember to provide their personal information on the reverse of the photo.
  • Six (6) 6x9cm group photographs from the spouse of applicant, and/or children(under 18 if they’re of a foreign national)
  • Original copy, and two photocopies of marriage certificates.

Office Locations and Contacts

Ministry of Foreign AffairsAddress: Imam Khomeini Street Tehran, Iran
Phone: 009821 61151
Fax: 009821 66743149
Iranian Missions Abroad


The article 979 in the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran stipulates that “Individuals have the right to acquire Iranian citizenship if they:

  • Are at the Age of 18.
  • For five years, I have lived either continuously or intermittently during the five years in Iran.
  • Aren’t Draft Dodgers (Deserters of military service)
  • There is no country where I have been found guilty of non-political major misdemeanours or felonies.

Note Notification. 2., the time of residence in other countries that are part of the Service of the Iranian Government is considered to be the residence of Iran.

Documents to Utilize

Formulary to apply for Iranian Nationality

The Document is required

  • Nationality is the bond between an individual and a state , or an alliance of states. Possession of nationality/citizenship is normally associated with the right to work and live in a country and to participate in political life. Naturalization is a method to obtain a different nationality from the nationality of your origin.
  • Here are the steps on how to obtain Iranian Nationality.

External Links

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran:



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